Remember Jessie?

Teach me


-"Unnie I am so thankful that you invited me to that movie but don't you think that you could told me about it  sooner..I mean 30 minutes before ..I was kind of panicked" Yulhee said while looking at Emi

-"I know....It's Yoongi oppa's fault though..He told me about the movie when we were at school and he didn't tell me  it was  tonight!!And he texted me 45 minutes ago..." Emi stretched her arm so that the screen of her mobile phone was in front of Yulhee's face and started saying what was written it the message "Hey..I might have forgotten to tell you..We are going at the movies tonight...When I say tonight I mean in 45 minutes from now..Don't hate me..See you there..."

-"hahahaha that oppa..." Yulhee shook her head

-"And we even got here before them..." Emi crossed her arms

-"Sorry for being late" Jungkook said

    He had just arrived and Yulhee was feeling her heart beating already just from the sight of him..He was so handsome.He was wearing just an oversized white hoodie and a pair of jeans but they looked so good on him. Without noticing she formed a sheepish smile while looking at him.He glared at her and she looked down.From that incident at the party and then she kept thinking that  Jungkook not just doesn't like her in a romantic way but either in a friendly way.

-"Hey Jungkook,where is your hyung?"asked Emi

-"Noona you sound angry..." 

-"Hell yeah I am! He texted me that the movie was tonight ...50 minutes ago...And Yulhee here wanted to look prettier for.." at that time Yulhee elbowed Emi who stopped for a second "It's not important why she wanted to look prettier, the important thing is she didn't have the time..."

-"Relax noona..And she can't be prettier anyway..."

-"Is that a compliment I hear?"said Emi while smiling at Jungkook,Yulhee couldn't believe she just heard that

-"Nope.To be prettier you need to be pretty first..." Jungkook looked at Yulhee "something you aren't" he faked a smile

-"Wow Jungkook what happened to you?That wasn't nice at all..."said Emi

-"It's okay..he is just teasing me unnie" said Yulhee and tried so hard to smile but failed

-"Yeah yeah whatever...Oh!Look!It's hyung!" said Jungkook and pointed at Suga who was running towards them

-"Finally!" said Emi

-"Baby..don't be angry at me~"said Suga in a cute way and pulled her in a tight hug.

   Emi was shocked ,she couldn't move at all,his cologne was smelling really good and she could feel her heart beating like crazy.Somehow she managed to speak.

-"What are you.."she whispered but was interrupted from Suga

-"I am sorry but that Jessie girl we saw the other day is here...So can you pretend to be my ...girlfriend" Suga whispered at her ear,he didn't know why but his heart started beating faster than it should be as he was waiting for Emi's answer.

-"Ok." said Emi ,she somehow felt bitter

-"Thanks" said Suga and pulled away from the hug "Am I forgiven now?" he smiled at her

-"Not yet"she said and pointed at her cheek.

    Suga smiled and leaned closer and kissed her on the cheek.Emi formed a sheepish smile.

-"What's happening..?Did we miss something?"whispered Yulhee to Jungkook

-"I don't know..."he turned to look at Yulhee only to see a familiar figure at the end of the road staring at them."Maybe that's why..."

-"That's why what?"

-"Well don't look but there is a noona at the end of the road  and she is obsessed with Suga hyung.Hyung told us that Emi pretended to be his girlfriend once to save him from her..." said Jungkook

-"How romantic..."said Yulhee while giggling

-"Eh?She is a stalker!How is this romantic?"

-"I mean Emi unnie and Suga oppa... while pretending to be a couple they will fall in love with each other..." Yulhee sighed

-"You live on your own fairytale.."Jungkook looked at her

-"Yeah....but you know my prince charming is really slow and won't come any time soon..but I 'll be waiting for him no matter what you tell him to hurry the up!" Yulhee said and stared at Jungkook who shook his head,she thought that she saw him smile but she wasn't sure...

-"Guys let's go! The movie is about to start!"said Emi and started walking, Suga with a smooth move grabbed her hand.She looked at him and smiled.The two of them got inside while holding hands with Yulhee and Jungkook following them.

   They sat on their seats in this order from left to right Suga,Emi,Yulhee,Jungkook. This movie was about a girl who saw her boyfriend cheating on her and she killed herself. Her spirit was back and wanted revenge from him..It was quite a scary movie and the two girls where having a hard time.There was that one scene where the girl was kissing the guy and he was scared because although she was dead he could feel her and he couldn't move at all,she didn't let him. Yulhee couldn't handle the agony and grabbed Jungkook's hand and kept squeezing it through the whole scene. Emi on the other side had her eyes wide open and she was holding really tight the arm chair,seeing that Suga decided to take her hand and hold it. The movie ended ,Suga and Jungkook looked satisfied but the girls looked terrified.

-"It could have had more blood but it was okay.."said Jungkook and Suga nodded

-"More blood?Every time that girl talked blood was running from ...!"Emi said

-"Nah..that's nothing.."said Suga 

-"I am leaving now..."said Jungkook but before he could continue he was interrupted by Emi

-"Jungkook can you walk Yulhee home?It's late and me and Suga are going the other way..." Jungkook looked annoyed, he looked at Emi who was looking at him with her puppy eyes and then at Suga who was glaring at him.He had no choice..

-"Ok."he said 

-"Yay" Emi smiled big "Let's go Yoongi oppa I am in a hurry"she said and pushed him

-"Bye guys " said Suga and Emi waved at them

   When Suga and Emi were quite far and Yulhee and Jungkook couldn't see them anymore, Emi turned and looked at Suga and then she started laughing and dancing like crazy .

-"Are you possessed or something?" Suga looked at her confused

-"Nah...I am just happy that Jungkook and Yulhee will get some alone time..It's so good that know when you are helping someone.." Emi smiled 

-"Because you are helping Yulhee with Jungkook ,right?"


-"And if you knew that Jungkook isn't a nice guy will you still help them?"

-"What do you mean?I know Jungkook can be mean sometimes but he isn't a bad guy!"

-"I am not talking about Jungkook  only ,more like a general question.." he looked her in the eyes waiting for her answer

-"Well I would warn Yulhee first and if she still wanted me to help her I would..You know in life you need to make your own decision and if this ends up bad it's not like your world ends...I mean we are still in high school and that's a crush we are talking may look like a big deal to us now but it isn't..."

-"Wow you  really are mature sometimes" 

-"Well I am trying.."she giggled "But I also love to enjoy little things...Now Yoongi oppa tell me what do you think about Jungkook and Yulhee?" Emi was jumping around again

-"Here we go again.."Suga sighed "I think they look good together and it's true that Jungkook needs a cute ,joyfull girl in his life like Yulhee.I think he is trying to act older than his age and that's not good...but..."

-"But what?"

-"Well I can tell Jungkook knows that Yulhee has a crush on him ..He is that kind of guy to make the first move so if he liked her back he would have already done something...But he didn't."

-"Oh....That's bad..."Emi sighed

-"But something that bothers me is that Jungkook is really mean to her,more like he is trying to force her to dislike him.."


-"He maybe don't want her to be hurt?"

-"But he is kind of hurting her right now..."

-"Yeah but if he can make her dislike him she won't be hurt in the future anymore.But if she keeps falling for him even more day by day ,that would be more painful..."

-"So.....That means he cares about her!Yesssssssssss!" Emi shouted and started dancing again

-"That's an awesome ability you have there..."

-"Eh?" Emi stopped and stared at him

-"I love how you can take positive notes out of everything..." he smiled and pinched her cheek

 With Yulhee and Jungkook

-"Can you please walk slower..."Yulhee said while she was trying to catch up with Jungkook

-"Or you can walk faster...." he said

-"I can't anymore...I am  chasing you 5 minutes already. I am tired"

-"Okay we can continue to walk like that..Me as fast as I want and you as slow as you want.."

-"But I am going to be left behind like that.."


   Yulhee felt her insides burning from frustration,"why was Jungkook such a jerk to her" she kept thinking.She put as much energy she had left and started running towards Jungkook,she caught up with him but she didn't stop there.She passed him and kept running and when she was like 10 meters in front of him she turned around to look at him.

-"Jungkook you need to be faster,you are going to be left behind.."she put her tongue out

-"Really?" he smiled to himself "You know I can see how tired you are and If I start running right now who do you think would be left behind?"he said and started running

-"He is really fast" whispered Yulhee looking at Jungkook running towards her "Sh*t he is going to let me here alone and I am so scarred after this movie..I need to run" Yulhee thinking of how scared she would be to be left alone in this kind of place she started running and screamming.She saw Jungkook passing by and she could feel her heart beating but this time because of how scared she was to be left alone! "Jungkook I am sorry!!! Please don't let me here I am scared!"she yelled,she couldn't run anymore she was exhausted and she stopped. She took all the courage she had and looked towards Jungkook,he had stopped too.She felt so happy about it.

-"You are such a cry baby.." he said "Here I am waiting.." he looked at her and she smiled at him "Don't get your hopes up, I am only scared of what Suga hyung and Emi noona are going to do to me if they learn that I left you behind.."

-"Okay."she said and kept smiling at him,even bigger now because he found him so cute..

-"And stop smiling like creeps me out..."

-"Okay"she said and made a cute sad face,looking at her Jungkook chuckled but he pretend he was choking..

-"Are you trying to act cute?"

-"Well it's working..."said Yulhee with confidence, Jungkook didn't answer

   After 5 minutes they were outside Yulhee's house.

-"Finally..Have a good night ,take care and blah blah blah...I am leaving now..Bye.." said Jungkook and started walking

-"Jungkook wait!" Jungkook stopped and looked at Yulhee who was walking towards him.

    When she was close to him she took a deep breath and hugged him, she did it so quick that Jungkook didn't have the time to react ,he  just looked at her as she pulled away from the hug

-"What was that for?"

-"To thank you for waiting for me...I feel safe around you..." Yulhee blushed

-"Yulhee listen.."he took a deep breath "I don't want you to get hurt more because of me. I am not  feeling the same  way towards you as you are feeling towards me..."

-"I know..." he looked at her confused

-"Then why are you acting like this?"

-"Because I can't quit like this...You know I like you more than I thought and I am not going to give up on you so easily...But I am going to be less annoying from now on so I won't make you mad anymore...Bye prince charming!" she said and winked at him .

 Jungkook was standing there watching her getting in her house,he was trying to proceed what she had told  him. That didn't go as he wanted it to go.He started walking ,every step he made he was dragged even deeper in his thoughts.The only thing that was on his mind right now was Yulhee  and maybe that he was kind of thirsty from all this running and back again thinking about her because she made him run....

-"Ugh....Why am I thinking about her?"he yelled in frustration "and I am thirsty too" he sighed

-"Here" Jungkook saw V throwing him a bottle of watter "Just leave some for me too "

-"Hyung what are you doing here?"asked Jungkook and took some sips of water

-"I was on a date with Lila...Everything looks so bright right now..."

-"Hyung it's 12:30,it's dark" said Jungkook looking at the sky

-"Poor kid , you need to fall in love to understand.."said V without looking at him

-"That won't happen anytime soon..."said Jungkook but V just ignored him

-"You know I want to listen to that song so badly.."

-"What song...?"

-"This " said V and put a song on his mobile phone

-"Oh..that song.."It was Kinetic Flow's "the forest of dreams".Jungkook put the bottle in front of his mouth and started singing with V  " The adrenaline pulsing through the sky..".




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Thelimechopstick #1
Chapter 25: AW :( did hoseok remained single HAHAHAH
Firdha223 #2
Chapter 25: OMG! Cool ending.....
I never knew that the ending would be so great...

Thanks for the story..
Authornim jjang!
Firdha223 #3
Chapter 22: Yeah right... perfect date is sleeping on the bed all day.....
Well for me that is really romantic.... <3 <3 cuz i love sleeping too!

Once again i like your idea here authornim....and yes yoongi oppa love to sleep though
Firdha223 #4
Chapter 20: My GWUAAAAATH.....BTS Fighting? Yoongi oppa so cool...and he he can slow the enemy motion like in the anime?

Authornim you're so cool....I like the story plot so much....
Authornim jjang! Yoongi oppa jjang!
Firdha223 #5
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaa......yoongi oppa.....OMG! What? Shirtless and...backhug? was too much! can't breath! OH MY GOD!
Firdha223 #6
Chapter 9: cool....i like the mission!

Ah ...and yoongi oppa code is so funny but great..what is it again?
"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize"
I like the imagination...

Keep reading now..
Fardiah #7
Chapter 25: wow!!! AWSOME story you did a great job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 25: Wooo Good ending
Chapter 25: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! YAY