The frustration hideout

Teach me

Emi's POV


    Oh my...What time is it?What?10:30 am? Crap! I am late for school!! Wait a minute......Yessssssssssss....It's Saturday b*tchezzzzzzzz....I almost forgot  hahaha..What should I do today,I have no plans at all...I should ask Lila if she wants to go for a walk or something...Now where is my phone again...Oh here!Holy sh*t.... Kris sent me a message!

"Hey there beautiful..Are you awake?" I giggled reading that

"I am awake now... :-)"  Was that enough?Maybe I should have said something more...Nah...that's fine .I am playing the hard to get chick anyways...

"Yay~ Had a good sleep?Maybe dreaming about someone?"

"Maybe...  :-P"

"Does his name starts with K and ends with ris?" hahhahaha What am I even suppose to say now?

"I don't really remember... "

"Hmmm ...Then it wasn't me.... because I am unforgettable.... ;-)"  And that's what I like to call high self esteem ladies and gentlemen....

"Yep and modest too... :-P"

"Do  I sense sarcasm here? Anyway I was wondering  if  you want to hang out with me in the afternoon,grab some coffee maybe...?I am going to have a heart attack right now

"Sounds good :-) But how about a walk at the park? I haven't enjoyed a sunset for a while..."

"Okay whatever you want princess.."   Oh stop it you asfhgdvdfgfhdv....

"So..let's say... 6pm at the park .."

"I 'll be waiting ... ;-)"  I am not going to reply to that!

    There was only one thing that came on my mind and that was... "I need to tell Yoongi oppa" I yelled. I got up from the bed ,I washed my face,I put my bra ,because I am sleeping without one, I also wore my long white T-shirt.I quickly opened the door and runed outside. I was in front of Yoongi oppa's door and started ringing the bell...I was lucky that his parents were on a trip. I heard Yoongi oppa cursing ,he opened the door with force.In front of my eyes there was a half awake and half Yoongi oppa, I couldn't help to notice that he had a nice body, he has toned abs and he has big shoulders, his  upper body looks something like that  \ /  ,I am not sure how it's called though... and DARN was his arm muscles always like that?I started blushing madly with the sight in front of me.

    He saw me blushing and he follow my gaze, when he realized where I was looking he tried to cover himself but then a smirked formed in his lips.

-"Can you see now the benefits of having such a hot neighbor as me ?" he leaned closer and judging from the way my heart is beating it's going to explode any moment from now! EVERYBODY GET DOWN!

-"Y...Yah! Yoongi oppa what are you doing?"I pushed him a little so I could get in his house. I stood with my hands covering my eyes "I need to say something to you so please put a shirt on.."

-"But it's hot and I am feeling better without a shirt on..." he had closed the door and I could sense him standing behind me

-"It's not  that hot ,actually I am kind of freezing right now..." that's not true of course because I was burning inside but I said so...." So put your shirt on" I said that with my hands still covering my eyes

-"So you are freezing.....Let me help you then..." he said that and the next thing I felt was his arms around my shoulders ,his breath on my neck and his right cheek touching the left side of my head "Better now?" he asked that while he was giving me the first backhug I ever had from a boy.For him maybe that was nothing but for me....Well I couldn't take it anymore,my heart was beating so fast that I was afraid he could hear it...What was he doing to me exactly?

-"What's gotten into you ? I just came to tell about me texting with Kris but what are you doing exactly right now..?Just put a shirt on please!" I just yelled ,I didn't know what else to do, I was also frustrated with myself for feeling that way.

It worked because Yoongi oppa loosen his grib on me.

-"Ok" he whispered and went to his bedroom to put a shirt on

  As he was leaving I examined his face ,he didn't have that smirk anymore he looked sad ...Was I too much for yelling at him? But you know for him a tease like that could  mean nothing because he is used to do skin ship with girls and all.... But for me it's a big deal... I am not used to things like that and I can't just take it as something ordinary, alright? Maybe I am just  antisocial but Yoongi oppa has a weird effect on me and  that makes me really confused some times...Even now I just don't know what to say after all this..Ugh..Yoongi oppa...I am going to act like this never happened ,it looks like the best thing to do right now...He is back,with a shirt this time ...

-"Better now...." I smiled at him "As I was saying today Kris texted me...."

-"Good...." he sat on the couch and motioned me to sit beside him,and that's what I did

-"Here take a look" I said and gave him my phone

-"hahaha what a mysterious woman..." he looked at me

-"Can you stop?That's embarrassing...!"

-"But you did well...."

-"I think so too...And it's all thanks to you teacher" he smiled at me,his gummy smile can melt hearts for sure...what am I even thinking?Stop it Emi! "I am going now ...I need to get ready.."

-"But you said to meet at 6 pm and now it's 12 am ,it's really..."

-"LATE!" I stood up from the couch, how can time goes so fast?It's 12 am already

-"I was about to say early...How can 6 hours not being enough?"

-"You don't understand,I need to call Lila and told her about it and then we are going to fangirl about this together...then she is going to tell me something about V and we are going to fangirl again.That should take at least one hour...Then I am going to take a shower and Lila will come help me choose the right clothes.Two hours for that.And then it goes hair and make up and the most important thing...."

-"I feel tired already!"

-"Fangirling again!!!"

-"Yeah that makes sense...NOT" 

-"Thanks again Yoongi oppa...See yah!" I said and runed to my house to call Lila

     5.45 pm with V and Lila at a basketball court

Narrator's POV

-".....and I was telling her that she was better with that dress but noooo...Of course Emi won't listen to me.Eventually I gave up and she wore a pair of shorts and a beautiful white blouse, which I gave her or else she was going to wear one which had a huge Nemo on the front "

-"Oh..she must love fishes.."

-"Baby that's not the point....!"

-"And you also were late ,I was waiting for you 45 minutes.And I am still here, can you see how much I like you?" said V while trying to act angry at Lila

-"I know...But I couldn't let her go with that fish...Ugh..You are right to be angry with me and I am sorry." Lila surprised V and gave him a little peck on the lips "And that's because I am so happy that you didn't leave" 

-"How could I? I am not even capable of being mad at you for 5 minutes..."he said and kissed her nose "my girl is so cute" he pinched both her cheeks

-"Taehyung why are we here?"

-"That's because I wanted you to know about our frustration-hideout.That's the place when all of us,I mean BTS, come when something is troubling us.."

-"So you call each other and meet up here...?"

-"Nope..We just come here without saying anything..How should I explain that to you...When I have something in my mind that troubles me, I am coming here.If I see another BTS member here it means he has a problem too and we talk about it or we play some basketball so we can forget about it...If I am the only one here ...well I know that's going to sound weird but somehow every time one of us has a problem and comes here he always find another member practically I have never been alone in here..."

-"That sounds so cool....You guys are like a family..."

-"Maybe..."V smiled to himself

-"Hey there my alien couple..."

-"Jin oppa that's not funny...."said Lila looking towards Jin who had just entered the court

-"Well I find it funny...And I really like that cute face you have when you are teased.."said Jin and pinched her nose

-"Hyung don't pinch my girlfriend's nose! I am the only one who can do that!"said V 

-"Look at him being all jealous at his hyung..."said Jin and shook his head "V let's play a match...! If it's alright with you of course..."asked Jin while looking at Lila,he looked troubled...

-"No problem Jin oppa,but just so you know I am rooting for my boyfriend!" 

-"Life can be so cruel ..."he faked a hurt expression and grabbed the ball

-"Thanks babe..." said V and gave her a light kiss on the lips before running towards Jin

      While they were playing Lila was thinking about what happened.Jin looked troubled and that's why he came here,the thing that amazed her the most was that he came here the exact time she and V were here..It was like V said... no one has ever been here alone...

-"That fangirling thing must requires too much energy,you look really tired" Lila looked up and saw Suga

-"Hello to you too Suga oppa"said Lila and Suga smiled at her "You can't even imagine the amount of energy I have lost...You are here too..."


-"That means something troubles you too..."

-"I guess V told you about this place.." he smiled again

-"Yes...Am I being too much if I ask you what is troubling you? Well I think it has to do with Emi and maybe I can help...If  I am being too much I am sorry.."

-"Don't worry, you aren't too much....You are just a smart girl who saw first what I couldn't see I guess.." Suga sat beside Lila

-"You are irritated with Emi going on a date with Kris, right?"Suga nodded "Because you..."Lila looked at him,he took a deep breath

-"because I like her...I know now...I know that every time she was telling me about how happy she was to making progress with Kris it felt like hell to me not because I was just worried about her but because I was jealous too!"

-"Look Suga oppa I am going to be honest with you...I was really against  her liking Kris but that happened and I just want my friend to be happy..She looks happy now that things are going well with Kris and she owns you a lot for that..." Lila looked at Suga who was looking down while nodding his head in agreement,she took a deep breath and continued " I also can tell that she likes you too but she is really stupid to understand that" Suga looked at Lila and she sighed " I would be on your side on this because I think you are much better for her than that jerk but I also know for fact that If you tell her now that you like her she is going to be a mess."

-"What do you mean?"

-"I mean If you tell her now,while everything is going well with Kris,that you like her... she is going to be confused and feel bad for choosing one  of you and rejecting the other and that will destroy her happiness because... well  she is that kind of"

-"kind... and she is always thinking about the others...right?"


-"I know...That's why I am not doing anything right now.I want her to be happy too"

-"Suga oppa you are awesome, I am happy my friend has someone like you..."

-"I am happy to have her too, even as a friend..." said Suga and smiled at Lila

-"Hyung you came too?" asked V who sat between Suga and Lila,he looked tired.He stretched his arm and then put it behind Lila's head and then on her left shoulder and pulled her closer to him.

-"Now you are even jealous of Suga?"asked Jin who sat beside Lila on the other side from where V was sitting.V pulled Lila even closer to him and showed Jin his tongue. "Aish that kid...."said Jin

-"Hyung what happened?" asked Suga

-"You say first kid...Your's looks worst"said Jin

-"Emi is on a date with Kris..."said Suga and Jin and V nodded as they understood why he was like that

-"You guys knew about it?" Lila asked

-"Well he never told us but  we are friends for so long and we just know him...."said V

-"And now you are not going to do anything so you can let her live her dream with Kris, right?"Jin looked at Suga and he nodded

-"Maybe that's better for her..." said V and patted his back

-"I hope so..."Suga sighed "Hyung your turn now..."

-"Well Ellin was dating a guy and she broke up with him,I don't know why though...Anyways the thing is that he keeps threaten her and I am so worried about her..And she doesn't want my help..Why?What did I do wrong?" Jin grabbed the ball and threw it with force, he was so frustrated!

-"Maybe she likes you too and that's why she broke up with that guy..." said Suga 

-"Nah...she only likes to tease me that's all...And what do you mean with that..... like you TOO? I don't like her!"

-"Yeah right hyung...."said V

-"Jin oppa I have a question...If there was  a really cold weather  and both you and Ellin unnie were in a room but both of you were barefoot and her feet were freezing..."


-"Would you give her your pink socks,you know the ones with the super mario on them?"

-"Of course" said Jin not even thinking twice and V opened his mouth in surprise

-"Lila seriously?That's how you plan to make him understand his own feelings?That's not going to..."Suga was interrupted by Jin

-"Oh sh*t you are right,I really like her! I would even give her my favorite socks.." Suga facepalmed himself

-"It's okay hyung...Now you know..." said V 

  There was a noise coming from the other way,it was like two people were arguing. They were JiminB and Rapmonster...As soon as they saw the others they walked towards them....

-"What happened to you?" asked Suga

-"It's all hyung's fault" said JiminB and pointed at Rapmonster

-"How should I know, I was just saying the truth...You are no fun! You got no jams!" said Rapmonster and JiminB glared at him

-"In front of all my classmates.....!Really hyung?" said JiminB

-"Is that all? You are angry just because your classmates heard it?"asked Suga

-"What do you mean hyung?He told me that yesterday and today my desk was full with jars of jam,they even gave me  homemade ones ..."

-"Cool, did you bring any?"asked V

-"No I didn't bring any V! And that's not the only thing,he liked what he said and now he keeps repeating it! I am going crazy really! I even threw all the jars!!"

-"So practically now..." everyone paused and looked at V who was talking"  YOU GOT NO JAMS" said  V

-"Exactly!" said Rapmonster while clapping 

-"Lila I am sorry,I am going to  kill your boyfriend.."said JiminB and walked towards V "But don't worry I am going to introduce you to someone else,they are relatives in a way.His name is E.T, you will like him" and with that JiminB started chasing V around the court "Rapmonster hyung after him it's your turn!"yelled JiminB


Really guys it means a lot to me that you are still reading my story, I was so afraid that you are going to get bored...

And Yay 17 subscribers!!!

Thank you so much!!!

See you next time....


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Thelimechopstick #1
Chapter 25: AW :( did hoseok remained single HAHAHAH
Firdha223 #2
Chapter 25: OMG! Cool ending.....
I never knew that the ending would be so great...

Thanks for the story..
Authornim jjang!
Firdha223 #3
Chapter 22: Yeah right... perfect date is sleeping on the bed all day.....
Well for me that is really romantic.... <3 <3 cuz i love sleeping too!

Once again i like your idea here authornim....and yes yoongi oppa love to sleep though
Firdha223 #4
Chapter 20: My GWUAAAAATH.....BTS Fighting? Yoongi oppa so cool...and he he can slow the enemy motion like in the anime?

Authornim you're so cool....I like the story plot so much....
Authornim jjang! Yoongi oppa jjang!
Firdha223 #5
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaa......yoongi oppa.....OMG! What? Shirtless and...backhug? was too much! can't breath! OH MY GOD!
Firdha223 #6
Chapter 9: cool....i like the mission!

Ah ...and yoongi oppa code is so funny but great..what is it again?
"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize"
I like the imagination...

Keep reading now..
Fardiah #7
Chapter 25: wow!!! AWSOME story you did a great job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 25: Wooo Good ending
Chapter 25: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! YAY