Finally the truth

Teach me

Suga's POV

    Well ...Yulhee told Emi and she is coming here,I feel so bad for making her worry over me..Darn!...I punched the table out of frustration and everyone turned and looked at me.

-"Yoongi oppa would you mind not creating new wounds to yourself?I will have to treat them too!Thanks..." said Yulhee

-"Chill girl,don't talk to my hyung like that!"Jungkook looked furious, well she was kind of ironic with that comment but he was overdoing it too,our maknae is really overreacting now..

-"Chill?Me? I don't need to chill! You guys are selfish!" I could see the anger in her eyes..Us?selfish?Why?

-"Us? Selfish?You don't even know why we were fighting for?"Jungkook stood up

-"All I know is that you don't think of how worried people around you became when you guys do stuff like that or how sad they will be if something really bad happens to you..!" I could definitely tell that her words were towards Jungkook even if she tried to make it look like she was talking to all of us,she must be really worried about him..poor girl.

-"It's not your problem !You are not someone close to us so stop acting like a b*tch.." Damn that kid sometimes can spit some harsh words..

   Everyone is looking at Jungkook with big eyes.Yulhee took a deep breath,her eyes looked so soulless right now..

-"I guess you are right..sorry for caring about you guys..." She is now starring at Jungkook and he looks like he is regretting a little bit what he said earlier

-"Well sorry for making you worried..."said Rapmonster and she smiled at him and the rest of us murmured some more sorry except  Jungkook who casually sat on the couch again,that stubborn brat.

  The door bell rang and Yulhee asked me to open the door because she was busy treating Jin's wounds. I opened the door while praying that it was Lila or Jimin but nope..It was Emi! Her cheeks were red and she was breathing hard ,she looked like she was running for days.She looked up at me,it was awkward I didn't know what to say nor what to do ,I just stayed still. She seemed relieved and her lips form a sheepish smile..Then...then she hugged me,she hugged me so tight that the right side of her head was pushing my chest and her arms were around my waist.I hugged her back ,I was sure she could hear my heart beating but I didn't care....

-"Yoongi oppa I am so happy that you are alright" she said and closed her eyes and I could feel myself blushing us I was staring her beautiful face.

-"Hey how can you be so worried?You know I am a strong man!I knocked them all out by myself" I can hear Jimin coughing from behind "Well the others helped too..." she pulled away from the hug and she looked straight in my eyes

-"Did they punch you in the stomach?"

-"Nah..Only in the fac...Ugh! Why did you do that?" Ouch that hurt a little,she punched me in the stomach WTF?

-"To give you a lesson! Don't you dare to scare me like that ever again!" she walked towards living room and looked the rest of the guys"That goes to you too!" they nodded while looking down and I could see Yulhee smiling.

-"Exactly!" I turned around to see Lila with her arms crossed while tapping her foot angrily on the floor.

-"Baby~" I saw V running towards her and trying to hug her.

-"Baby my a** ! I am really angry at you right now! You scared the crap out of me" she said and stopped him from hugging her

-"I am sorry..I really am but it was for a good reason..." Lila glared at him "No no no I don't mean that it's  good to fight... I mean we had to fight for that thing because we needed to protect an important person to us,there was no other way..Please believe me baby,I didn't want you to worry about me..." 

-"So...You were going to give me a hug before I stopped you...You don't want it anymore,right?" said Lila and looked away,V smiled to himself and hugged her so tight that she couldn't breath "I havrent forgrivdu yect"

-"Sorry what did you say?" said V and let her from the hug,Lila breathed first and then talked again.

-"I haven't forgiven you yet" she said

-"Oh okay.." said V and hugged her again and kissed her head.

What a weird couple...I saw something moving outside the open door,I walked there without telling anyone to check what  was it. To the right...Nothing.To the left...Oh!

-"Jimin what are you doing here?Come inside"

-"Shh...I can't Yoongi oppa...Dad told me everything..I can't believe that's all my fault..If you guys weren't friends with me you...Ugh...I just wanted to make sure that you guys are okay..I really am sorry! I am going to leave now" she whispered 

-"Jimin look! We are your friends because we want too! We choose to protect you because you really are important to us and especially to Jimin.It's something that we decide to do and not something that you can decide for us..." she looked at the floor "Besides you should have seen your boyfriend telling Bfree that he was going to protect the father of his cute girlfriend...That cheesy kid,It was quite embarrassing..That's something you should apologize for.." she looked up and started laughing

-"Is  my girls beautiful laugh that I am hearing?" said Jimin and came outside

-" are you? Dad told me everything.." there she goes again with that sad expression

-"Happy,really happy!!!" me and Jimin looked at him like he was crazy "Do you know that your dad said that he likes me? My father-in-law can be so sweet sometimes..." I smiled to mysef,I knew what he was doing,that cheesy kid...Better to leave them alone..

At Kris's house with Leo ,N,Key

Narrator's POV

  -"That loser!"

-"Wow Kris my friend that's the first time I see you like that!What happened?" asked N who was sitting on the couch 

-"Is something wrong with that girl ?"asked Key who just came in with Leo,Pulip was also with them..

-"Do you want anything Masters?"

-"No,leave!" said Kris and Pulip bowed and walked towards the kitchen

-"You could be nicer..."

-"Shut it Leo,who cares anyways? She is just a maid..." Kris stared at him and Leo looked down while clenching his fist. "Ugh I am going to make her cry,I swear !That loser!"

-"We are talking about Emi now ,right?" asked Key and Kris nodded

-"I was walking her home and she left me...because she said something happened to freaking BTS...she..left! That's it, she is going down! How are the preparations for the party going?"

-"Really good...The only thing left is for you to tell us the details.." said Key

   Kris started explaining them his plan without leaving anything out,even the smallest detail. Everything should be perfect! Key,N and Leo were really focused but they weren't the only ones. Behind the wall Pulip heard everything..When Kris stopped talking she went into the kitchen and grabbed her phone

-"Unnie is something important?Because Jimin is somehow injured and I am taking care of him like a good girlfriend I am!"

-"Jimin-ah where are you right now?Yes it's really important and I want to talk to you ,BTS and Emi face to face. When can we meet all together?"

-"Actually I am with all of them right now,Yulhee and Lila are here too,you know my other friends...We are at Yulhee's house."

-"Send me the address I need to tell you something important!"

-"Okay unnie but you are scarring me..."

-"Just send it okay?"


     Pulip put the phone back in her pocket and went to the living room where Kris and the others were.

-"Master I am going to buy some stuff so I could make you dinner..Is anything you want"

-"Yes ! To leave us alone god damn it! Go wherever you want...!" yelled Kris,Pulip bowed to them and left from the house.

At Yulhee's house

-"I swear guys,my unnie was really weird on the phone before...something must have happened,she is coming here.I hope you don't mind Yulhee"

-"It's okay unnie" said Yulhee

-"And who's that" asked Emi,she was holding a picture with Yulhee and two other guys,one of them was backhugging Yulhee and is the one who Emi was curious about and the other one was looking at them in disgust.

-"My brother and his best friend.." Yulhee flashed a bitter smile

-"Ah...Why is your brother's friend looking at you with disgust though...I mean it's normal for your brother to hugging you" Lila said and everyone was nodding

-"Because that's my brother who is looking at us like that and the one who's hugging me is his friend...."

   Jungkook had this weird feeling in his chest, he was glaring at the picture like he was about to burn it with his mind.

-"That's my friend" said JiminG and elbowed Yulhee "He is really cute!"

-"No no no it's not like that! He only sees me like a little sister and we haven't talk for two years.."

-"Why?" asked  Emi

-"Well ...when my brother died he couldn't handle it.They were really close friends.After two months he left to Germany to his uncle.." everyone was silent in the room,they didn't knew about Yulhee's brother and they were feeling bad for making her talk about it  

-"I am sorry.." Lila whispered

-"Don't be ,it's not your fault! My brother died in a fight,he was always beating people.He and Jun oppa ,his friend, were in a  gang. Every time they came back from a fight I will always treat their wounds and begging them to stop fighting..but one day  only Jun oppa came back ,he kneeled down and told me he was sorry...sorry for not protecting my brother as he should" Yulhee took a deep breath "I know that I was too much for yelling at you before guys but I know how it feels to loose someone like that..How dangerous these fights can be..." Yulhee looked down,Jungkook felt like a jerk for talking to her like that before.

   Suddenly he walked towards her and embrace her in a warm hug ...

-"Sorry for being a jerk...I am happy that you are around" two sentences were enough to make Yulhee's heart beating like crazy.

The bell rang

-"Darn! That ruined the moment!" said JiminG and everyone laughed.

  Yulhee oppened the door..

-"You must be Pulip unnie...I am Yulhee nice to meeting you,please come in"

-"Nice to meeting you too" said Pulip and entered the house "I need to talk to you about Kris"

-"Kris as my boyfriend Kris?" asked Emi and Pulip nodded

-"I am his maid as you know or at least I think you do.." Emi nodded "Well he is not as good as he seems to be,he is pure evil actually..That bastard loves to see people getting hurt..."Emi was hearing Pulip bashing at her boyfriend but why didn't she felt the need to defend him.. "You Emi are his latest victim.." Emi's eyes widen from hearing those words .

-"W...what do you mean?" asked Emi

-"I 've heard them before talking about taking revenge on a girl who spoke bad at N or something but I didn't know for who they were talking about because they won't say a name...Then again they talked about Kris dating that girl and hurt her for revenge but again not a name was said..untill today that they were talking about how to get her at Key's party.Emi it was you! They said your name!"

   Emi felt like time stopped, she could feel her heartbeats on her head, her eyes got teary..She couldn't look at anyones face right now she needed to leave,to go somewhere she could be alone...

-"Thanks for letting me know unnie..Guys I need to go"said Emi and in a blink of the eye she was walking down the stairs.

Suga didn't think too much and runed after her,she saw him and quicken her steps but that wasn't enough...Suga reached and grabbed her wrist , that maked her stop.He turned her around ,she couldn't take it any more and started crying.He looked at her and the urge to find Kris and broke every bone of his became bigger. He calmed down himself because now his priority was to comfort Emi.He hugged her...

-"Please Emi..He doesn't deserve your tears..Don't cry anymore...."he whispered,they stayed for about five minutes like that when Emi finally stopped crying.

-"You are right he doesn't deserve it...And I don't know if I really was in love with him or I just thought so? But even if I wasn't in love.... it still hurts when you feel betrayed..."

-"I know..."

-"But you know what oppa?" Emi pulled away from the hug,wiped her tears and looked at Suga with a big smile "I am okay now! I am not crying anymore for that a**hole! Now I have in my life more important people than him! I have 7 adorkable guyfriends and three really nice girl-friends!"

-"You go Emi"Suga cheered

-"And he was too tall for me anyway!"

-"Definitely!" said Suga again

-"And he had no jams!"

-"Rapmonster took it!"

-"And..and his ego was huge.."

-"Shame on him"

-"And he treats people bad!"

-"That ing bully!"

-"And he was a bad kisser! I bet you are going to be better than him" Emi covered

-"Hell yeah I am..What?"

-"What? Ehm..nothing.." Emi started blushing like crazy

-"Are you imaging me kissing you right now?You look so red...." Suga

-"! Yoongi oppa stop teasing me!"

-"So you are curious to see if I am a good kisser,huh?"

-"Oppa will you stop?" Emi could feel her heart racing

-"You know I only kiss girls that I have fall in love with..."

-"And that's exactly why you won't kiss me..." Emi tried for this to not  come out as a complain but it came out exactly like one

-"Actually that's why I am going to...!"

    Emi was caught off guard when she felt Suga's lips on her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him so he could deepen the kiss.Without noticing Emi wrapped her arms around his neck and grabbed his hair,Emi could feel his lips forming a smirked.She kissed him back ,his lips was smooth and she could smell his cologne ,she felt dizzy and she closed her eyes.She felt Suga nippling he bottom lip and the she felt his tongue,she wasn't sure what to do and she opened to let his tongue entered. His tongue was all over and she was feeling like she was burning alive, as a reflect she pulled his hair and he moaned a little. Emi's heart was about to explode when Suga suddenly broke the kiss. Emi looked at him with a sad face.

-"Don't look at me like that,I was enjoying it too much...I mean TOO MUCH . I was afraid that I was going to do something worst.." Suga rubbed awkwardly his neck and Emi smiled at him "Emi I know I told you before not to fall in love with me but I was the one to break that rule first..I can't help it,I am in love with you! Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

-"Oppa I think I was in love with you even before I date Kris but I just released it now..Of course I want to be your girlfriend!"

-"Great!Now let's go to Yulhee's house and find a way to get revenge on that sh*thead who tried to hurt my girlfriend" said Suga and held Emi's hand.


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See you next time guys....




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Thelimechopstick #1
Chapter 25: AW :( did hoseok remained single HAHAHAH
Firdha223 #2
Chapter 25: OMG! Cool ending.....
I never knew that the ending would be so great...

Thanks for the story..
Authornim jjang!
Firdha223 #3
Chapter 22: Yeah right... perfect date is sleeping on the bed all day.....
Well for me that is really romantic.... <3 <3 cuz i love sleeping too!

Once again i like your idea here authornim....and yes yoongi oppa love to sleep though
Firdha223 #4
Chapter 20: My GWUAAAAATH.....BTS Fighting? Yoongi oppa so cool...and he he can slow the enemy motion like in the anime?

Authornim you're so cool....I like the story plot so much....
Authornim jjang! Yoongi oppa jjang!
Firdha223 #5
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaa......yoongi oppa.....OMG! What? Shirtless and...backhug? was too much! can't breath! OH MY GOD!
Firdha223 #6
Chapter 9: cool....i like the mission!

Ah ...and yoongi oppa code is so funny but great..what is it again?
"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize"
I like the imagination...

Keep reading now..
Fardiah #7
Chapter 25: wow!!! AWSOME story you did a great job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 25: Wooo Good ending
Chapter 25: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! YAY