Punch him,kiss her

Teach me

Narrator's POV

Lunch period..

-"You know something guys?You make me feel sick, alright?" V said as he was looking at Emi and Suga who were teasing each other. "You too"he said while pointing at JiminG and JiminB.

-"Don't forget them!"said Jhope and pointed at Ellin and Jin

-"Ugh....I miss my Lila!"V pouted

-"Wow what's up with that face?"asked Rapmonster who had just come

-"Hey Jimin noona I saw Pulip noona before and she was crying...what happened?" asked Jungkook who came with Rapmonster

-"What?Crying? I don't know..." said JiminG and picked her phone from her pocket.

  As she was talking with Pulip on the phone everyone was looking at her waiting to know what  happened...

-"Baby I am worried...Jimin looks really troubled .."Emi whispered to Suga's ear

-"I know..I am worried too..Let's just wait for her to tell us what happened, ok?"

   JiminG hang up the call ,she put her phone back in her pocket ,she took a deep breath and looked at JiminB with teary eyes.Before she could say anything more ,JiminB stood up and hugged her,he didn't know what was wrong but he could tell that it was something really bad.Everyone was looking at them without saying anything,after one minute JiminG pulled away from JiminB's hug ,she wiped her tears and took a deep breath once again.

-"Unnie told me that Kris figured out that it was her who told us about his plan....He asked his father to fire her and our mother,he also kicked us out of his house, since we don't work for his family anymore...We have no place to live and unnie blames herself for everything"JiminG was trying so hard to not start crying  again

-"I am so sorry Jimin,it's all my fault" Emi was starring at the floor,tears running down her cheeks

-"No no no unnie don't be ! I am proud of my sister because she found the courage to tell us about that plan.Actually from the moment she told us about it I knew that something bad would happen,there was no way Kris would let it go that easily...But it was the right thing to do and I am really proud of her! So don't be sorry for something that's not even a mistake..!"

-"Kids are really mature these days..."said Ellin and patted JiminG's head while smiling at her

-"You can stay at my place...My mum wanted to meet your parents anyways.."JiminB said

-"Oppa thank you so much but you know that your house can't fit all seven of us..It barely has room for you and your parents..."

-"Then what about my house..my parents travel all the time ,their bedroom is always empty and I really want some company in this house."Emi said

-"But I don't want you unnie to do that bec.."

-"I am not doing this because I feel guilty,I am doing this because you are my friend and I want to help you.And I can't stand my house being empty like that..It makes me feel so lonely"Emi said

-"Emi unnie I don't know what to say..Thank you so much...Your parents?Are they going to be okay with that?"

-"I am going to ask them right now"said Emi and picked her phone and dialed her father's number" But I am pretty sure they won't have a problem,I 've talk to them about you guys a lot and they seem to really like you." she put the phone on her ear.

-"I forgot something in class..I'll be back in a minute..."said JiminB and stood up,BTS looked at each other and then V stood up too

-"Yeah me too"he said and followed JiminB.

   JiminB knew that V was following him but he didn't care,he just kept walking.They were already in front of their class but JiminB didn't stop, he kept walking.

-"I knew it"V whispered to himself ."So where are we going?" said V and put his arm on JiminB's shoulders.

-"You know..."

-"Yep...and that's why I followed you...friend don't do something stupid,alright"

-"I am not sure what I am going to do,but he needs to pay for what he did to my girlfriend...The thing that irritates me the most is that for him this is just a joke...Just a freaking joke..."As they were getting closer to the rooftop JiminB's voice was getting louder "Jimin and her parents and Pulip noona struggled every day,every day was a challenge for them but they kept going and then he comes.He never had any hardships in his entire life ,he had whatever he wanted .That person just destroyed them because he couldn't accept that his little plan failed..Like their life is just a game,his ing game." JiminB kicked the door open

-"Take it easy moron" said Kris who was looking at JiminB,he knew exactly why he was so angry "You know that if you dare to touch me you are going to pay for it....I know that your father works at one of my father's factories and your mother doesn't have a job...I was thinking that it would be really bad If somehow your father gets fired,right?"

-"I am taking back what I said before,let's broke his bones"said V to JiminB while glaring at Kris

-"That's why I don't like you ..You don't know when to step back...You can punch me alright,bu in the end of the day I am going to be more powerful,because my dad is a millionaire and your dad is just a worker"said Kris and smirked at JiminB

-"Well my dad knows how to use every one of the machines in your father's factory,all those tables and chairs that you are selling are made from him.What does your dad knows to do?He even pays people to run his factories for him! He is doing nothing but he gets richer by the day and my dad does everything and he becomes poorer.You don't know life because you had it pretty easy,that's why it's so easy for you to destroy families ,but I am going to teach you a lesson." JiminB said and stepped forward

-"You look like you care a lot about your family...What a shame for your father to lose his job because of you...And what about your mother's pills...?" JimiB stopped and glared at Kris,he was right,what about his mother..?

-"Maybe Jimin can't do this but I definitely can!" said Leo who had just reached the rooftop. then BAAM he punched Kris's face.

 The punch was so strong that made Kris fall down,V and JiminB were staring at Leo.

-"What the hell man?" said N and tried to punch Leo but V stopped him

-"You don't want to do this,trust me" V looked dead serious and that made N to take a step behind.

-"You filthy bastard,I know I was wrong to be your friend all this time,accepting all your sick plans but that was too much! You asked your dad to kicked them out ! Is this a game for you,because for them is their whole life" Leo was yelling at Kris 

-"Leo you are going to regret this"said Kris while wiping the blood from his lips

-"As if..." said Leo ,he then turned around and start walking down the stairs

-"There is no point for me to punch you for the second time ,right? Plus Leo hyung was really cool before..." said JiminB while smirking

-"Yeah let's go,I can't see their faces anymore ,they make me want to puke!"said V and started walking down the stairs followed by JiminB

   N helped Kris to stand up.

-"What are you going to do now?" asked N

-"You will see..." said Kris and picked his phone

-"Kris I wanted to talk to you.What have you done you moron?"

-"Eh?Father I just called you to ask for a favor..What's wrong?"

-"I am not doing any favors to you! Do you know that Leo's father called me and told me he wanted us to stop our business with his restaurant?Do you know how much does this cost to me? You didn't told me that Leo knew this maid and her family..."

-"But father...they humiliated me...I wanted revenge..."

-"Kris how can you be so childish...? I don't care for them and I don't care for what they did to you! That's business we are talking about fool! " Kris stared at the phone's screen, his father had hang up the call.

He felt his blood boiling,anger all over him..He threw the phone with all his might and that landed in front of the door and broke into pieces.That time Key was opening the door.

-"Erhm...Did I miss something" Key looked first at Kris and then at N who looked really scared.

At the table with Emi.JiminG,Ellin and the rest of BTS

-"Hey guys..." said Pulip and waved at them "Emi thank you so much for letting us stay at your house..." 

-"Hey don't thank me...I think I should thank you...I am always alone in this house..." Emi smiled at her

-"It won't be for long...Our father had put some money on the side,me and our mother are going to find new jobs and then we are going to bought a house...They have already found it! It isn't big but it fits us" said JiminG while smiling

-"That's good" said Leo who had just arrived with JiminB and V "Guys I really want to apologize to you for what I have done..I am terribly sorry!"

-"Well a 'sorry' can't turn back the time ..."said Suga

-"I know..."said Leo and put his head down

-"But your actions from now on can help..." said Suga and Emi looked at him with a big smile

-"Come hyung,sit with us!" said Jungkook and pointed at the empty sit next to Pulip,she smiled at him and he looked away feeling flustered.

-"I saw that" JiminG elbowed Leo and he smiled to himself

-"Hey guys,a rapper hyung of mine is going to perform tonight.Do you want to go?" asked Rapmonster

-"Iron hyung,right?He told me too,I am in!"said Suga 

-"You guys said you want to be rappers .."said Emi and pointed at Rapmonster and Suga "I am going to see your future self" she giggled

-"Hey I miss Iron hyung..Me ad Lila are coming too" said V

-"Me too"said Jungkook,Jhope 

-"Baby what do you think?" asked Jin

-"I want to go"said Ellin

-"Can I come too?" asked Leo

-"Of course hyung,Pulip noona you should come too.Oh and Emi ask Yulhee if she wants to come,tell her I'll be there"said Rapmonster and glared at Jungkook

-"Whatever.."said Jungkook and looked away...

-"We are coming too"said JiminB and backhugged JiminG

At the club

-"Have you notice that we are partying almost everynight...It's weird..."said Emi

-"You are overeacting...and next month we are having exams and we are going to study every day for 6 hours and I don't even count school in that!" said Lila

-"Guys stop talking about school..Let's talk about something else..For example where the hell Yulhee is?"asked JiminG

-"I don't know,she is missing quite a long time"said Jin

-"And Rapmonster hyung too"said JiminB

-"I see..."said Suga and nodded

-"Oh...he is going to do the move" said Jhope 

-"I am going to grab a drink"said Jungkook and disappeared in a flash of light

-"hahaha it was that easy..."said V

-"You guys planned this ,right ?"asked Pulip and all the BTS nodded

-"Sometimes I really wonder from which mental institution did you guys come from?" said Emi and pinched Suga's cheek 

Jungkook's POV

Ugh...I just don't get it...Why does hyung like her? I mean what's the big deal?Okay she is cute,I give her that..and adorable...and stubborn...and she was brave enough to confess to me ...and..oh crap...I have to admit it,I like her....There they are...What the hell hyung? He is whispering something in her ear..Trying too hard? Is dhe really blushing now? I can't take it anymore..

-"Hyung" Maybe I said that a little bit louder than I should..

-"Hey Jungkook ,what's up?Why are you yelling? Can't you see that I am having a moment with Yulhee here?" I saw it hyung that's why I am here

-"Hyung ,Suga hyung is asking for you !He said that it is an emergency!" 

-"Oh really? Ok then.." he had a mysterious smile on his face as he was leaving...

-"Well....Should we go back too?" 

-"When you were with Rapmonster hyung you didn't say anything but now you want us to go back?" I thought she said she liked me

-"Erhm...Jungkook what are you talking about?"  How can she be so calm?She used to blush when I was around..

-"You think you can forget about me and like my hyung?That's not going to happen! You are going to like me and only me!"

-"Why should I like you,when you don't like me back ?" she was yelling at me,her eyes full of pain...Am I the cause of this pain?

-"Because..." What's wrong with me ?I need to tell her I like her but it's so hard to say it

-"Because you just feel more popular with a crazy fangirl chasing you around...But I can't do this anymore..I am going to forget you!"

-"Please don't..." she looked at me with a puzzled expression "Please don't forget me...Please don't stop liking me! Because....because I..." that's not helping ,if I can't tell her properly I need to show her at least.

 With both my hands I cupped her face and smashed my lips on hers.Her lips were so soft and I could feel my heart beating faster,I put my left arm around her waist and pulled her closer.At first she did nothing but after one second I could feel her kissing me back,our lips moving in synch.She wrapped her arms around my neck and grabbed my hair and pulled them making me let a soft moan in .I feel like I can't control myself ,I want more and more of her kisses.Suddenly she broke the kiss.

-"Please tell me you are not playing with me..." she looked so despaired and that's all my fault,I need to tell her ,I have to tell her.

-"I am not playing with you...I really like you! Actually it's my first time to like someone so much ...I want you to be my girlfriend ..please Yulhee!" she smiled at me and then she grabbed my shirt and pulled me in another intense kiss,where the hell did she learnt that?I am going insane.

-"Yah,you two little kids! You need to stop now" I turned around to see  Suga hyung walking towards us with his arm around Emi noona's waist.

-"What can I say,I just can't get enough of my cute girlfriend..." I said and put my arm around Yulhee's shouder and pulled her closer to me.With the corner of my eye I could see her blushing...cute!

-"Oh maaaaannnnnnn" said Suga hyung

-"Ah guys ,there you are...me and my lovely girlfriend have a suggestion to make...What about going for ghost haunting?I 've seen so many episodes of Supernatural,I know exactly what to do.....So what are you saying?"

-"Everybody say NO!" me and Suga hyung said together.


Almost there guys...One chapter left!!! I hope you enjoyed it!

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Thelimechopstick #1
Chapter 25: AW :( did hoseok remained single HAHAHAH
Firdha223 #2
Chapter 25: OMG! Cool ending.....
I never knew that the ending would be so great...

Thanks for the story..
Authornim jjang!
Firdha223 #3
Chapter 22: Yeah right... perfect date is sleeping on the bed all day.....
Well for me that is really romantic.... <3 <3 cuz i love sleeping too!

Once again i like your idea here authornim....and yes yoongi oppa love to sleep though
Firdha223 #4
Chapter 20: My GWUAAAAATH.....BTS Fighting? Yoongi oppa so cool...and he he can slow the enemy motion like in the anime?

Authornim you're so cool....I like the story plot so much....
Authornim jjang! Yoongi oppa jjang!
Firdha223 #5
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaa......yoongi oppa.....OMG! What? Shirtless and...backhug?
my..my....that was too much! can't breath! OH MY GOD!
Firdha223 #6
Chapter 9: Uwaaa...so cool....i like the mission!

Ah ...and yoongi oppa code is so funny but great..what is it again?
"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize"
I like the imagination...

Keep reading now..
Fardiah #7
Chapter 25: wow!!! AWSOME story you did a great job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 25: Wooo Good ending
Chapter 25: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! YAY