Protect Mr Park

Teach me

Narrator's POV

At Mr Park's (JiminG's father) cantina....

-"That's it" said Jimin pointing at the cantina across the street

-"Oh...And that's your father in law,right?He looks friendly and nice...."said Jin

-"I don't know hyung ...he isn't friendly to me at all!"

-"Yah Jimin-ah that's because you have taken his precious daughter from him..."said Suga and Jimin looked at him with a worried face

-"Don't worry friend..he is going to forget everything with his first grandchild..." said V and patted Jimin's shoulder, Jimin glared at him

-"Yah Park Jimin! What are you doing here and who are those guys?"

-"Hi! Mr Park,those are my friends and we are here to help you with..."

-"I don't need your help,I don't want your help!" 


-"Because you are a stranger,that's why!" That word hit Jimin right on the spot,he was no stranger at all ,he was his daughter's boyfriend ,who really cared about her.

-"I am not a stranger!I care about your daughter and her family!That means you too Mr Park.I am not going to let my girlfriend's father  get through all this alone....!"Jimin was furious now,he was yelling at Mr Park.

   Jimin couldn't understand him,why did he dislik him so much?Why didn't he want his help?Why after all those times  Mr Park had seen him or talked to him , he was still calling him a stranger? And he even tried his best for Mr Park to take a liking at him,he did everything he was asked to,but not this time...This time was different.Mr Park was asking him to do something that he had never done before and he is never going to do in the future.As difficult as the situation is, he is never going to leave helpless an important person to him ...Never!

-"Are you yelling at me young man?" Mr Park raised his voice,Jimin was ready to say something but he was interrupted.

-"That must be my lucky day...two birds with one stone...long time no see guys" Bfree said while looking at BTS, two guys was standing behind him...

-"What are you doing here?" asked Rapmonster rather cold

-"You mean you don't know?Please...." said Bfree and looked at Rapmonster

-"Of course we know...I was just giving you a chance to leave like nothing happened and never come back again..."

-"You Rapmonster ?Giving me a chance?hahahahaha....that was really funny..."

-" least we warned you.." said Suga

-"Oh.Hey there sugar..oops I meant Suga!" said Bfree and Suga glared at him "It's nice talking with you kids, but me and Mr Park have some business to do,right Mr Park?" Mr Park nodded,he looked really scared..."Now Mr Park ,where do you have my money?"

-"Bfree-shi I am so sorry ,I don't have the money..If you could give me some more time please..I promise.." BAAM a loud noise was heard and  Mr Park was now sitting on the floor with his hand on his cheekbone.

-"What the hell are you doing?Why did you punched him?" Jimin was yelling at Bfree

-"Mind your own business Jimin!" said Bfree,then he turned around to face the two guys standing behind him "Destroy everything!" he said that and sat comfortably on a chair

  One of the guys raised his left hand and he did a move like he was calling someone to come. The doors from four cars opened at the same time and three guys got out of each car and they started walking towards the cantina. Suga started counting.

-"Twelve plus three here,that makes.....fifteen.That's going to need a lot of energy...Just so you know I am going to sleep for two days after that!" Suga said looking at BTS

-" Leave now!Run!" shouted Mr Park and started pushing Jimin, he looked like he was loosing it.

   Jimin grabbed his shoulders and stopped him from moving,he looked at him in the eyes.

-"I am not going anywhere.Me and my friends are here to help you! If you don't want our help it's okay..but we are going to help you anyway. I may be a stranger for you but you are not a stranger for me Mr Park,plus I am going to do everything so my cute girlfriend won't be sad again,including saving her father."

-"OMG I am going to cry,how cute..."Bfree said with a girly voice "Now guys get rid of them because they make me sick!" and with that all the guys started throwing punches everywhere.

   -"Suga hyung,Jin hyung and V take the left side.We are taking the right side.Don't let anyone touch the cantina" yelled Rapmonster and BTS did as he said

For the next 15 minutes there was a chaos outside the cantina,BTS were doing great but fourteen people are still fourteen people not a small number..Everyone had taken one or two punches but they didn't really care,the only thing on their mind was to protect Mr Park and the cantina. Suga's punches was on point with so much force and speed, his right arm was a killing machine ,after all it was the arm he was using the most in his favorite sport,basketball. Jin was a great puncher too,his big shoulders were helping a lot! And then it was V ,he uses a weird karate -but -not- karate -at -the -same- time type and to everyone's surprise this thing worked every time. Jin was beating the crap out of one of the guys and he didn't notice another guy coming from behind holding a chair ,but V saw it..He kicked right at this guy's stomach and the pain caused him to let the chair fall down.With the sound Jin turned and looked at them.

-"Thanks V" Jin said

-"Nothing hyung" both smiled sweet to each other but when they looked back at their opponent's face their expression had totally changed, they had that you-are-going-down face.

     Suga on the other hand looked extremely bored...he was fighting with the second guy.Suga had this ability , he somehow could slowdown the opponent's moves on his mind and he was quick to react to his attacks,he was dodging every punch or kick . The group with Jhope ,Rapmonster,Jungkook and Jimin was also on fire. Jimin may be short but he has two hellah strong arms and not just that he can also do a powerful roundhouse kick,that kid is no  joke. Jungkook is more the kicking type but his punches are also good, his best move is totally the drop back kick,he looked like he was doing breaking dance but that wasn't the case,more like he was breaking his opponent's bones.Then there is Rapmonster, no one is sure if he knows what is he doing ,he is always jumping around and throwing punches everywhere like Luffy's from One Piece gatling attack ,like a tornado or something.And last but not least the wild hope,Jhope. He can punch,he can kick but his knee is everyone's worst nightmare.

   Ten minutes later BTS were now stretching and the fourteen guys were laying on the pavement bleeding. Bfree looked rather scared right now! Jimin wiped the blood from his lips and walked towards Bfree.

-"That's for blackmailing and hitting my girlfriend's father you as*hole" said Jimin and kicked him at the stomach. Bfree fallt down from the chair he was sitting,he tried to stand up but he couldn't ,the pain was too much.Suga grabbed his hair and pulled it so he could see his face.

-"Are you going to do that again?" Bfree didn't answer .BAAM Suga punched him right in the face. "I said!Are you going to do that again?" 


-"Now leave" said Rapmonster .

  Bfree stood up and started running like a mad person but because he was injured he kept falling down.He stopped a taxi and got in,as he was leaving he didn't even dare to look towards BTS,that's how scared he was...

-"What are we going to do with them?"asked Jhope

-"Mr Park is going to call the ambulance and we are going to leave ,so they can't find us here?" said Rapmonster and looked towards Mr Park who nodded at him

-"But ..."

-"Don't worry Jhope they are not going to say anything.It's also bad for them to tell with who and why they were fighting...And Mr Park can tell he was hiding somewhere and he couldn't see our faces..." said Rapmonster 

-"Okay sounds good to me....Let's hurry and call the ambulance because we might have overdone it with some of them" said Suga while pointing at two guys who looked worse than the others

-"Right! Mr Park call the ambulance,guys let's go"said Rapmonster and started walking and the others followed him

-"Jimin wait!I want to tell you something.." hearing Mr Park's words JiminB froze right on the spot,he turned around and looked at Mr Park who was smiling at him.

-"I am saying that only once and I am not going to say it again.... but I like you son.I don't think you are a stranger at all and I can see how much you care about my Jimin-ah.I said all those harsh words because I was worried about what could have happened to you and I wanted to stop you from helping me.And I am so thankful to all of you..." saying the last part Mr Park looked down,the next thing he felt was Jimin hugging him.

-"Your welcome,father-in-law~"said Jimin and pulled away from the hug

-"Father-in-law?Yah Park Jimin,isn't it too soon for you to call me like that?" Mr Park was back to his old self now ,Jimin smiled at him cutely as he was leaving.."Don't do that aegyo smile at me young man, and don't you dare to call me father-in-law again,do you hear me?" Mr Park tried but couldn't hide his smile as he was yelling at Jimin,he then took his phone and called the ambulance.

Jungkook's POV

  We  already are pretty far from the cantina ,but for sure we aren't  close to our houses..I can see that my hyungs are injured too.We beat those guys up but they were fourteen for god's sake,of course we were injured too. We need to treat those wounds`...Oh crap! Is that girl over there who I think she is?

-"Jungkook?What happened?" Yes it's her..What is Yulhee doing here?

-"Hey ,we are here too." said Jhope hyung

-"Ehm...sorry.... what happenned to you guys?" she looks so worried about us

-"Long story...." said Jimin hyung

-"Let's go!" Eh?What is she talking about?To go where?

-"To go where?" asked Suga hyung

-"To my house so I can treat your wounds...It's right there"she points at the house across the street "Now let's go I said!" what the hell?She is holding my hand and she is dragging me to her house.

  I turned my head around only to see that my hyungs are following us..And why the hell is Jimin hyung  giving me thumps up? I swear I am going to kill him one day... I hope Yulhee didn't see it...She is not even looking at me but her grip on my hand is so strong...She opened the door and we got in.

-"Sit down on the couch and wait for your turn"she said that to my hyungs and they did so.Something on her tone was different,like she was mad at us ..I don't know. "You sit there" she said to me and pushed me on the chair. "Don't move!" she said and walked to her bathroom 

-"Wow Jungkook your girlfriend is wild..." said V hyung

-"What?She is not my girlfriend hyung!You know I don't like that kind of girls..." I shook my head,why is he saying that?

-"Then....Guys do you think she is too young for me?I mean 3 years aren't that much, right?" What is Rapmonster hyung talking about...he really likes her?

-"Nah..I think it's a good age difference but hyung you look like you are on your late twenties and she looks younger than she is...People will think that you are her father..."

-"Yah V are you blind or what? I look like a 10 year old.Yeah...I am that cute!"

-"No hyung that's your brain's age.."

-"You little alien I am going to..."

-"Rapmonster oppa what are you doing?Sit down and don't move until I treat your wounds,ok?" wow she really yelled at hyung? "Jungkook look at me so I can treat your wounds first" I did as she said and looked up and she started treating my wounds. 

      I was waiting for her to blush as she was touching my face but  she looked like she didn't care..She looked extremely concentrated at what  she was doing and I just kept staring at her...I think I was starring too much at her because I could here my hyungs laughing.. Was she always that beautiful? What am I even saying? 

-"Done!" she said and I snapped back from my thoughts "Next one.." 

     I got up and sat on the couch.Suga hyung was now sitting on the chair and Yulhee was treating his wounds...She looked like she had done this many times,every move of hers was so skillful like a nurse or something,I couldn't stop staring at her...Then it was Rapmonster hyungs turn,he kept staring at her...He even tried to do the puppy eyes to her,gross...!When she was done hyung grabbed both her hands with his,that made her looked at him with confusion

-"Thank you" he said while staring at her. I know that trick ,hyung use it very often to seduce girls.The cool but kind guy image...

-"Who is after Rapmonster hyung?" I said and Yulhee broke the eye contact with Rapmonster hyung,I felt relieved about that..

-"V oppa your turn and then it's Jimin oppa's" she said "I already called your girlfriends and they are on their way,I don't want them to see you like that because they are going to be even more worried..."

-"Why did you do that?" asked V "Lila is going to get worry for nothing..."he sighed

-"Oppa if you wanted her not to be worried then don't fight in the first place,now that this happened and she is your girlfriend , she needs to know!" Yulhee was right....She then turned her head and looked only at Suga hyung "Emi is coming too,I already called her!"

30 minutes before....

Emi's POV

-"Baby I am so happy that I am walking you home afteschool,you are always leaving with BTS.."

-"That's because we leave close to each other.Especially with Yoongi oppa..there is only one floor between us.."

-"Are you trying to make me jealous?Because it's working!"

-"Me?Never oppa!" I played innocent and he started tickling me. "Oppa stop...hahaha...I can't..hahahah"

-"Only if you do me a favor..."

-"Okay what is it?Tell me!"

-"Listen..."he said and leaned closer to me,I turned my head so he could be close to my ear and tell me what he wanted to say.

    I was waiting for him to say something but he never said anything,he just grabbed my head and turned it so I was facing him and then...then he crashed his lips on mine.I was stunned,I could feel his warm lips on mine.Finally my first kiss...I was always imagining my first kiss like something so special and now it's happening but I wasn't feeling as I thought I would.I wasn't feeling my cheeks redden ,my heart was beating faster but not like I thought it would and I feel uncomfortable somehow...I always thought that you learn how to kiss by instinct,not thinking too much.... but why was I analyzing every move, thinking what to do next? Am I even enjoying that? 

neon syugapeuri ije neon syugapeuri ( You're sugar free ,now you 're sugar free)~~~

My phone is ringing,thank god..I broke the kiss and picked my phone while smiling at Kris oppa

-"Unnie come to my house it's important,it has to do with BTS"

-"Yulhee-ah I am with my oppa,can I come later?Is that serious?"

-"They were fighting and...they have some wounds and..." Suddenly I couldn't think anymore

-"Yoongi oppa too?"I asked

-"He is in the worst situation."

-"I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said and hang up the phone,I looked at Kris

-"What happened baby?"

-"Oppa I need to go,something happened to BTS..."

-"You are not going anywhere.You are going to stay here with me!" he said and grabbed my hand and looked me in the eyes..What was he doing exactly?I already told him that something happened to my friends. "Emi I swear if you leave I am going to be mad at you!" he looked serious but honestly I didn't care.BTS needed me,Yoongi oppa needed me. I shook his hand off mine and start running towards Yulhee's house praying that Yoongi oppa wasn't  injured that bad.


Hey there guys~~~ 5 chapters to go until the end yay!!! 

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BYE~~~~ :-))))))




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Thelimechopstick #1
Chapter 25: AW :( did hoseok remained single HAHAHAH
Firdha223 #2
Chapter 25: OMG! Cool ending.....
I never knew that the ending would be so great...

Thanks for the story..
Authornim jjang!
Firdha223 #3
Chapter 22: Yeah right... perfect date is sleeping on the bed all day.....
Well for me that is really romantic.... <3 <3 cuz i love sleeping too!

Once again i like your idea here authornim....and yes yoongi oppa love to sleep though
Firdha223 #4
Chapter 20: My GWUAAAAATH.....BTS Fighting? Yoongi oppa so cool...and he he can slow the enemy motion like in the anime?

Authornim you're so cool....I like the story plot so much....
Authornim jjang! Yoongi oppa jjang!
Firdha223 #5
Chapter 17: Kyaaaaa......yoongi oppa.....OMG! What? Shirtless and...backhug? was too much! can't breath! OH MY GOD!
Firdha223 #6
Chapter 9: cool....i like the mission!

Ah ...and yoongi oppa code is so funny but great..what is it again?
"The four flower boys are going to photosynthesize"
I like the imagination...

Keep reading now..
Fardiah #7
Chapter 25: wow!!! AWSOME story you did a great job author-nim ^_^
Chapter 25: Wooo Good ending
Chapter 25: HAPPY ENDING!!!!!!!! YAY