
One Rainy Day

The young girl gazed out her window. The rain fell neatly onto the glass and fell like a river. The branches of the trees swayed with the wind while the leaves nodded to the beat of the rain. Even her cat couldn't help but be tranced by the weather.

The young girl slowly sighed, the kind that you made when everything is peaceful. And everything was peaceful. Her parents were downstairs, watching a corny, love movie called "Titanic"; her cat sat at the end of her bed, laying, watching the rain hit and fall down the window. 

Laying her head back against her pillow, she thought about what she could do on this rainy day. Her friend, Amber, was gone with her family on a social vacation. Her other few friends were all at a party that she wasn't exactly invited to. She never was invited to many parties, mainly because everyone thought that she was a huge nerd for always studying and always making really good grades. They all said that she'd just ruin the party with stupid nerd things.

Which she probably would of done, she admitted to her self. She's never been to a party, so what was there to say that she wouldn't? It's not like she had practice or anything.

Shrugging, she letted these thoughts drift into nothing. She could care less about any regular 7-year old party. It meant nothing to her. Her mother said she wasn't missing out much, and she didn't care even if she was. That's just how her life went. 

A call from downstairs shook the girl from her thoughts. Running down the steps, she found that someone was on the phone for her. "Sounds like a boy." Her mother winked.

Taking the phone from her mother with slight cold sweat, she said, "Hello?"

A small cough from the other end, and she knew who it was. 

"Hey, _____. How are you?" Kevin's voice rang from the other end. He sounded a bit sick, but that was the least of the young girl's worries. The young girl was trying her best not to care too much for Kevin, for she didn't want to cause any more commotions. 

"Hey Kevin. How are you?" The young girl carried the conversation, heading up the stairs into her room. While waiting for an answer, she continued her watch on the rain. Her cat was now asleep at the end of the bed.

She heard Kevin sigh before he spoke. "You doing anything right now?" Rambling noises from the background and then he added, "I'm kind of bored and want someone to talk to..."

The girl shook her head as she answered, "No, I'm not busy. I was actually just wondering about what to do." The girl flipped onto her stomach. "What are you thinking?"

"I don't know. Maybe you could come over or I could come over?"

"It's raining." 

"Yeah, I know... Hey! We could play in the rain like we usually do!" Joy entering Kevin's words.

The girl looked out the window. "Mianhe, my mother got mad at me the last time I played in the rain. She wouldn't be to happy if she---"

"Just sneak out." 

"Bwoh?" The young girl's mouth fell open as she took the phone away from her ear to look at it before placing it back against her ear. "Just... just sneak out? I can't do that. What happens if she finds out I'm gone? Or come back wet?"

"How far is your window from the ground?"

"Not far. I live in a one story home---"

"Then leave out the window." 

The girl thought for moments while contemplating on what to do. 

Impatient, Kevin begged, "Come on, I'll be doing the same thing! I just really want to see you!" His voice a bit too wanting. 

The girl didn't catch it as she finally agreed. "Sure. See you in a few!"

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 27: I really like your story author nim.... good job
Heipaadeg #2
Chapter 28: Awww I really liked your story!!! I wish you good luck in the future. :3 Kevin is so cute^^
kpopfreak210 #3
Chapter 26: KEVIN <3333333
I finally read this after having this bookmarked for so long... Eee! And I'm so glad that I read it! ^__^ (I was actually hoping for some rated stuff in the rated chapter... omgah /bricked) I'm so sorry but I adore Kevin so much... LOL.. Anyway, this was such a wonderfully written story. ^__^ I enjoyed reading all of it! Thank you so much for uploading this!
awwwww~ happy ending and Eli got married too!
and someone was actually Amber? TSKTSKTSK tell me who, i shall nag at her. And punish her
Its great that we kept you going just as how you kept me here on AFF^^
Hwaiting on your other stories! ^^
NOOOO!!! IT'S FINISHED TT__________________TT I was always looking forward to your updates, and I loved it ^^ wow, you really had a y girl in your life to steal your crush/boyfriend away from you? T__________T I would have beat the crap out of her LOL >w<" anyways, I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! the ending was so cute :') ahh, I think I'll read this again another time ^_^ HWAITING!!!!!!!!!
Cute final :D I really love this :D Was a great story x3 Fighting! :D
starlightdust #8
WAAAAAH its done ;( nice fanfic though ^^
and i feel sorry for you if you had an amber in your life
Hwaiting with the rest of your stories!
cute chapter!
Finally he tells her :D