What Is She To You?

One Rainy Day

Your POV:

I watched as the rain fell down outside my window. Every part of my body wanted to shoot up and close the blinds and to hide somewhere where I couldn't hear the rain. It didn't help that the bed was right next to the window where all I could do was look outside into the raining world. 

I sighed, trying to look away from the rain, but for some reason, all my thoughts were on it. My head began to ache as unwanted memories and unwanted thoughts filled my head. Clutching my head, I leaned foreward and yelled, sending two nurses into my room. My breath had started to become harder and I could start to feel my nails dig into my head. The nurses tried everything to calm me down.

With a gasp, I cried out, "Close the windows! Please!!" I threw my head back, landing against the pillow and placing my arms across my face.

"Close the windows, close the windows!" The nurses shouted at each other, trying to make me a happy patient. Their ruffling feet ehcoed through my room as they rushed to the windows, shutting the blinds down, quickly. 

I could feel my heart was racing when I felt a soft, gentle hand touched my arms. They made me suddenly relax my entire body. I sighed and I took my arms away from my face, smiling. "Hey Kevin..."

Kevin leaned over the bed and took my hand, brushing away some stray hairs out of my face. With a worried look, he kissed my hand and asked, "What's going on, are you okay?" Kevin managed to pull me up and seat me upright.

Clutching the blankets with my free hand, I gazed down at my knees. I didn't want to share anything with Kevin and not because I don't trust Kevin, it's just, I don't entirely trust myself...

Turning to Kevin, I plastered on a smile. "I'm fine. Just a bit sick of the hospital, that's all." Which wasn't completely a lie. This place didn't serve it's own good memories as I layed my head onto Kevin's shoulder. Closing my eyes, I asked, "When did they say I could leave?" I bit my lip.

Kevin moved his self onto the bed, wrapping his arms around me. Putting on his own smile, he calmly rubbed my hand. "They said you can leave today, if you're feeling okay." Kevin hugged me close. "Are you feeling okay? I heard you yelling and I became worried that something happened..." 

Yeah, you always say that... I thought. Cringing on the fact that I had even let that even enter my mind. If he really didn't care about me, he would have left already, right? I shook my head. No, he could be just that much more determinded to ruin my life. I sighed, acciedently squeezing Kevin's hand in the process.

Kevin smiled and pulled me close. "You know, I can carry you out right now if I wanted to. Leave all of the scary doctor's and freaky nurses behind and take you out of this scary hospital." Kevin gleamed down at me. 

I couldn't help but giggle. Kevin always seemed to know what could make me laugh, even at the saddest moments. 

I glanced at the windows, taking note that the rain had stopped falling. One more day, I sighed. Wanting this week to move faster than it was. Leaning into Kevin, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the bit of quiet that I had gain.

But the rain had triggered something in my mind, something I thought I had kept deep within the ocean of my heart. Locked away and to never be opened again. Something that I had never wanted to think about. And the rain triggered it.

Abruptly, I turned to Kevin. "Kevin, please take me home." I muttered, trying to get out of the hospital bed. My head filled with more emotions when Kevin pushed me back onto the bed. 

"____-ah, please. Lay down for a bit, you're not ready to go yet." His eyes searched my face. When he couldn't read anything, he sighed and got up. "Look," He rubbed the back of his head. "I'll go talk to the doctor, okay? We'll see if we can get you out of here by dinner time."

"Dinner time?" I shouted, pulling up my knees and the blankets. Pouting, I turned my head to look at the wall. "I don't want to wait til dinner time..."

I heard Kevin take a deep breath. With the gentle touch that he had earlier, he placed his hand onto my shoulder, making me gaze up at him. Pulled me close, he whispered, "Just be paticent, okay? I know that is last thing you want to do right now, but you must. If you start causing a storm now, they'll think you're crazy and never let you out." Kevin gave me a smile. "And plus, you're falling behind in school." Kevin chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a hug.

I closed my eyes, smiling. Embracing the hug, I felt an unwanted tear fall from my eye. I sighed heavily and let go of Kevin. "So how was school?" I started to ask before I got inturrupted.

A knock on the door sent both mine and Kevin's face's to it. A shy smile and a bow came from the person. "Annyeong... sorry about inturrupting you two, but Kevin, we have to go soon. Dongho is becoming restless in the car and I don't think I can handle it any long." He blushed and looked at me. "Annyeonghaseyo, _____. I hope you're doing fine." 

I smiled back at the young-looking face. "Annyeong, AJ." I nodded, turning back to Kevin. "You can go. I don't mind." I whispered, knowing that he couldn't change how fast I could or couldn't get out of the hospital. My smile altered just thinking about it.

Kevin pouted, but nodded. "Are you sure? I mean, I can..."

I cut him off. "Kevin, AJ and Dongho are waiting for you. It's no worries! Plus, I'll still most likely be here by the time you get back." I smiled. 

Nodding again, Kevin got up and headed towards the door. As he walked out, he started to list of several things. "Now, if you need me, my number is in your phone, like always. Oh, and if you feel any different, or possibly sicker, call me. Don't text. Oh, and--"

"Kevin, Kevin." AJ laughed, nudging his friend. "She'll be fine!" AJ bowed. "Sorry for Kevin. He's usually weird." He gave a small wink before dragging his friend out the door.

"Bye, ____!" Kevin yelled, closing the door behind them.

I smiled and waved, even though they wouldn't see it. "Bye." I whispered before laying my head down for a nap.




Kevin's POV:

AJ and I headed down the elevator and made out way to the car. We walked in silence; our thoughts elsewhere and even if one of us wanted to say something, we'd end up shutting out mouths and continue just to walk. 

When we reached the car was when the silence was finally broken. Dongho groaned. "What took you guys?" He shuffled in his seat and moved closer to the window that was shared by the two front seats. 

AJ and I entered the car. Turning to face Dongho, AJ pointed towards me. "Kevin over here just had to keep speaking words to the girl."

"Hey, 'the girl' has a name." I broke in, pulling my seat belt over me and clicking it. "And plus, I was barely in there for fifteen minutes!" I sighed, putting the car in reverse and exiting the parking lot.

I heard Dongho scoff behind me, leaning back into his seat. "Yeah, well, we have a schedule to hold up to today. If it lasted any longer, we'd be late!" Dongho poked at me with his foot.

"Yah! Don't do that!" I yelled back, keeping the car from swerving. "You could cause me to wreak!" Stopping at a stop light, I turned to Dongho who only stuck his tongue out at me. 


I was about to do the same before AJ interrupted me. "Yah, just stop it before you guys embarrass yourselves." AJ chuckled, watching as I pressed on the gas. Nudging me slightly, AJ asked, "So, what is this gi--sorry, what's her name again?" AJ paused.

I wrinkled my nose. "I've told you it many times before, AJ."

"Yeah, but I have so many other girls to remember, do you really expect me to remember hers?" AJ chuckled, thinking about all the girls he had at school that admired him. "And plus, how do you remember her so easily? She's in the nothing group at our school. You know... with the nerds, and everything. You have many girls that are willing to fall around your fingertips everyday!" 

AJ stopped when he saw my fingers turn white on the steering wheel. He held his hands up. "Sorry. I'm just saying that in our school's eyes: she's a nobody. And plus, aren't you and that Amber chick dating, anyways?" 

I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "No. Amber only flirts with me. She's not really my type anyways..." I made a face, turning down a street before having to turn into Dongho's neighborhood. 

"Well, what is your type?" AJ asked, pulling down the mirror and fixing his hair.

I shrugged while your name floated to the surface of my head. I smiled softly. "You know. A cute face, funny personality, smiling eyes, smart..."

"Booooring!!!" AJ joked, patting my arm. "You need a girl that's y, adventurous, on the wild side." AJ grinned, running his hand across his lips. "And plus, what is this..."


"_______. What is she to you anyways?"

I turned down the last street before I answered him. "Well, I've actually known her since I was little. We used to live right next door to each other. Almost everyday after school or just on the weekends, we'd go outside and play." I smiled, remembering the past. "But then she left for four years and ever since she came back about a year ago, now... I just don't want to loose her, you know?" I drove up to Dongho's house as I turned to look at my friends.

AJ's eyes were facing forward, as if he was thinking. In the back, Dongho rubbed his head. "You know, if she means that much to you, you should just ask her out." Dongho suggested.

I sighed. "That's the problem. I don't think she even likes me back." I unbulked and got out of the car.

AJ and Dongho followed suit. Shrugging, AJ said, "You never know. Anyways, let's stop talking about this. We haves party to get ready for!" AJ smiled as he ran towards Dongho's door.

Dongho followed close behind while I calmly made my way to the door, in no rush. I can't believe it's been a year since you've been back, I thought to myself.


Your POV:

The doctor entered the room. Poking my side, making me turn over, he smiled. "Good news! You're able to go home!"



Sorry that this is so late to update!!! Dx So much stuff ended up happening and then I couldn't update ;A; Sorry!!!

And now my sister broke the keys on the laptop so now the J is sensative and if I didn't back space, everything would look like this:

Sorry tahtj this is to atle jto updajte jjso jMuch jstuff ended up happening and then I cojuldntj jupadjeatj.....

....yeah, bad stuff TT.TT Well, I hope you liked this chapter ^-^ More interesting things are coming up, soon!!!! :D

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 27: I really like your story author nim.... good job
Heipaadeg #2
Chapter 28: Awww I really liked your story!!! I wish you good luck in the future. :3 Kevin is so cute^^
kpopfreak210 #3
Chapter 26: KEVIN <3333333
I finally read this after having this bookmarked for so long... Eee! And I'm so glad that I read it! ^__^ (I was actually hoping for some rated stuff in the rated chapter... omgah /bricked) I'm so sorry but I adore Kevin so much... LOL.. Anyway, this was such a wonderfully written story. ^__^ I enjoyed reading all of it! Thank you so much for uploading this!
awwwww~ happy ending and Eli got married too!
and someone was actually Amber? TSKTSKTSK tell me who, i shall nag at her. And punish her
Its great that we kept you going just as how you kept me here on AFF^^
Hwaiting on your other stories! ^^
NOOOO!!! IT'S FINISHED TT__________________TT I was always looking forward to your updates, and I loved it ^^ wow, you really had a y girl in your life to steal your crush/boyfriend away from you? T__________T I would have beat the crap out of her LOL >w<" anyways, I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! the ending was so cute :') ahh, I think I'll read this again another time ^_^ HWAITING!!!!!!!!!
Cute final :D I really love this :D Was a great story x3 Fighting! :D
starlightdust #8
WAAAAAH its done ;( nice fanfic though ^^
and i feel sorry for you if you had an amber in your life
Hwaiting with the rest of your stories!
cute chapter!
Finally he tells her :D