One Week

One Rainy Day

"And this weeks weather report shows that we will be having rain all week..."

All week. 

Day One:

The girl jumped up and ran out the door. Her feet barely hit the ground as she made her way down the street and up a driveway. By the time she was at the door, she was out of breath and out of energy. Ignoring the pain in her chest, she quickly knocked on the door. "Hurry, hurry." She mumbled under her breath.

When the door opened, she couldn't hold it it anymore. "Kevin!!!" She exclaimed, jumping up and giving Kevin a hug, sending him back a couple of feet.

Shocked, and blushing, Kevin asked, "What?" He steadied himself and looked at the girl, trying to figure out why she was out of breath and was so excited. Wondering, he asked, "Did you run all the way here?" A tint of red hit his face.

The girl nodded, clasping her hands together as she gathered unknown energy. "Guess what!" She made a little jump.

Kevin tilted his head. "Elephants trampled through your yard?"

Playfully hit Kevin on the arm, she scoffed, "Pabo, no. Elephants can't fit on my yard. Guess again." Her smile brightened and she was now holding on to Kevin's hand, squeezing it slightly.

Kevin's face turned a couple of shades redder as he asked, "Can't you just tell me? I'm never going to guess!"

With a smile that brightened Kevin's world, she exclaimed with joy, "It's going to rain all week!! Isn't that exciting? That means we can play everyday with each other!" The girl quickly pulled Kevin into a hug. "I can't wait!"

Kevin blushed more, hugging her back, but unsure of excatly why she was acting this way. Looking up at the sky, he pointed out. "It looks like it's about to start to rain."

The girl pulled away from Kevin and jumped with joy. "Let's have the best week of rain ever!!!" She pulled Kevin out into the street while the rain started to fall down slowly.

Day Two:

The clock ticked by as she waited for school to end. She wanted to get back home before the rain stopped falling so she could hang out with Kevin. Just thinking about their time together made her smile. Days like this seemed to be the only thing keeping her happy, especially with all of the bullying.

"Can't wait, can't wait!" She sung to herself as the clock ticked. Only one more minute....


The girl swiftly got out of her chair and ran towards the bus. 

Can't wait, can't wait, she sang to herself. 

But something stop her before she could reach the bus. "Hey!" she yelled, getting pushed down by two bigger kids. Each one held an umbrella, hiding themselves from the rain. The biggest one laughed at her. "You scrawny little weakling. Why don't you just go hang yourself?" 

The second one looked at his friend, but only laughed along with him. The girl could tell that the second one didn't like the first's comment, but didn't feel like he should say anything.

The girl scoffed, getting up, now drenched, and picked up her stuff. "No thank you." she said, walking away from them. "I have other things planned."




Kevin ran up to the girl. "What is that?"

"What is what?" The girl asked, confused.

Kevin sighed and pulled her inside the his house, leading her to a mirror. Once he got to one, he pointed at her mirror-self. "What is that?"

Underneath the girl's left eye was a scratch. The girl shrugged it off. "Ah, it's probably from the bully that pushed me down today when I was trying to get to the---"

Kevin interrupted her. "What? I thought you said that you weren't getting bullied no more!Kevin grabbed her face, checking out the scratch with more precaution. 

The girl shook him away. "It's no big deal. It's just a minor set back on today's rainy day."

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 27: I really like your story author nim.... good job
Heipaadeg #2
Chapter 28: Awww I really liked your story!!! I wish you good luck in the future. :3 Kevin is so cute^^
kpopfreak210 #3
Chapter 26: KEVIN <3333333
I finally read this after having this bookmarked for so long... Eee! And I'm so glad that I read it! ^__^ (I was actually hoping for some rated stuff in the rated chapter... omgah /bricked) I'm so sorry but I adore Kevin so much... LOL.. Anyway, this was such a wonderfully written story. ^__^ I enjoyed reading all of it! Thank you so much for uploading this!
awwwww~ happy ending and Eli got married too!
and someone was actually Amber? TSKTSKTSK tell me who, i shall nag at her. And punish her
Its great that we kept you going just as how you kept me here on AFF^^
Hwaiting on your other stories! ^^
NOOOO!!! IT'S FINISHED TT__________________TT I was always looking forward to your updates, and I loved it ^^ wow, you really had a y girl in your life to steal your crush/boyfriend away from you? T__________T I would have beat the crap out of her LOL >w<" anyways, I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! the ending was so cute :') ahh, I think I'll read this again another time ^_^ HWAITING!!!!!!!!!
Cute final :D I really love this :D Was a great story x3 Fighting! :D
starlightdust #8
WAAAAAH its done ;( nice fanfic though ^^
and i feel sorry for you if you had an amber in your life
Hwaiting with the rest of your stories!
cute chapter!
Finally he tells her :D