Chapter VIII

Against Ourselves

The snow began to fall as Jungkook continued to play on the swings. He watched as the small white fluffs fell from the dark clouds and instantly, he stuck his tongue out long enough until a drop of snowflake landed.

At the side, Jimin and Taehyung sat on the bench, wondering how long Jungkook can last before turning into a Devil popsicle.

“Mhm~ Jiminnie are you cold?” Taehyung teased as he pulled the smaller boy close into his embrace. “I’m cold. Maybe we should go back to your apartment and warm each other under the blanket, if you know what I mean~”

Jimin rolled his eyes but laughed before pushing the other away. “You’re such a ert.” He said, turning back to Jungkook who had just fell flat onto the ground. “How do you even fall from swings,” He asked himself and dragged Taehyung along to the young Devil.

Jungkook gave a cheery smile, scratching the back of his neck. As he got up, there was a small commotion near the other side of the park.

A crowd was there and the three were attracted to it in curiosity.

“What’s going on?” Jimin asked a female stranger in the crowd. She turned around, her face in excitement.

“You don’t know?” The woman squealed. “The famous Tatsmato is having his photoshoot right here!”

Jimin’s eyes widened while Jungkook and Taehyung blinked in confusement. In a mere second, Jimin disappeared in the crowd, pushing and shoving to the front. With his small size, it wasn’t surprising he made it up there so easily.

Jimin was excited. He had a reason. It was Tatsmato. Tatsmato. The supermodel that won the best model award for three years straight.

The Angel was a big fan. He bought all of Tatsmato’s magazines and products and merchandise. But none of those can be compared to this moment, when Tatsmato was right in front of him.

Tatsmato stood there, looking as amazing as ever with his ulzzang face and his unbelievably perfect body.

It was even better when during one of the photos, Tatsmato made eye contact with the awed Jimin standing at the side. He smiled resumed his poses.

“Alright, let’s take a break here.” Tatsmato’s raspy voice said towards the staff and they immediately complied. A jacket was brought from a staff to the model to protect him from the cold snow.

Tatsmato thanked his staff before he looked over at Jimin again. But this time he walked towards him, his ulzzang eyes never leaving Jimin’s crescent eyes.

“My, my, who do we have here?” Tatsmato said as he examined the small boy’s face. “Aren’t you a cutie?”

Jimin blushed at the compliment and felt the jealousy rising from the rest of the crowd. Taehyung had finally arrived, saying that Jungkook got distracted by a bakery nearby and left (more like flew).

The two didn’t notice the small drop of Tatsmato’s smile as he eyed Taehyung. He then turned to Jimin. “What was your name? Jimin, am I correct?” Tatsmato asked, lifting Jimin’s chin with his finger causing another roar of jealousy from the crowd.

Tatsmato smiled again and retreated his finger from Jimin’s chin to tap his own chin. “This will do.” He suddenly said and smiled wider. He grabbed onto Jimin’s wrist. “Come with me.”

“W-What, w-wait.” Jimin pleaded as Tatsmato had already started dragging him towards his trailer. He looked back at Taehyung who was trying to keep up but the crowd covered him.

“Here we are!” Tatsmato said as he opened the door to his stylist trailer. He turned and grinned at the small boy. “How about we have a small photoshoot together?” He asked warmly, pinching Jimin’s cheek.

“E-Excuse me?”

“A photoshoot,” Tatsmato repeated, wrapping a fluffy scarf around Jimin’s neck. “My agency always said I needed a fresher look. Maybe you can help.”

“B-But why me?”

“I find you different from the rest of the crowd.” Himchan said. “Your appearance, your voice, your height, all of your traits are so adorable and unique! You’re like a small Angel!”

The word zapped through Jimin’s mind. He was speechless for a second before giving a forced laugh. “A-An Angel? Haha, no, I-I’m not an Angel.”

Tatsmato blinked. “Of course you’re not. That’d be ridiculous. I said you’re like an Angel.” He continued as Jimin gave more forced laughs. “Now, let’s start with a small touch of makeup.”

Jimin gulped. “A-as honored as I am, I-I have a friend waiting out in the cold.” He said and noticed the small drop of cheeriness through the reflection of the model.

“Was it the young man from before?” Tatsmato asked, his tone a little less jolly than just a second ago. “That young man is your friend?”

Jimin paused. Friend. He had just called Taehyung a friend. The word just rolled out his tongue like nothing. Friend. Yeah, Taehyung was like a friend.

“Um, yes,” Jimin hesitantly answered. “H-He’s a friend…”

There was a silence from Tatsmato before he finally smiled, as if trying to resist something. “Alrighty, how about we just do like two shoots and done? Please, please, please~”

“U-um...I guess that wouldn’t hurt…”

Meanwhile, Taehyung waited impatiently outside the trailer. It was cold. Everyone else was cold. But Taehyung wasn’t. The anger and impatience waiting for Jimin simply warmed him up.

Were humans always like this? Dragging people into makeup trailers?

“Hey, who was that boy that Tatsmato walked with?”

“I don’t know but he has guts touching our Tatsmato like that.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the crowd’s side comments. Pathetic humans. Such fools. Yet so interesting. They can praise and insult someone at the same time, how amusing.

The thoughts scurried around Taehyung’s mind until the door finally opened and Taehyung was ready to grab Jimin and run until he had gotten a glimpse at the boy.

Jimin was dressed in a large white winter coat with skinny white jeans. His hair was brushed and he wore a snowflaked theme beanie. What an Angel.

Tatsmato gave a squeeze on Jimin’s shoulder before adoring over the boy. “The theme is winter. Oh how you look so adorable!”

“I-it’s embarrassing…” Jimin mumbled, a small blush on his cheeks. He looked out in the crowd, trying to ignore the stares until he reached up to Taehyung. He gave the Fallen Angel a shy smile and Taehyung slowly smiled back.

Tatsmato stared at Taehyung then at Jimin. “We’re missing one more thing.” He said and reached into his pocket. “This.” He dangled a small angel necklace in front of Jimin before securing it around his neck. “It’s a matching set too~” Tatsmato said as he pointed to his own necklace angel around his neck.

Taehyung watched as the photoshoot began. At first Jimin was shy and vulnerable but as more and more shoots continued, he gradually began to smile more and become more natural.

“Too cute…” Taehyung said to himself as he stared at Jimin, now sitting as he posed with a white teddy bear. He looked like a child, so adorable.

It didn’t take long until the photoshoot finally ended and Taehyung had to wait out in front of the trailer again. He couldn’t get his mind off of Jimin’s photos. They were so adorable, so addicting, so delicious.

“Wait what about this?” Jimin asked as he touched the necklace. He was back in his own clothes and was ready to head back home if it weren’t for the necklace. “I can’t keep this.”

“I’m giving it you.” Tatsmato replied with a smile. “You helped me with the photoshoot so I’d figure you keep the necklace. It looks nice on you, like a real Angel.”

There was that nervous laugh again from Jimin.

“Get home safe,” Tatsmato said as he brushed Jamin's bangs. His own necklace was shining under the photoshoot lights.

Jimin smiled. “Thank you, Tatsmato hyung, I’m a huge fan.”

Tatsmato smiled back. “Call me Himchan.” He said and fondled his own necklace with his fingers before looking at Taehyung waiting outside. Once again his smile dropped slightly.

Jimin bowed. “Thank you for everything, Himchan hyung.” He said happily and his had was on the door handle and he was about to open it before Himchan spoke again.

“Be careful.”

Jimin heard Himchan say but he had a feeling the model was referring to something else, but he couldn’t pinpoint what.

Himchan smiled. “See you around.” He said and watched as Jimin smiled before nodding and stepping out the trailer. He went straight to Taehyung and Himchan's smile was completely gone. He continued to rub his angel necklace, his eyes worried.


“You must be cold.” Jimin said as he walked alongside Taehyung. He looked at the other who was unable to hide his blush from moments earlier.

“I-I’m fine.” Taehyung stuttered. They walked in silence except for the crunchy sounds of snow being stepped on. The Fallen Angel sniffled. “Are you cold?” He asked Jimin, staring down at the smaller.

Jimin shook his head but Taehyung had already began to take off his coat. “W-Wait, won’t you be cold?” Jimin asked as Taehyung buttoned his own coat on the smaller.

“I’ll be fine.” Taehyung smirked and leaned in close. “You can warm me up when we get to your apartment.”

Jimin smiled and shook his head, letting Taehyung wrap himself around the Angel. He didn’t want him to get sick after all.

“What happened to Jungkook?”

“I don’t know. One moment he was with me, the next he’s gone. He probably got distracted with food or causing trouble again.”

Jimin giggled. “That kid.”

Meanwhile at Sweet Sweet Bakery…

“One more! One more!” Jungkook shouted as he waved his empty dish in the air. The bystanders watched as Jungkook placed his latest empty dish onto the pile of at least fifty empty dishes.

It was a good thing this bakery had their annual cake eating contest. At least Jungkook didn’t have to pay or better yet hypnotizing everyone for cake.

“Do you think he’s alright on his own?” Jimin asked as he closed the door to his apartment. He looked over at Taehyung who only shrugged and sat himself on the Angel’s bed.

The Fallen Angel watched as Jimin came from the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate. Taehyung had drank them before. They were quite delicious, especially with lots of marshmallows.

Jimin sat down next to the taller. He the television, randomly flipping through channels to find anything interesting to watch.

“Do you think it’s going to snow all night?” Jimin said after taking a sip of his hot chocolate as he continued to look through channels. “I hope we’ll miss out school tomorrow.”

Taehyung shrugged and naturally placed his arm behind Jimin’s headrest of the sofa. He stared at the television as well. “I hope so too.” He said. “So that I can be with you the whole night.

Jimin could only laugh before placing down his mug. He decided to leave the television on the some random channel and sat pretzel style on the couch.

“Mhm~ babe, I’m cold~” Taehyung whined as he buried himself into the smaller boy. He nibbled on Jimin’s neck and it made the Angel shiver.

“S-Stop!” Jimin shouted, pushing the erted Fallen Angel away. He rubbed his neck furiously and glared at the other. “You’re such a ert!”

“Poo~ you make it sound like that’s a bad thing.”


Taehyung chuckled and pulled Jimin onto his lap, burying his face into the smaller boy’s stomach. “Mhm~ so fluffy and warm~”

Jimin rolled his eyes before giving into a smile. He patted Taehyung’s orange hair. It was surprisingly, extremely fluffy by the way.

“Aren’t you trying to kill me?” Jimin said, flicking Taehyung’s forehead. “You’re not good at it.”

“Well, they never said when to kill you.” Taehyung with a small pout and Jimin found his pout honestly so adorable. Such a Fallen Angel can pull of such an adorable pout, that’s a sight to be seen.

There was a small silence, expect the shuffling of Taehyung underneath Jimin. The taller boy adjusted himself, still wrapping his arms around the smaller, burying into Jimin’s petite body.

“Are you hungry?” Jimin asked, only separating himself enough to look into Taehyung’s dark orbs. The latter nodded and the Angel smiled, naturally bumping their foreheads. “Yeah, it’s getting late. I’ll make dinner.”

“What are you making?”

“I don’t know. What do you want to eat?”

Taehyung shrugged. “Anything is fine. I’m not picky.” He said and Jimin chuckled before getting off the Fallen Angel’s lap. Taehyung felt the coldness sweep onto his lap and watched as Jimin walked off to the kitchen.

Jimin hummed to himself as he looked inside his small fridge. He had almost forgotten that he went grocery shopping today and took out the newly bought foods.

“Is fried rice good with you?” Jimin asked when Taehyung entered to room. The taller just shrugged and took a seat on the small dining table. “Why so moody?”

“Because you’re not in my arms.”

Jimin scoffed. “You act like we’re a couple.” He said as he ripped open the package of pre peeled shrimps. He could feel the pout coming from Taehyung.

“You act like you don’t like it.”

Instant blush from Jimin. “S-SHUT UP.”

Taehyung chuckled as he got up from his seat and went to back hugged Jimin. “Aw, don’t be so defensive.” He said, his lips blowing a wind to Jimin’s ear. “I know we’re not together. But it’s fun to do this, yeah?”


Taehyung smiled as he pulled the smaller closer, enjoying the warmth.

Dinner didn’t take long, although Taehyung did eat some of the fried shrimp before Jimin had mixed it in with the fried rice.

“Ah~” Taehyung called, mouth agape as he waited for Jimin to feed him a piece of shrimp. He closed his mouth once the smaller didn’t get his hint. “You’re supposed to feed me.”


“Because you’re an Angel. Don’t Angels do stuff for others?”

“Don’t Fallen Angels have their own hands?”

Taehyung pouted and began to sulk, leaving Jimin to give up. The smaller boy smiled and stuffed a large piece of shrimp into Taehyung’s mouth, watching as the boy smilingly chewed on it.

“No you’re still doing it wrong~” Taehyung said again, obviously not completely satisfied. He bought Jimin over (FYI Fallen Angels have superhuman strength of course) onto his lap and grinned.

The Angel cocked his hair to the right, staring down at Taehyung. “What?” He said, tapping the Fallen Angel’s thigh.

“Now you can feed me~” Taehyung said as he s his arm around Jimin’s petite waist. He smiled at the boy on his lap and opened his mouth. “Ah~”

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes but smiled. He scooped up a spoonful of rice and fed it to the Fallen Angel, thinking how adorable it is when he smiled as he ate.

“Ah~ I’m so full.” Taehyung cheered as he sat back against his seat. Jimin chuckled on his lap, wiping the Fallen Angel’s mouth with a napkin. “That was delicious.”

“It was alright,” Jimin corrected. “I put in too much salt.”

“Nah, babe, it was great.”

Jimin smiled as he placed down the napkin. “I’m glad.” He said before getting up from Taehyung’s lap to wash the dishes.

Taehyung walked up next to him, watching as Jimin poured soap over the empty dishes. “Can I help?” Taehyung asked.

Jimin giggled. “Do you know how?”

“If you show me, I’ll be able to do it.”

“Well, it’s not that difficult. Just...clean it.” Jimin said with a shrug before smiling. He handed Taehyung an extra pair of gloves and sponge. “Just pour soup on the sponge and clean.”

Jimin had showed an example first and Taehyung was quick to learn. It took a while to finish the dishes since they fooled around with the soap.

“I should probably go now.” Taehyung said when two of them were at Jimin’s door. He had on his coat and red scarf. The Fallen Angel smiled as he looked at the Angel. “Are you gonna miss me?”

“Sure,” Jimin said sarcastically but giggled. “You should get going before the snow gets worse.”

“Eh?” Taehyung smirked as he pulled Jimin into his embrace. “But what if I wanna stay here? We can warm each other up under the blanket.”

“Okay, how about no.” Jimin laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Taehyung grinned, “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then, babe.”

Jimin gave a small wave as he watched Taehyung exit his apartment. The second the door was closed, the place fell into silence and Jimin meekly smiled at it.

“You know, babe, how about we-,”



Taehyung breathed into his palms as he entered his apartment. It was definitely cold outside but it’s okay because whenever he pictured Jimin’s smiling face, it warmed him right up.

That night was one of the rare nights that he had fallen asleep and woken up peacefully. It was a great sleep. Maybe because it was warm in his room. Or maybe it was because Jimin was still in his mind.

But either way, he had a good night sleep.

Normally when the doorbell rang, Taehyung would growl and resisted to kill whoever was behind it. But not today. Today he was happy and full of fluff.

So when the doorbell rang that morning, Taehyung was ever so excited to reach for it, hoping it was Jimin.

“Good morn-,” Taehyung stopped. “M-Mark.” He called lowly, staring at the redhead standing in front of his door. “W-What are you doing here?”

Mark smiled, his white fangs showing. “I came to check up on you.” He smiled wider but all Taehyung could had felt from the redhead was venom.


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Chapter 15: i love it
Chapter 15: This is such a good storyyy!!!! I love the characters so much♥♥♥♥
Jibootyv #3
Chapter 15: my god i need thid to be finisheddd
Chapter 15: came back to this story again! it's been a while, hope you still continue it when you can :)
amnakhan22live #5
Chapter 4: Vmin .... ❤
Jimin-sshi #6
Chapter 15: Omg I found this story today and I'm so in love with it TT^TT
lostyeol #7
Chapter 15: I've been waitinf for an update since julyy :(( am a new readerr :') update soon author-nim.. but dats ok imll wait for an update til' foreverr
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
Chapter 15: markson.. ah, so cute together and i love how jackson being so caring, wasn't like his-real-selves. and mark is so.. shy? uhm.. aww, daejae.. why is it so hard for both of you to stop the fight and being together already, just like vmin. ah, daejae just got into me and i wanted them to be together. small vmin moments, but that was cute though. i'm happy that you both are back, keep it going pretty fast, please. good luck.
Jiminssi-Tae #9
LionRose #10
Chapter 15: Wahhhh please update soon~.. The story gotten sooo ing interesting..