Chapter IX

Against Ourselves

“Nice place you got here.”

Taehyung watched as Mark entered his apartment, strolling around as if it was some tourist spot.

If you had forgotten, Mark was a Fallen Angel and in charge of training Taehyung to fulfill his mission. He has spiky red hair, sharp eyes, pouty lips and snow white teeth with upper fangs.

The fellow Fallen Angel was high class in combat and one of the Fallen Angels guild’s best assassin. He was also one of Daehyung the Malevolent’s most trustworthy subordinates.

Taehyung had used to admire how Mark always seemed so cool and composed whenever he came from an assassin mission. He had killed many Angels and Devils. He was merciless and straightforward, getting right to his mission, nothing could distract him.

“How’s your mission coming along?” Mark casually asked as he sat down onto Taehyung’s bed. He cocked his head at the younger, his smile full of venom.

Taehyung gulped and secretly hoped Mark had not seen him do so. “I-It’s going fine.” Damn, he stuttered.

Mark’s smile never left his face. “Have you killed an Angel yet?”

“Not yet.”

“How long do you plan to kill one?”

“I-I don’t know. I haven’t seen any. Maybe there are no Angels around.”

Mark pursed his lips and gave a small nod, his eyes blank and eyes away from Taehyung. They both were silent for a moment, well, Taehyung was secretly yelling for Mark to get out of his room.

“Well then, I guess I was right for coming here” Mark said, getting up and snapping his fingers. Simultaneously, a small letter appeared and Mark grasped onto it. “There actually is a certain Angel living in this city. A very special one indeed.”

Taehyung remained silent and Mark continued.

“Park Jimin.”

Taehyung froze.

“Ever heard of him?”

Taehyung shook his head.

“Well he’s a special Angel. Being the younger brother of Youngjae the Grace and a straight descendent from the lord, he happens to be really valuable” Mark informed, his grin full of evil. “Especially to the Majesty Daehyun. Do you understand?”

Taehyung nodded.

“Good. Well, it’s your mission to kill him.” Mark said nonchalantly, as if it was the easiest thing to do. “Your brother is not fond of how long you’re taking on your first mission. And as for myself, I am not even allowed to be giving you such information. You should’ve gone to find an Angel on your own instead of me telling you this.”

Taehyung stood silent.

“As a Fallen Angel, you are ordered to kill this Angel. Do you understand?”

Taehyung didn’t answer. He didn’t want to answer. He didn’t know what to answer. He was a Fallen Angel. Yes, he was a Fallen Angel. He needed to kill an Angel. He needed to kill Jimin.

But Jimin. Jimin, the same Jimin that made him feel warm. The same Jimin that would always heal him. The same Jimin that had cooked for him just the night before.

He needed to kill him.

“Taehyung, are you listening?”

Taehyung looked up, his eyes different. He stared at Mark and was about to speak until a very familiar, high pitched, annoying scream that can disturb the devil himself interrupted him.


Jackson’s voice rang through his apartment as he barged him. He was smiling brightly as usual, a sugar high kid really.

“Hey, Taehyung, do you wanna build a snow-,” Jackson paused and that’s probably the first time Taehyung has ever witness silence with Jackson.

The Hong Kong boy somewhat stared at Mark. He continued to stare and stare until it got creepy.

Mark blinked, quite disturbed. “Um, Taehyung, do you know this boy?” He asked the younger who sighed.

“Sadly, yes.”

“Oh.” Mark said and looked back at Jackson before giving him an innocent smile. “Hi, my name is Mark. I’m Taehyung’s childhood friend.”

Taehyung almost wanted to barf at how innocent Mark was at the moment. But he did had to cover up from being a Fallen Angel after all.

Jackson gulped and gave a nod towards Mark before turning to Taehyung. He quickly pulled the boy out of his own room and into the halls.

“Ow, what’s gotten to you?” Taehyung shouted as he retreated his wrist from Jackson before getting a hush from the latter. “What the hell?”

“Yo,” Jackson gave a smack to Taehyung shoulder. “Since how long were you going to tell me you had such a hot friend?”


“That Mark guy.” Jackson’s eyes brightened. “He’s totally my type! Man, he’s hot. The things I would do to him.”

“Okay. Ew.”

“Yo, you think you can hook me up? He’s not taken is he?”

“Um...I don’t think so?”

“Great! Hook me up with him! He’s so hot that he’s almost deadly.”

Taehyung smirked. “Oh you have no idea.” He said and dragged Jackson back into his apartment. This was perfect. Not only can he save time from killing Jimin but he could also distract Mark with this Hong Kong fool.

“Hey, Mark, have you met my dorm mate Jackson? Mark, this is Jackson. Jackson, this is Mark.”

Mark smiled as he gave a shrug of his shoulders and stuck out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Jackson.” He said oh so innocently that again made Taehyung wanted to puke.

Jackson gave a smirked and cocked his chin in a badboy fashion. “Sup,” He said and took Mark’s hand before unexpectedly pulling the red head towards himself. “You know you’re really pretty. Wanna hang out?”

Taehyung’s mouth fell agape. “HE’S HITTING ON HIM ALREADY?”

Mark gave a small laughed, clearing annoyed at the human clinging onto him. “Um, no sorry. I’m busy.”

“What? Come on, sweet cheeks.”

Taehyung watched as Mark resisted every inch of his power to literally kill Jackson right here. He was forcing a smile, slightly pushing the Hong Kong boy away. He laughed at the sight.

“Oh come on Mark,” Taehyung teased, pushing the red head more towards Jackson. “Since you’re new to the city, how about Jackson show you around?”

“W-What, Taehyung?”

The latter grinned. “Yepp, have fun you two!” He said as he pushed the two out the door before slamming it. Taehyung let out a relieved sigh and leaned his back onto the door. “Jimin…”

“So how you tell me a little about yourself?”


“Aw, why the cold shoulder?”

“Shut up”

“Come on~”


Jackson pouted as he pulled Mark close, puckering up his lips. The red head grimaced in disgust and pushed Jackson slightly away.

The boy does have guts, Mark thought of Jackson. He was not entirely bad looking. He had an adorable laugh, raspy voice and although Mark wanted to ignore, Jackson had a well built body.

“Are you hungry? Do you want to get something to eat?”

“No.” Mark replied but his stomach disagreed and it made Jackson’s lips into a grin.

“Come on, I’ll buy you food. What do you like to eat?”

“Um...anything I guess.”

Jackson grinned wider before he dragged the unknown Fallen Angel out of the building. Once gone, Taehyung slowly opened the door to double check, sighing in relief as he found neither of the two were in sight.

He wondered what Jimin was doing at the moment. Maybe he’s still in bed, or lounging on his couch. He also wondered how to approach Jimin without bringing up his conversation with Mark.

Taehyung sighed again. He knew he can’t procrastinate this mission any much longer. His brother was an impatient man too. He wouldn’t like it if Taehyung had returned with an unfulfilled mission.

“You’re different.”

Taehyung smiled at the small thought. Jimin’s voice was so sweet, like honey and it made Taehyung feel warm. The Angel in general made him feel warm.

Taehyung felt giddy whenever Jimin smiled or laughed. He loved how Jimin was so much shorter than the latter. He loved how Jimin liked to wear large sweaters that were too baggy on him.

“As a Fallen Angel, you are ordered to kill this Angel. Do you understand?”

Taehyung’s smile slowly dropped. The thought of killing Jimin somewhat made his heart sank. He felt torn. One mindset told him to follow his mission, to please his older brother. While the other mindset told him that he might never see Jimin’s smile again.

The Fallen Angel sighed. Was the idea of Angels being such enemies of Fallen Angels so true? Did his brother detest them so much? In fact, Taehyung had never thought about how his brother fell from heaven. All he knew was that he grew as a Fallen Angel and will forever be a Fallen Angel.

But Jimin. How can Jimin be an enemy?

The more Taehyung thought, the harder his mind started to hurt. Maybe his brother’s perspectives were wrong. Or maybe Taehyung was really falling for Jimin.


“Your majesty, it seems like Taehyung have taken a liking to the Angel.” Mark reported, kneeled down towards the Fallen Angel leader. “I...I was unable to make him to quickly kill the Angel.”

The Majesty sat silent, his thumb rubbing a smooth diamond between his fingers. His face was cover with darkness, causing fear into the red head.

“Sire, I-,” Mark didn’t get to finish his sentence as a huge force blew him to the chamber walls. He watched as the Leader of the Fallen Angels crossed his legs, his mouth was visible in a smirk.

“My little brother?” The Majesty began. “Liking an Angel?”

“Sire, my apologizes, I was distracted by a human.”

“Distracted.” Finally, Fallen Angel Leader Daehyun stood up, his eight pitch black wings behind him as he slowly walked towards Mark. “By a human?”

“I’m so sorry, sir, please, give me one more chance.”

Daehyun smirked and leaned down to Mark’s bruised cheek. “One chance. That’s it.” He said. “You may go.” Mark complied and dashed out of Daehyun’s court.

The Fallen Angel Leader sighed and brushed his black bangs before they latched back onto his eyes. “What in the world are you doing, Taehyung ah?”


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Chapter 15: i love it
Chapter 15: This is such a good storyyy!!!! I love the characters so much♥♥♥♥
Jibootyv #3
Chapter 15: my god i need thid to be finisheddd
Chapter 15: came back to this story again! it's been a while, hope you still continue it when you can :)
amnakhan22live #5
Chapter 4: Vmin .... ❤
Jimin-sshi #6
Chapter 15: Omg I found this story today and I'm so in love with it TT^TT
lostyeol #7
Chapter 15: I've been waitinf for an update since julyy :(( am a new readerr :') update soon author-nim.. but dats ok imll wait for an update til' foreverr
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
Chapter 15: markson.. ah, so cute together and i love how jackson being so caring, wasn't like his-real-selves. and mark is so.. shy? uhm.. aww, daejae.. why is it so hard for both of you to stop the fight and being together already, just like vmin. ah, daejae just got into me and i wanted them to be together. small vmin moments, but that was cute though. i'm happy that you both are back, keep it going pretty fast, please. good luck.
Jiminssi-Tae #9
LionRose #10
Chapter 15: Wahhhh please update soon~.. The story gotten sooo ing interesting..