Chapter I

Against Ourselves

Angels were known to be celestial angels who lived between Heaven and Earth. They were depicted to protect and to guide the lives of humans and to carry the tasks of the Lord.

But there were angels who rebelled against the Lord for power. They were known as Fallen Angels. They craved power and rule and were banished from heaven.

A war broke out between Angels and Fallen Angels. They fought several hundreds of war and it disturbed the ironic peace of the Devils.

Devils were known to be the powers of Hell or the Underworld. They share a similarity to Fallen Angels as they were both wicked but the difference was Devils were born into pure evil as Fallen Angels were born into grace before falling into corruption.

Devils joined the war against Angels and Fallen Angels. It lasted a few, more several years but none of them had risen in triumph. The three organizations were exhausted and wanted no more battling but not necessarily meaning there were no more outright battles.

Occasional conflicts and combats occurred between members who crossed paths for thousands of millennia.

For a while, tolerable peace was among the three factions but only until this present day.


Jimin smiled as he watched the young café worker picked out his order of honey buns. They were his favorite treats after all.

He thanked and paid the worker before heading out the café for school. Smelling the delicious, Jimin ate on the way.

Angels weren’t supposed to eat. They didn’t have these delicious treats in heaven. But it’s not like he’d gain the weight anyway.

Park Jimin

Angel Rank: Two Wings Rookie

First Mission: Inspect the peace of Seoul - South Korea, Earth

The mission seemed loud and clear to Jimin. He stared up at the messenger angels, his teachers, they were twin angels name Jongdae and Yuna, one of the upperclass angels.

“This mission is expected for Rookie Angels.” Yuna had told Jimin. “Do not fail us.”

Jimin had been living on earth for several months now. It was difficult at first: the walking instead of flying, the human technology, the transportation, the school and especially people in general. But Jimin was a fast learner.

He learned out to walk without his wings, he learned to look both streets before crossing the street and only crossing on a red light. He learned how to used a cellphone or ipads and he learned how to approach the nice people, and how to avoid the mean people.

He had made some friends in school, apparently he’s in high school. Angels don’t have ages. Anyway,. the first human to talk to him was a tall boy with the name of Changjo.

Changjo was taller, very much taller than Jimin. He had jet black hair and a good body build. He was mainly prideful, somewhat Jimin had disliked but tolerated.

The other was Jongup, a shorter yet just as built as Changjo. Jimin never found out what went on inside the kid’s mind. It’s another world.

Neither of them have a clue of Jimin’s identity.

The three were a part of the dance club, performing for school open houses or assemblies or the talent shows or the neighborhood festivals. Jimin had taken a liking to this school called dancing. Angels dance but never like this.

The way humans danced was amazing. It was powerful.

“We need to make up a new dance for the upcoming school open house.” Changjo had said when the three were enjoying their lunch. He looked over at the smaller two, who were more busy eating than paying attention to what he was saying.

“This is so good.” Jimin cheered as he devoured his honey buns. He shared them with Jongup and shared his own conversation without Changjo.

The taller male rolled his eyes. He gave up trying to talk about dance. Once Jimin was on honey buns, he gets addicted. No point in trying to pull his away.

Dismissal had ended early that day and Jimin had decided go home early. The dance practice can wait. There were more important things.

Jimin had liked walking. It was a different feeling than using his wings. And the walk to his apartment wasn’t that far either, there was a shortcut through the park. It’s not like he---

Jimin grew out his pair of wings when ambush attack had almost hit him. Luckily, there were no humans around to see his form.

He sensed the dark aura. It was evil and it made a shiver up Jimin’s back.

“What the heaven?!” Jimin shouted through the empty park. He stared at the attack. It was a dark bolt that was too close to comfort but that was not what Jimin was worried about.

Only Angels and Fallen Angels were able to attack with bolts. Given the bolt was black, there must had been a Fallen Angel around.

Jimin wanted the Fallen Angel to show himself or herself but at the same time, that would’ve meant that they had to get into combat. Sure, Jimin was trained in fighting but that doesn’t mean he was a fan of fighting.

He knew he had to get out of there before another possible hit. Quickly while there were no humans around, Jimin soared high through the park, up in the sky to avoid human contact.

He landed safely on top of his apartment roof and looked around. There were no other sights of the Fallen Angel.

“If you’re ever in a crisis, report immediately with this.”

It was somewhat like a halo and it was able to communicate to Heaven. Jimin shuffled through his bag and pulled it out, quickly activating it.

“Sir Jongdae,” Jimin greeted with a bow once the hologram appeared. He was able to report about his recent ambush but Jongdae had stopped him.

“I know.” The hologram said. “It’s clear that there’s a Fallen Angel in your area. But that is not going to stop you from your mission. From what we gathered, the Fallen Angel is a rookie, his strength is similar to your own. Continue on with your mission but keep yourself safe. If danger truly rises, we shall assist. But for now, prove your strength.”

Jimin understood. “Yes, sir.” He said as the hologram deactivated and landed itself onto Jimin’s palms. He looked around once again. The sun was setting and it made the the view in a beautiful orange hue.

He looked at his wings. They were blowing against the wind and Jimin gave them one more look before retreating them out of sight.


Alright so the first chapter is a little boring

but i promise it'll get better xD

thank you for reading!

i'll update the second chapter soon!

(it's already finished, i'll update it later)

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Chapter 15: i love it
Chapter 15: This is such a good storyyy!!!! I love the characters so much♥♥♥♥
Jibootyv #3
Chapter 15: my god i need thid to be finisheddd
Chapter 15: came back to this story again! it's been a while, hope you still continue it when you can :)
amnakhan22live #5
Chapter 4: Vmin .... ❤
Jimin-sshi #6
Chapter 15: Omg I found this story today and I'm so in love with it TT^TT
lostyeol #7
Chapter 15: I've been waitinf for an update since julyy :(( am a new readerr :') update soon author-nim.. but dats ok imll wait for an update til' foreverr
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
Chapter 15: markson.. ah, so cute together and i love how jackson being so caring, wasn't like his-real-selves. and mark is so.. shy? uhm.. aww, daejae.. why is it so hard for both of you to stop the fight and being together already, just like vmin. ah, daejae just got into me and i wanted them to be together. small vmin moments, but that was cute though. i'm happy that you both are back, keep it going pretty fast, please. good luck.
Jiminssi-Tae #9
LionRose #10
Chapter 15: Wahhhh please update soon~.. The story gotten sooo ing interesting..