Chapter XIV

Against Ourselves

Several months passed as Taehyung and Jimin continued to live together. They were still in love as ever, walking up to each others sleeping faces and falling asleep in each others arms. The months had been quiet. School went on, with Jongup’s dumb jokes and Changjo dance moves and the useless school learning materials.

The only person missing gave Jimin shivers up his back. He knew Jungkook was still out there; unknown for the past few months. The angel worried about the young devil sometimes; unable to not feel guilty after what had happened.

“It was his own fault after all, sneaking away to Earth without any permission, children these days.” Jimin had remembered Junhong saying.

Junhong was the leader of the Devils, in charge of Jungkook. He was as powerful as Youngjae and Daehyun but not as brute at Daehyun or kind as Youngjae.

Jimin had heard and learned stories about Devils. They weren’t really the kind you’d want to hang out with. They stick together but sometimes part away if they needed to.

The Angel heard rumors about how deadly Junhong could get if things didn’t go his way. He’d hoped the Devil leader remained unharming to Jungkook.

“You feelin’ alright?” Taehyung breathed against Jimin’s ear and the smaller gave a slow nod. He bit his lip as Taehyung pulled him closer, holding him in his embrace. “You sure?”

Jimin lain still. “I was just thinking of my brother.” He said quietly against Taehyung’s chest. It was true, the young Angel hasn’t seen his older brother in a while. The times when he tried to get back into heaven for visits, his brother would be missing.

But unlike Jimin, Taehyung had no intention to have contact with his brother. “Ever since I was little, he always controlled my life. Telling me what to do, what to say.” Taehyung had confessed to his Angel a few days ago. “I don’t want to see his face. If I could, I would kill him.”

Jimin brushed his fingers against Taehyung’s cheeks and brought him down into a slow kiss. Taehyung smiled into it, wrapping Jimin a little tighter than before. “I love you.”

The smaller boy smiled. “I love you too… Tae?”


“We’re just going against ourselves, aren’t we?”

“Yeah. We are.”

Mark groaned in pain as he slid down against a tree and onto the warm grass. He held his ribs tight, breathing heavily at every hitch.

What’s gotten into me, Mark kept questioning himself, I’m one of the best assassins there is in the clan. Why am I acting like some kind of amateur lately?

“Hey, are you alright?” A familiar, husky voice spoke towards the redhead. Mark looked up, questioning why his heart was beating so fast all of a sudden. “Mark, oh my god, are you okay?”

Jackson rushed forward to the distressed redhead. No, Mark was not a damsel in distress but he felt warm at how Jackson looked so concern for him.

“Oh my god, what happened to you?” Jackson asked before immediately shaking his head, “Nevermind, let’s get you to a doctor.”

“No!” Mark shouted, both hands gripping onto Jackson’s arm. No, he was not the type to beg either, but he won’t admit how he disliked doctors and hospitals. Just because he was an assassin, didn’t mean he enjoyed the sight of blood and needles.

The young Hong Kong man stared at the unknown fall angel and blinked. “Um okay…” He said and felt Mark’s grip loosen, still tight but loosened. “But you can’t just stay here. How about I take you to my place?”

The redhead bit his lip and reluctantly nodded.

“Sorry for the mess.” Jackson said as he turned the key to the door of his apartment. He gave Mark an apologetic smile (that made Mark cheeks feel warm in the process) and opened the door.

The apartment wasn’t that bad, just a few shirts and pair of pants around but overall it was clean. “Sit here, I’ll get a first aid kit.” Jackson said as he led the Fallen Angel to a nearby seat before heading towards the cabinet.

Mark puppy eyed when Jackson came back with the red cross box. “What happened?” Jackson asked and Mark took it to heart that the other was just curious.

“Nothing...just a small fight.”

“Did you win?” Jackson continued to question, circling the thick bandage around Mark’s pale forearm. He stared up at the redhead who remained silent for a couple of minutes.

“No…” Mark answered. his voice barely audio. “I lost big time.”

Jackson gave a slow nodded and Mark bit his lip, his cheeks heating up. “Alright,” he heard the Hong Kong man say. “Lift up your shirt.”


Jackson blinked. “Lift up your shirt or I can’t bandage your torso.” He explained and was already spreading the bandage. “Come on, I’m not going to do anything else. Even if you’re pretty, I’d rather have you recovered.”

Mark gulped and shyly gripped onto his blood soaked shirt before lifting it. Jackson remained calm but he couldn’t help but stare at the bruised yet toned abs. “Now this might sting.” Jackson said. He gently place the large bandage on, making the redhead hitch and his hands grasped onto Jackson’s biceps.

“S-Sorry.” Mark stuttered as he retreated his hand. “I-it stung.”

Jackson chuckled. “It’s fine. Lean on me whenever you want.”


It was around eleven when the street lights , brightening through the darkness of the night. The wind blew gently through the spring nights and the leaves communicated through the rustle of trees.

A young figure in white walked through the quiet and isolated park, his eyes fierce and concentrated. “I know you’re here.” Youngjae spoke through the silence and the trees stopped rustling.

There was no response at first but the sound of the trees picked up again and the wind blew hard followed by a deep laughter.

“Ah, so you noticed my presence.” Daehyun’s deep voice said as he came out the darkness of the trees. He clapped his hands twice and spread his arms. “How’s my little princess doing?”

“Don’t call me that.” Youngjae snapped harshly causing Daehyun to pain in a mocking way.

“Aw, baby,” Daehyun called and walked towards the Angel. “Don’t be like that. You’ll forever be my little princess, remember that?”

Youngjae bit his lip. He knew what the Fallen Angel was doing. Daehyun himself knew what he was doing, and he was enjoying it.

“My little princess JaeJae. My beautiful angel.  The angel of my life. That’s you, JaeJae.”


Daehyun smirked. “Stop what? Isn’t that you called me out here for? For you to join me? Isn’t that?” He was annoying. Too annoying. But Youngjae had to suppress himself. From everything towards the other. “Come on babe. You know we’re the best together. And if not,” Daehyun snapped his fingers, “then I’ll just let this happen.”

Immediately almost a thousand Fallen Angel soldiers scattered and surrounded the Angel leader. They were all armed, ready to fight in a second.

But Youngjae remained calm, his lips pressed into a straight line and his expression blank. He stared only at Daehyun, as if he hadn't noticed the army around him. “You don’t get it.” Youngjae said. “A bunch of measly two winged fallen angels can’t lay a finger on me.” The Angel explained. “I’m only compatible with you.”

Daehyun blinked before laughing. “Aw, how cute babe. You didn’t changed at all.” He snapped his fingers and watched as his army charged at the lone Angel but to the former’s words, his army wasn’t even able to reach within a small radius around Youngjae.

“I told you.” Youngjae began, ignoring the groaning from the soldiers. “They can’t even touch me.”

Daehyun smirked, his fangs smiling at Youngjae. “Alright,” he soared towards the other and leaned in close. “Is there anything you want to talk about?” He whispered in the other’s face, a smirk still played on his lips.

“Why did you leave?” Youngjae straightforwardly asked, catching Daehyun off guard.

The other scoffed. “Why did I leave? Isn’t it obvious? He didn’t give me what I want. I wanted power, Jae. I didn’t want to be up there watching everyone live their life while I’m stuck in mine. I need to break free. And now that I am, I feel so free, Jae,  I-.”

“That’s not what I was asking,” Youngjae interrupted and Daehyun went silent. The Fallen Angel watched as The Angel slowly lifted his tilted head, his eyes teary. “Why did you leave me?” He was crying uncontrollably now, punching his fists over and over against Daehyun’s shoulder but to no harm. “I needed you. I was so lonely. I needed you with me but you weren’t there. I loved you.”


“I hate you!” Youngjae shouted, punching Daehyun’s shoulder again. “I hate that you left me. I hate being alone up there. I hate how you fell. I hate how I can’t forget you. Was it worth it? Was it worth it so much that you had to leave me? If I could kill myself for you, I would’ve already!”

“Jae…” Daehyun paused and gripped the younger’s shoulder, forcing him to stare into his eyes. “Jae, you don’t understand, I need this. I can’t go back. Not anymore. Not ever. This is our fate, Jae.”

Youngjae swallowed his tears. “I know.” he said, parting away from Daehyun’s arms. “We’re just going up against ourselves. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.” He ended and back away from the Fallen Angel. “It’s best if we pretended this never happened. By this, I mean us.”

“Jae, I -,”

“I’m going now.” The Angel remarked, always turning his back. “The next time we meet, be prepared.”

“...Jae,” Daehyun called and the other stopped in his changed. “I really did love you.”

Youngjae smiled, hidden from Daehyun. “I know. Goodbye.” He finished and the Fallen Angel watched as the Angel spreaded his wings and returned to the night sky.

Daehyun gave a small smile.

“You said you’d protect me forever right?”

“Of course, only you. I love you.”

“I love you too."



Hey guys, Chunjoe here, I'm officially back!

Been having some self thinking to myself and I'm ready to roll again!

Thank you all for being patient and understand. Both my friend and I appreciate that so much.

Anyway, let's continue this fic shall we? :)

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Also...MarkSon anyone?

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Chapter 15: i love it
Chapter 15: This is such a good storyyy!!!! I love the characters so much♥♥♥♥
Jibootyv #3
Chapter 15: my god i need thid to be finisheddd
Chapter 15: came back to this story again! it's been a while, hope you still continue it when you can :)
amnakhan22live #5
Chapter 4: Vmin .... ❤
Jimin-sshi #6
Chapter 15: Omg I found this story today and I'm so in love with it TT^TT
lostyeol #7
Chapter 15: I've been waitinf for an update since julyy :(( am a new readerr :') update soon author-nim.. but dats ok imll wait for an update til' foreverr
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
Chapter 15: markson.. ah, so cute together and i love how jackson being so caring, wasn't like his-real-selves. and mark is so.. shy? uhm.. aww, daejae.. why is it so hard for both of you to stop the fight and being together already, just like vmin. ah, daejae just got into me and i wanted them to be together. small vmin moments, but that was cute though. i'm happy that you both are back, keep it going pretty fast, please. good luck.
Jiminssi-Tae #9
LionRose #10
Chapter 15: Wahhhh please update soon~.. The story gotten sooo ing interesting..