Chapter XII

Against Ourselves

Taehyung stayed motionless when the steel bar door opened like he was some animal caught in a cage. He didn’t bother lifting his head up either to see who had entered his presence.

“Taehyung ah, you have to eat something.” Daehyun said as he nudged the small tray of food in front of his younger brother. he sighed when Taehyung gave a silent answer and decided to sit himself down in front of him. “You know I don’t like doing this either, Tae.” Daehyun added, looking at chains around Taehyung’s wrists.

The younger sat still. He was covered with bruises,cuts, scars and dry blood. His clothes were torn and his wrists were held by chains attached to the steel bars.


Daehyun blinked. “Hm? What did you say?”


“Tae, you have to speak up. What are you saying?”

“I want to see him.” Taehyung finally said, picking his head to glare at his older brother. He watched when Daehyun only sighed and ruffled through his black bangs. “I want to see him, hyung. I want to be with him.”

There was a slight silence and Daehyun sighed for the umpteenth time. “Tae, don’t start this again.” Daehyun’s voice roared but Taehyung remained unflinched. “This is getting ridiculous. What will get through your head that he’s an Angel. You two can’t be together! They’re our enemies, Tae!”

“They’re not! I love him!”

Daehyun shook his head and stood up. He gave one last look at the younger Fallen Angel and stepped out the cage.

Taehyung waited until Daehyun was completely gone to let out light sobs. He had let a growl and rustled his chained wrists. He continued to fidget until he swore he had drawn blood streaming down his arms.

“You’re bleeding.”

Taehyung stayed still at the voice. He knew who it was, but he didn’t care.

“Tae, stop. You’re bleeding.”

The said boy growled. “No , Sherlock.” Taehyung snarled, not looking up. “What are you doing here, Mark?”

The redhead have small smile before kneeling down in front of the young Fallen Angel. “Just checking on you. How are you?”

“Wonderful,” Taehyung replied sarcastically, glaring at the older boy. “Get out of my sight.”

Mark sighed. “You should eat something.” He said, looking at the now cold and soggy tray of food at the side. “It’s not good to starve.”

“How can I possibly eat with my hands chained?”

Mark sighed again before walking closer to Taehyung. “Hold still.” He said and Taehyung watched as the chains became unlocked and his wrists fall.


The redhead smiled. “There, eat.” He said before walking out the room and leaving Taehyung confused.


Jimin sighed as he sat upon the clouds of heaven, staring down at the beautiful Earth below. His eyes were blank, too tired and too dry from crying his heart out.

There’s no such thing as a limited time in heaven but it felt as if years had passed since the last time Jimin had seen the Fallen Angel.

Every moment was empty for the young Angel. He neither spoke nor interacted with any of the other Angels that he had not seen from a long time. His brother tried to comfort him, telling him that it was better off not seeing the Fallen Angel but Jimin wouldn’t even look at the Angel Leader.

Jimin felt as if Youngjae did not understand anything about love, fate, destiny. As an Angel, those traits were supposed to be virtues. But how was it that Angels can watch others fall in love whilst themselves were not supposed to?

Jimin wanted to see him again. He wanted to see Taehyung again. The other was not a Fallen Angel in Jimin’s eyes, instead, Taehyung was definitely his love, his soulmate. He needed to see him again, to see him and tell him to hold the Angel again. To hold Jimin and tell him that he would never lose him again.

“I’d knew you’d be here.” A raspy voice said smoothly from the side.

Jimin could tell who it was without looking. He heard footsteps coming near him and didn’t bother to look as Himchan sat down next to him, staring along at Earth.

“It’s a beautiful place down there.”

The younger didn’t respond. He didn’t feel like talking, neither when Youngjae had entered his chamber to check up on him nor when he had realized Himchan was an Angel like himself.

The famous supermodel, Tatstmato, angelically known as Himchan, was a fellow eight winged Angel. He had been undercover down at Earth for quite a while, on a secret mission to keep Jimin safe from Taehyung.

There was a small smile from Himchan. “Jimin ah, although you don’t know it, I’ve known you for quite a while now.” He said but the younger continued to stay silent. “You were young when your brother took the crown to be the head of us Angels. I looked after you for when your brother couldn’t until you entered training. That was probably the start when you forgetting my presence.”

“I knew you were special. You were different.” Himchan continued. “You were always at a higher level than the rest of the Angels at your level. You were stronger, bolder, braver, smarter, kinder. I always knew one day you could do something the rest of us couldn’t.”

“And what was that?” Jimin finally spoke, his voice low and broken. “Fall in love with a Fallen Angel and practically rebelled against my whole clan?”

Himchan gave a small laugh. “Yes,” he simply said and Jimin slowly turned to him. “You fell in love. You didn’t rebel against us or your brother, you merely showed us a different way of living. You showed that there is a way to stop the madness among Angels, and Fallen Angels and Devils. You befriended them. You were kind to them. You can stop this war.”


The older nodded and stared out into the distant sky. “There isn’t much time left. The war will begin soon. Many will fight and many will perish.” He looked at Jimin and smiled. “But you can stop this.”


There was moment of silence before Himchan gave another smile and gently ruffled through Jimin’s hair. “I don’t actually know. But how about I tell you a secret instead?”

Jimin blinked at the older angel. He wasn’t quite fond of secrets. Secrets were guilty, how someone promised not to spill secret but end up breaking them not a second later.

Himchan smiled and stared out into the view. “It’s a myth. Maybe it’s true but maybe it isn’t.” He commented, giving one look at Jimin before continuing. “A long time ago, there were two angels who knew each other ever since childhood and grew to love each other. They promised they would never leave each other and the promised can be kept only until it’s broken.”

“What happened?” Jimin asked curiously. He was interested. Angels were not allowed to love. They were only tasked to watch and guard humans and create peace.

“Years passed, things happened, some angels rebelled, and the promise was broken. One fell from heaven due to their greed of power while the other was left alone in heaven. That day on, the lord made law that Angels were not allow to love anyone, love leads to greed which lead to selfishness which lead to evil which lead to rebel.”

“But how is that even possible? If you love someone, you would do anything to be with them!”

“Love works in many different ways, Jimin.”

Jimin shook his head frantically. “I can’t accept this! Why are we not supposed to love? Why can’t we love? Why?!” Himchan stayed silent as if he had not heard the younger and that’s when Jimin clicked something in his mind. “Himchan you love someone? Don’t you have someone you love?”

The sudden question immediately caught Himchan’s eyes. He remained silent but Jimin had already knew the answer. Though the younger had not known Jimin for long as the older had to him, Jimin could tell that Himchan’s heart was breaking.

“Who is it, hyung?”

Himchan gave a laugh and shook his head. “No one. He no longer exists now.” He lowly confessed under his breath and it made Jimin stand silently.

They were quiet for awhile until Himchan stood up, looking down at the younger. “Jimin, do you love him?”


“That Fallen Angel. Do you love him?”

Jimin froze. Though he was always thinking about him, he froze at the feeling of his name. “Yes...yes, I do love Taehyung…” He said and Himchan smiled. Tears were in his eyes.

“If you love him, then go.”


“Go after him. Find him. And stop all this madness.” Himchan said, his hands firm on Jimin’s shoulders. “You can do this. Don’t worry about your brother, I will cover for you.”

It didn’t take Jimin a second thought before the younger spread his wings and soared down to earth. Himchan watched as the young Angel disappeared through the clouds and took a deep breath before recomposing himself.

“How long do you think I didn’t notice you?” Himchan said solidly, staring out into the view without any movement. He could hear the sound of wings flowing closer. “What is it that you want, Youngjae?”

Youngjae stood silent as he landing behind the older. His eyes were blank and emotionless. “I want to know why you told them about that stupid myth.” He demanded. “Jimin is far too young to understand anything about love.”

“He’s too young?” Himchan repeated before turning around, face to face with the Angel leader. “And you’re saying you’re able to understand about love?”

“I’m not saying anything. I just want to know why you told him about that stupid myth.”

“Well isn’t it true?”


Himchan chuckled. “Can’t deny it, huh?” He teased before turning back to look at Earth again. “It’s really, really beautiful down there. You should visit it more. Maybe get a burger and fries. They’re quite delicious.”

“I have no intention for human food. I have my own tasks to fulfill and so do you, Himchan hyung.”

The older gave another laugh. “Tasks?” He said. “I already fulfilled them.”

“Oh? And what was it?” Youngjae continued to confront. He watched as Himchan turned around, his expression strong and not easily backed down.

“To tell him about the promise.”


Jimin didn’t bother retracting his wings as he flew throughout the city. If he flew fast enough, humans couldn’t get a glimpse of his existence, but that was not the point at the moment.

The point was that Jimin was searching for Taehyung but he had no idea where to Fallen Angel would be. There aren’t any clues or hints. One wrong move and both of them could be goners.

“I love you, Jimin. I love you.”

The Angel quietly landed in the alley next to his apartment. He looked around, hoping to find any trace of Taehyung standing in front of the building, waiting for him.


Jimin shook his head. He didn’t want to give up. He couldn’t give up.

“I love him, hyung! I won’t let anyone hurt him, especially you!”

The Angel landed in the park, running around to find any sign of Taehyung. Tears were falling from his cheeks unnoticed but he kept running and searching.

“Taehyung!” Jimin called, hoping for an answer.

“I refuse! Neither of you are taking him from me!”


The said Angel paused, slowly turning around to see Taehyung leaning his strength against the tree. “Tae…” Jimin sobbed. “Tae…”

“You don’t understand. I love him! But you will not understand because you never experienced something like this.”

Taehyung smiled as Jimin immediately jumped into his arms, sobbing onto his chest. “I missed you, Jimin.” Taehyung said and pressed his lips against the smaller boy’s forehead. “I missed you so much.”

The smaller boy nodded against Taehyung’s chest and continued to sob. “I missed you too, you idiot. Promise you won’t leave me again.”

“I know, I know. I promise I won’t leave you again. I’ll protect you forever.”

Jimin gave a broken giggle. “You idiot, so cheesy.” He said and finally managed to look up to stare into his Taehyung’s brown orbs. “I love you.”

Taehyung blinked at the smaller and brightened. “I love you too, Jimin.” He said and finally he pressed his lips against Jimin’s lips.


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Chapter 15: i love it
Chapter 15: This is such a good storyyy!!!! I love the characters so much♥♥♥♥
Jibootyv #3
Chapter 15: my god i need thid to be finisheddd
Chapter 15: came back to this story again! it's been a while, hope you still continue it when you can :)
amnakhan22live #5
Chapter 4: Vmin .... ❤
Jimin-sshi #6
Chapter 15: Omg I found this story today and I'm so in love with it TT^TT
lostyeol #7
Chapter 15: I've been waitinf for an update since julyy :(( am a new readerr :') update soon author-nim.. but dats ok imll wait for an update til' foreverr
jun-kiseob_b2uty #8
Chapter 15: markson.. ah, so cute together and i love how jackson being so caring, wasn't like his-real-selves. and mark is so.. shy? uhm.. aww, daejae.. why is it so hard for both of you to stop the fight and being together already, just like vmin. ah, daejae just got into me and i wanted them to be together. small vmin moments, but that was cute though. i'm happy that you both are back, keep it going pretty fast, please. good luck.
Jiminssi-Tae #9
LionRose #10
Chapter 15: Wahhhh please update soon~.. The story gotten sooo ing interesting..