Chapter 15


"Sunggyu, what happened?" Woohyun cooed, trying his very best not to get impatient with his best friend. He hadn't been acting his usual self since he arrived back at HQ from a mission that he wasn't even supposed to be on. The purple haired man couldn't help but be worried for Sunggyu. "Where did you go?"


"To rescue a Transparent." Sunggyu said bitterly. He was still crying and upset and didn't want to talk about it. Telling Woohyun that he went on a high-risk mission to a police chief's house was a little unnerving, anyway. His friend seemed to relax, thinking it was just to free a Transparent.


"But why are you crying? What happened?" Woohyun pushed on, leading Sunggyu to sit on the edge of the bed with him. The brown haired man nearly scoffed at Woohyun's insensitivity. He would rather just cry himself to sleep and forget about it the next day but it would be impossible if Woohyun kept demanding to know what happened. It was risky to tell him but Sunggyu knew it would be better to tell him before he asks around the entire rebel population. He was the son of the leader after all and would get the information pretty quickly.


"Sunggyu? You can tell me, you know." Woohyun spoke again, gently rubbing the brown haired man's back. Sunggyu had calmed down since he entered the room but was still slightly shaking. Maybe it was the security he felt by just being in the room or maybe it was the smell of Woohyun lingering on the bed sheets but he was able to collect his emotions for a while. He turned away from Woohyun and prepared for the worst.


"W-we rescued one of my friends, Sungyeol." Sunggyu stuttered. Stuttering, what a great way to start, he thought. Woohyun didn't make a sound so he continued. "He worked for a man named…" Sunggyu racked his brain for the police chief's name. Sungjong had told him in the car ride there but that seemed so long ago it was hard to remember.


"Hwang… Daecheol." He finally said. Sunggyu paused, waiting for a reaction out of his friend. He was tempted to turn around and look when he didn't hear anything from the other. Suddenly the weight shifted on the bed and Woohyun stood up, heading to the door. Sunggyu watched him leave in shock. "Where are you going?"


Woohyun turned around with the most vicious expression Sunggyu had ever seen. His normally handsome and carefree features were masked by anger and vile, his eyes had death evident in them. The brown haired man felt a familiar feeling, the same extreme feeling he felt during the training. Sunggyu feared Woohyun at that moment. The purple haired man twisted the doorknob and opened the door with the snap of his wrist.


"I'm going to kill the bastard that sent you on that mission."  


"Woohyun, don't!" Sunggyu called as the man nearly charged out the door. Woohyun didn't stop moving and ignored his friend's comment, leaving him to sit on the bed as he went to go find the person responsible for Sunggyu's situation.


"…Don't leave me alone." The brown haired man mumbled, lowering his head. Woohyun froze mid-step upon hearing those words. Turning around slowly, his gaze landed on a fresh batch of tears rolling prettily down the man's pale cheeks. The dimmed room highlighted the trails.


"It hurts, Woohyun. Sometimes I wish I didn't regain my emotions at all." Sunggyu said, shedding more tears in between shaky breaths. Woohyun sighed and cupped his friend's cheeks, sliding his thumb over the tear trails.


"Hey," Woohyun gently sat down on the bed and took his hand, "look at me." Sunggyu was hesitant to look into his eyes at first, scared of seeing the deathly glare. "It's okay." Woohyun urged in a comforting tone. The brown haired man finally met his gaze. Woohyun's pale blue eyes reflected his emotions; ones that the man himself would never say out loud. Sunggyu saw it all. Worry, fright, sympathy, and an emotion he had never seen before all came rushing to him. It was if the two men had absorbed each other's thoughts.


"I…won't go looking for the person who sent you… Neither will I hurt them in any way." The purple haired man promised after a moment of silence. "But could you at least tell me who it was?" His eyes lowered to his lap, where their hands were entwined in a perfect fit. Sunggyu looked to the door, where footsteps were heard passing by.


"I don't know if I should say." The brown haired man said honestly. His mind wanted to trust that his best friend wouldn't do anything rash, but the possibility was still looming in the back of his brain. Woohyun gave him a pleading look and sighed in defeat.


"Alright. For now, this person will be kept a secret. You can't hide them forever, though. I'll find my way to get their name out." Woohyun joked, trying to lift the heavy mood set in the room. Sunggyu offered a smile and stood up.


"It's getting late. I should go back to my room before anyone starts spreading rumors of us." The brown haired man said before heading to the door. Woohyun waved as he exited, putting his hand down only when he was sure Sunggyu had left. He sighed a long sigh before staring down at his palm that now rested on his thigh.


"You don't have to hide it. I just want to protect you…" He whispered to himself. He thought of everyone it could have been. Only a few rebels had the authority to issue a mission to others so it would have to be a high-ranking person. Giving up after a while, Woohyun left his room and went to seek help from a good friend.


Luckily, he found the man he was looking for quite easily. The rebel was resting on a couch in one of the building's lobbies. As Woohyun approached, he saw that he was reading a novel he had seen once or twice before.


"Hey, Sungjong." Woohyun called. Sungjong visibly straightened in his seat and looked up. He gulped when he saw the purple haired man walk right up to him.


"H-hi Woohyun. What's up?" Sungjong asked as best as he could with his trembling voice. Woohyun didn't seem to notice how nervous the younger was getting and flopped down in the seat next to him. Rubbing his sore eyes, Woohyun let out a groan.


"I need help with something." He said, turning to look at Sungjong. "Sunggyu won't tell me who sent him on the mission today." Woohyun sighed again. He was really worried. Sungjong's eyes widened at the subject and buried his face in the book he was holding.


"O-oh." He said. Sungjong couldn't believe that Woohyun couldn't figure it out by how he was acting. His body wouldn't stop shaking and his voice nearly cracked every time he spoke. Sungjong had been the one to invite Sunggyu on the mission without permission or high enough authority.


"Do you know of anyone who has been acting strange since they arrived back? I mean you were on that mission too, right?" Woohyun stared into the younger's eyes.



"Strange? How strange? I didn't see anyone acting strange." Sungjong forced an awkward laugh. Lucky for him, Woohyun still didn't seem to catch on. Instead, the said man threw his head back on the chair. He looked at the wall behind him and let out a frustrated sigh.


"I thought you would at least help me with something…now I don't have anyone to ask other than my mom."


Sungjong was just about ready to stab himself in the gut at that statement. If Woohyun found out through the leader his punishment would be raised by ten fold.


"I…" The young rebel let out a shaky breath as he prepared himself to confess. "I'm sorry, I don't know who did it." Sungjong nearly hit himself. He chickened out at the last second and fibbed. Who knows how bad his punishment would be now.


"Well, thanks for trying." Woohyun said, standing up. He gave the younger a short grin, his naturally cheery mood returning. He stretched out his back and took a couple of steps forward before turning around.


"And just so you know, you at lying." He said before walking off, smiling to himself.


Sungjong sat there, frozen in place. Woohyun had known as soon as he sat down next to him. Why didn't he do anything to him? Sungjong accidentally let his book fall to the floor in shock. Woohyun had been making him suffer as a punishment.


"That jerk…" Sungjong muttered under his breath.





Whaaaaattttttt???? I updatedddddd???????? Sorry for the long wait hahaha you guys probably had to go back and read chapter 14 before understanding where the story left off. Thank you for waiting patiently! I should be back to updating every other day now. I have a lot of new fanfic ideas I want to start so I need to wrap this one up! ^^

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why does this have 300 subs its so bad


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Chapter 22: i read this story since morning.
like i said before, i easily trapped in the story that i read.
this is great.
how you make them,the transparents, emotionless. and gain their own emotion again.
every scenes in each of your chaps are precious. its so detailed.
oohhh i got dizzy so suddenly XDD

And the last chap:')
i got my tears rolled down on my cheek.Its so beautiful yet pain me :')

i hope there are no world like this in the real world. But who knows

Thank you so much for this beautiful story. And dont stop writing please..
Thank you so much /deep bow/
kiba_phoenix #2
Chapter 22: Wow, that was a severe twist. I had a suspicion when Mrs. Nam told Woohyun her story, but didn't think I'd be right lol. Dang, that was sad and beautiful at the same time. I loved it~
Chapter 22: NOOO WHY END IT THERE ㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 22: At first I'm going to like 'Where is Howon??' and yeah finally he's back :D
I'm crying so much when Howon saying goodbye to Sunggyu. It really hurts ㅠㅠ
I'm sorry. I think I just into HoGyu ㅠㅠ

I don't expect Woohyun to be Sunggyu's brother actually. The conversation in the walkie talkie is really obvious but still... ㅠㅠ
Yeah it's kind of sad ending. Too bad WooGyu can't be together.....
Or maybe Sunggyu is the young Holy's destiny? *giggling*

Sorry I'm being biased again ㅠㅠ

I love your story tbh :)
There isn't a lot action fanfics about Infinite I think...?
sha_alina19 #5
Chapter 23: is that it??aww...sunggyu n namu is brother??
idontevenwhatisthis #6
Chapter 23: soooooooo this story started off really good and then just careened to the weirdest and most abrupt ending. i was looking forward to the ending too, but it felt a bit hasty :(. ruined it for me.

and i don't mean the happy ending vs. sad ending. the pacing of the was too harried.
Chapter 22: Just finished reading this awesome fic....
Oh god i can't ..... With the ending ;;;__;;;;
Anyway, i really like your writing styleee
Uh and the story is wonderfull
Hahaha so it all began with beans...
kitamea #8
Chapter 23: I just read all of this and I think I just died a little.