
We Are One

I've been rewriting this chapter for over a week and I'm still not completly statisfied with it :( This is more of a filler than anything else. Hopefully I'll manage to finish my other fic before the new year because I have so many other fics I want to write but like it's so complicated. 

Later that night, all the EXO members gather again to hear of Chen's adventure with their ex members.


"We should really call and apologise to Yifan hyung." Jongin said after Chen had finished.


Sehun snorted. "No Sherlock! Don't you think we would if we could? It's long overdue but we don't have any of their contacts."


"We could call Henry hyung, Zhoumi hyung or Liyin noona and ask them to get it for us." Countered Kai. "They do have a lot of Chinese activities."


Joonmyun nodded. "Jongin's right. I'll contact them now and ask."


"It would be really nice to hear from them again." Baekhyun said and Chanyeol nodded in agreement.


"Maybe we could go and see them, we are going to be on a break." Chen piped in.


"Didn't they just debut? They'll be hella busy, the only way we'll see them is if we go to one of their stages in China." Kai said.


"We can't just go like that, people will recognise us."




Kyungsoo smacked the back of Jongin's head. "So, if people see us, they'll take pictures of us. And if people take pictures of us, it'll end up online, on tv or in newspapers. If that happens, SM will beat our asses. We're already in Jongin, so you really think fraternising with the 'enemy' will get us back into SM's good graces?"


"I have an idea." said Baekhyun.


"Is it a stupid idea?" asked Kyungsoo.


Baekhyun spared him a glare before continuing. "We should all dress up like women to go and see them."


"I was right, it is a stupid idea."


"No listen, if we dress up like the makeup noonas and sneak in backstage and-"


"Baek, we are not going to do that. It's way too complicated." stated Joonmyun. "We're going to wait for our sunbaes to get back to us. Hopefully, they'll give us at least one of their numbers. We will contact them and arrange to meet them. Then we'll fly out to China and sneak into their hotels and have a lovely chat in their rooms. Understand." The kids all nodded. "Good. Now everybody shut up, I'm on the phone."


The members quietened and dispersed, letting the small leader get on with his calls. Joonmyun gathered everyone back after an hour to explain how he had got on.


"The sunbaes said that they'll get back to us as soon as possible. So we should just sit tight until then." He turned to Chen. "They also expressed their sympathies for what happened to you."


Chen nodded."I'll make sure to thank them for their concern."


There was a rustle of keys and then the front door opened revealing one of their managers.


"I want you all up and ready by 7 tomorrow. A press conference will be held at 10 and you need to rehearse the script we give you."


A chorus of yeses were echoed around before they all lugged themselves to their beds.




EXO were nothing if not prompt, so they were all ready to go by 7 and by 10 they all knew exactly what to say. As soon as the press conference started, Chen stood up and denied being involved in the video. He answered all the reporters' questions efficiently and skilfully dodged the ones he couldn't answer. Once Chen sat down, Youngmin stood up to make the announcement.


"I think we can all agree that my EXO boys work really hard and  because they are popular, there is a lot of negativity surrounding them all the time. And working with such negativity all the time can be straining. So, I've decided to put a halt to all EXO related activities because the recent scandal has really put a lot of pressure on them and they are very stressed." Youngmin managed to say this all with a sincere face and the EXO members managed not to throw up at his affectation. "But there is some good news; SM will be debuting a new boy group."


EXOs jaws dropped and the press scrambled to get more details. They had not been expecting that.


"Hyung they are replacing us." whispered Sehun to Suho.


Suho patted his arm and gave him a reassuring look. "They are not replacing us."


"They are totally replacing us." Kai whispered.


By the time they had gotten back to their dorm, the media and the people were in a frenzy.


"They're boycotting SM." Baekhyun said as he continued to read an article.


"That's not going to last long." Suho said as he went through his phone. "I've seen the rookies that are going to debut and they're hot, people will be lining up to see them."


"Well since we're on a break, I'm going to go backpacking." Kyungsoo said as he made his way to his room.


"Kyungsoo-ya!" Chanyeol shouted as he rushed over to him and pulled him into a back hug. "Aren't you going to take me?"


Kyungsoo elbowed him in the stomach. "You wish Park. I'm going to take this time off from you idiots."


"Are we idiots too hyung?" Jongin pouted as he pointed to himself and Sehun.


Kyungsoo softened. "Yes but I actually like you two."


Chanyeol collapsed on to the floor and fake sobbed. "Why won't you love me Kyungsoo-ya?!"


"Guys." Joonmyun said in his serious voice. All heads turned to look at him. "Zhoumi hyung got Yifan's number off of Han Geng sunbaenim."


There was absolute silence for a few seconds until Baekhyun shouted; "Well what are you waiting for? Call him $uga daddy!"


Joonmyun frowned at him. "Don't call me that."


Sehun huffed and stole the phone from him before dialling the number and putting it on speaker.


"Hello?" The voice from the phone asked in a Canadian accent.


"Yes hello. Hyung, my English isn't that good so let's just talk in Korean, ok?" Sehun said.


"Sehunnie?" asked Yifan in surprise.


"The one and only. Hyung I miss you." he said with aegyo.


"Sehunnie?!" Yifan was still in disbelief.


"Oh my God! You forget how to Korean." Sehun said in English.


"Sehun it's 'You forgot how to speak Korean'." Yifan corrected him. "And no I didn't I was just surprised you called me after all this time. How did you get my number?"


"Han Geng sunbaenim gave it to Zhoumi sunbaenim who gave it to Suho hyung who was too chicken to call you. I personally think it's because of your messy divorce."


Yifan was confused. "Did you just say divorce? What divorce?"


"You know; Suho hyung is mum and you're dad and when you left you got-"


Joonmyun snatched the phone back. "Don't listen to Sehun, he still speaks nonsense half the time."


"Joonmyun?" Yifan asked. "I haven't heard your voice in so long."


Suho stood there awkwardly fidgeting. ""


Baekhyun snatched the phone. "Hyung I miss you so much! Where are the other members? Call them! We all want to speak to them. Omo hyung, your debut album is awesome and so is your mvs. Hyung I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I apologise if I hurt you, I was hurt too that's why I said all those horrible things, I didn't really mean it-"


"Baekhyun breathe." Yifan said calmly.


"Sorry. I just have so much to say."


Yifan laughed and called over the other members. The phone was then passed from person to person and they all talked into the night.


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The story is officially finished and coincidentally with 12 chapters


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2015jyoon #1
Chapter 12: they should have ended up with their own label.... they are more than capable for that.... 12 brothers who went through up and down together for years.... i really hope they are still in contact secretly
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 12: Awesome fic ! I loved the mini revolution the SM Idols did, it was epic :). Thanks for this story !
Chapter 12: Best fanfic ever!!! I lobeee da story...wish it was real!! But not bout da SM thingie but da reunite or more of da collaboration thing!! I was hoping some yixing's part more but its okay!! I just love it!! Great work author-nim...applause!! We are one...forever in da end!!
Chapter 12: They really do deserve a happy ending :)
nice work author-nim *abigsqueezingsquishyhugjustforu*
darexvyn #5
Chapter 12: I really loved this story :)
Chapter 12: Oh my god, I don't know how to say this.. This fanfic is so beautiful.. I'm just speechless. And how I wish the part when Boa and Kangta took over the company is true.. You've done a really good job author-nim. even though I didn't expect the ending will turn out like that.. I still like it.. gud job author-nim *thumbs up*
Chapter 12: I'm sorry if i start cursing but GODDAMN THIS FIC THAT FCUKING MADE ME CRY UGLY TEARS. I am a hardcore ot12 stan and still dont want to accept the reality and reading this just made me cried a bucket bc all of EXO-M is practically my top bias and Chen is my ultimate EXO bias and i kinda more biased towards EXO-M than K and seeing no more EXO-M (in this fic), can you guess the emotional ride i'm having whilst reading? Nonetheless it is a GREAT fic and i LOVES it so damn much. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Dammit i cried a lot on this fic...
Chapter 12: Well, the ending is almost the same as mine... but there is some/a lotbof difference. But still, the main part is the same but with different chara. And I'm also planning on mixing other Ent. in my story.

And again, but still, I kinda felt like I copied your story. Are you okay with that? I'll stop writing mine if you wanted me to stop.
Chapter 12: Chen with freedom...but it's okay, they still together ^^
ClaireTheSats #10
Chapter 8: In response to your a/n I live in the UK too, roughly 70 miles away from London (random, sorry), and I too was appalled at the fans who stalked them, as you rightly said they are human beings at the end of the day not just idols and we should respect their privacy, if I was one of those fans I'd be ashamed of myself :)
I really love this story x