A content, if not happy, ending

We Are One

Oh my gosh guys, over a 100 subscribers!!! Thank you all who read, commented and subcribed to this story. But all good things must come to an end and this story has. I hope you guys liked all the previous chapters and hopefully you'll enjoy this one too.


Boa struts into Kim Youngmin's office and Youngmin raises a brow at her.

"Can I help you?" he asks.

Boa placed a piece of paper down on his desk. "Kim Youngmin, you are hereby removed from your position as SME's CEO and fired from this company."

He smiles sarcastically at her. "That's cute dear. Now why don't you run along." He says whilst making shooing gestures.

Boa smirked at him and tapped the piece of paper on the desk with her forefinger. "This piece of paper states that the board of directors have elected to remove you from your position and since it has your signature on it, you've agreed to step down too."

Youngmin narrowed his eyes at her and snatched the paper. He scanned the text and ripped it up.

"What paper?" he said snarkily.

Boa rolled her eyes. "You're so predictable. It's a good thing I made copies of the original, what you ripped up was one of those copies."

"I never even signed anything! How did you get my signature?!" he demanded.

"I have my ways." she said coyly.

"What you've done is illegal!" Fumed Youngmin

"No more illegal than the things you've done." said Boa. "Besides, the board has fired you anyway."

"What does the board care as long as they get their money?"

"You're right." She nodded. "But in light of the recent scandals, they've lost a lot of money and will continue to lose money unless something is done. You are responsible for those scandals and your negligence has to be paid for."

Youngmin shook a finger at her. "I'll sue you! You ing ."

Boa yawned. "Yes I'd like to see you try but I'm afraid that you have enough lawsuits to deal with."

"What the are you talking about?!"

"Well you see, I own the company now along with Kangta oppa and I'm suing you for human rights violations against my clients and I'm sure you'll get more lawsuits directly from said clients."


Boa snapped her finger and a few bodyguards came into the room. "Remove him from my office please and throw him out of the building."

As they did as she instructed, Boa sat down at her new desk and started her work as a CEO.



True to her words, Kim Youngmin did receive a lawsuit from Boa, but not just her, several SM artists and staff had also filed in lawsuits. And it wasn't just against him, there were several lawsuits given to some members of staff, managers, coordinators and even Lee Sooman himself. Due to the numerous amounts of lawsuits received by the court and the serious nature of them, it would take years to get them settled.



In the meantime, Boa and Kangta began their renovation of SM entertainment, starting by renaming the company, KA entertainment. They sat down on a one to one session with individual artists and groups to discuss what they wanted out of the company and what their futures would hold. With that in mind, they personally oversaw all schedules that the company made for the idols.

"We aim to keep all our idols fit and healthy." Boa said at a press conference. "If our idols are fit and healthy, they are more likely to be happier and more willing to work harder. If they keep getting injured, they won't be able to perform at their best and cause fans to worry about them. KA entertainment has tailored their artists schedules to their wants and needs whilst being cautious of their health."

"Won't you be losing money?" asked a reporter.

"In the short term, yes. But in the long term, no. You see, my artists will be willing to work for me for a very long time and will be putting out not only great music but great movies too. Because when you're well rested and happy, you put your best into everything you do. Besides, real fans will also remain with their artists no matter how long or short their period of exposure is."



As the year went on, KA entertainment flourished. Everyone was singing praises about their artists music, performances and mostly their managing. They were really surprised at what Kangta and Boa achieved given that they were only idols a few months ago. Many companies abroad were also impressed, they contacted KA entertainment for collaboration purposes, one company happened to be the one Freedom were in.

"I can't believe we're getting to work together again." Baekhyun said as he pounced on Zitao.

"Neither can I." Zitao said in glee as he hugged Baekhyun back.

Yifan watched with a smile as his previous members and current members all hugged and excitedly conversed with one another.

Joonmyun walked up to him. "Will you come back now that Youngmin's left? It's a lot better now. Boa sunbae-nim, I mean sajan-nim, and Kangta sajan-nim are running the company way better now."

Yifan sighed. "I can't Joonmyun, I can't just leave my company."

Joonmyun narrowed his eyes. "Why not? You had no problems leaving us!"

"Hyung!" reprimanded Jongdae.

Joonmyun looked away. "I'm sorry." He said before walking away.

"Sorry about that ge." Jongdae said to Yifan as he rubbed his arm in comfort.

"No, it's ok. I should probably talk to him. If you're going to work together again, I don't want an awkward atmosphere. Plus it would be nice to be his friend again."

Lu Han bounded up to them. "Have you thought anymore about our offer?"

Jongdae nodded. "I talked to Boa and Kangta sajan-nim about it and they said it would be ok because Joonmyun hyung's going off to the army soon, Jongin and Taemin sunbae are making a subunit, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo are also making a subunit, Baekhyun has a few movie offers and Sehun has got some modelling jobs abroad."

"Any with Miranda Kerr?" Lu Han said whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

Jongdae giggled. "I think there's one."

"Oh my God, I can't believe that boy did it!" Lu Han said happily.

"I know, he's living the dream."

Minseok came over and slung an arm around Jongdae. "I hear you'll be taking my place."

"Only until you come back hyung." Jongdae said defensively.

Minseok laughed and ruffled his hair. "It's alright Jongdae, I want you to take my place. You just need to catch up on the choero and the songs."

"Actually, I know them." Jongdae admitted.

Yifan furrowed his brows. "All of them?"

Jongdae reddened. "What can I say, I'm a big fan."

The trio burst out laughing causing Jongdae's blush to deepen.

"Who's your bias?" teased Lu Han.

"It's obviously me." Yixing said as he walked towards them and pulled Jongdae into a hug.

Zitao scoffed. "No, it's me!"

He began to pull Jongdae towards him but Minseok got in the way. "Actually it's me."

They continued to fight over who got to be Jongdae's bias until Kyungsoo called them for dinner.



A few months later, Minseok went off to do his military along with Joonmyun and Freedom officially welcomed their new member.

"Is Jin Zhongda an official member?" asked a reporter at their press conference for their new mini album.

"Not really, he's just filling in for Jin Minxi because Minxi is a South Korean member and he has got to do his mandatory military service." explained Yifan.

"What happens when Minxi comes back?" asked another reporter.

"Then Zhongda will go and do his military service and probably return to being an EXO member. Unless he chooses to stay with us of course, we won't mind."

"There are rumours of all 12 EXO members reuniting, is that true?" asked someone from the back.

Yixing took over. "Unfortunately that's not true, however, we will collaborate will EXO a lot so please anticipate that."

"So only the previous EXO M members will be together again?" asked someone to their left.

"I hope so." Jongdae answered, prompting smiles from the rest of s.



2 years, 2 successful albums and a concert later, Minseok was finally released from his military service. Which meant that it was now Jongdae's turn. Before he left, he was called into his CEOs' office.

"Jongdae I heard you were going to do your military service in a few weeks."Boa said.

"Yes sajan-nim." he answered politely.

"Have you thought about what you want to do after you come back?" asked Kangta.

"I have." Jongdae said confidently.

Boa smiled. "I assume you won't want to renew your contract then?"

Jongdae shook his head. "No I don't. But I want to thank you both for everything you've done for not only me but the company and the idols too. I'm truly grateful and I won't forget it but I don't belong here anymore."

Kangta nodded. "We understand and respect your decision. Thank you for working with us Jongdae."

Jongdae shook Kangta's hand. "Thank you for having me."

He shook Boa's hand and exited the office where the rest of the EXO members were.

Joonmyun was the first to speak. "I'm guessing you won't be renewing your contract."

Jongdae bit his lip. "Sorry hyung."

Joonmyun waved him off. "Don't be, it's not like we won't get chances to work together."

The rest of the members all lined up to hug Jongdae and give him their best for the future and wish him luck in the military.

"Not so fast." Chanyeol said as he put an arm around Jongdae.

"You can't get rid of us that easy." Baekhyun said as he came and slung his arm around Jongdae.

"What do you mean?" Jongdae asked.

"We're going to the military with you!" They both said simultaneously causing Jongdae to groan.

"God damn." he said in mock annoyance.

"The 3 musketeers! All for one and one for all." yelled Chanyeol.  

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "More like the 3 beagles."



3 years later, Jongdae stands on a stage with the rest of his Freedom members as the MC announces Freedom's comeback concert. He scans the crowd and sees the EXO members along with their parents, his parents and s parents. He couldn't be happier. All he needs to do now is find someone to settle down with. But first, the concert.


I just want to say thank you again :) 


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The story is officially finished and coincidentally with 12 chapters


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2015jyoon #1
Chapter 12: they should have ended up with their own label.... they are more than capable for that.... 12 brothers who went through up and down together for years.... i really hope they are still in contact secretly
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 12: Awesome fic ! I loved the mini revolution the SM Idols did, it was epic :). Thanks for this story !
Chapter 12: Best fanfic ever!!! I lobeee da story...wish it was real!! But not bout da SM thingie but da reunite or more of da collaboration thing!! I was hoping some yixing's part more but its okay!! I just love it!! Great work author-nim...applause!! We are one...forever in da end!!
Chapter 12: They really do deserve a happy ending :)
nice work author-nim *abigsqueezingsquishyhugjustforu*
darexvyn #5
Chapter 12: I really loved this story :)
Chapter 12: Oh my god, I don't know how to say this.. This fanfic is so beautiful.. I'm just speechless. And how I wish the part when Boa and Kangta took over the company is true.. You've done a really good job author-nim. even though I didn't expect the ending will turn out like that.. I still like it.. gud job author-nim *thumbs up*
Chapter 12: I'm sorry if i start cursing but GODDAMN THIS FIC THAT FCUKING MADE ME CRY UGLY TEARS. I am a hardcore ot12 stan and still dont want to accept the reality and reading this just made me cried a bucket bc all of EXO-M is practically my top bias and Chen is my ultimate EXO bias and i kinda more biased towards EXO-M than K and seeing no more EXO-M (in this fic), can you guess the emotional ride i'm having whilst reading? Nonetheless it is a GREAT fic and i LOVES it so damn much. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Dammit i cried a lot on this fic...
Chapter 12: Well, the ending is almost the same as mine... but there is some/a lotbof difference. But still, the main part is the same but with different chara. And I'm also planning on mixing other Ent. in my story.

And again, but still, I kinda felt like I copied your story. Are you okay with that? I'll stop writing mine if you wanted me to stop.
Chapter 12: Chen with freedom...but it's okay, they still together ^^
ClaireTheSats #10
Chapter 8: In response to your a/n I live in the UK too, roughly 70 miles away from London (random, sorry), and I too was appalled at the fans who stalked them, as you rightly said they are human beings at the end of the day not just idols and we should respect their privacy, if I was one of those fans I'd be ashamed of myself :)
I really love this story x