How to handle scandals: a guide by SM

We Are One

I have a confession to make; originally I was only planning on making this a one-shot story but then I had more ideas and decided to turn it into a chaptered story. However, I didn't actually know where this was heading, so I started writing more stories. But I do kind of have a full story in my head now and will try and update as frequently as possible before my university starts again unless I get too lazy and procrastinate and start more stories that will need my attention. Enjoy :)


The ride to SM headquarters was a quiet one and Chen was thankful for that. He tried to get some sleep on the way there but they arrived as soon as he was about to drift off. As they pulled to a stop, he saw that the whole building was surrounded by reporters and fangirls.


"For s sake!" said Jung-nim in exasperation.


Chen had to physically bite his tongue to stop him from yelling 'this is all your fault so deal with it'.


They had to wait in the car for 10 minutes before the security team managed to back away enough fangirls and reporters so there would be room to get out. As soon as Chen stepped out of the car, he was bombarded with questions. He tried to smile and seem reassuring but he's pretty sure he looked anything but. By some way of a miracle, they managed to get into the building and he was currently waiting outside Kim Youngmin's office.


"Chen are you ok?" asked Kang Hyejin, Kim Youngmin's assistant.


Chen flashed her a smile. "Yes I'm fine Hyejin-shi."


She gave him a sceptical look. "You can call me noona. Was that really you Chen? In the video I mean."


Chen looked away and fiddled with his hands. He didn't know if he should lie or tell her the truth. He decided to go with the avoid approach.


"Noona, you shouldn't worry about me too much because then you'll get wrinkles on your beautiful face." He said with aegyo and his signature cat-like smile.


She laughed and handed him a sweet. "You are such a charmer."


Chen didn't get to reply back as the door opened and Youngmin gestured for him to get in. His expression looked like he wasn't going to accept tardiness so Chen walked into the office briskly.


"Hold all my calls until I'm done with Chen." Youngmin told Hyejin sternly.


"Yes sir."


Chen waited patiently and quietly until Youngmin decided to speak. Youngmin took his time getting to his chair behind his desk and left Chen to stand in the middle of the room.


"The phone has been ringing off the hook." Youngmin explained. Chen kept his poker face on, not knowing exactly where this was going. "Do you know why?"


"No sanjan-nim." Because it was better to play dumb then be a wise crack.


Youngmin raised his brow and turned his laptop to face Chen. The footage of Chen getting slapped was playing on a continuous loop on the screen. Chen's eyes narrowed, he could still feel his cheek smarten.


"We have amazing camera quality these days, don't you think?" Chen just nodded. "The angle is perfect as well. This is one talented cameraman who captured this unforgettable moment. You can clearly tell it's you Chen and if anyone had doubts, the audio is crisp too so it just confirms it." Youngmin chose to stare at Chen hoping he would yield some information but Chen just blinked back at him. "How did this get online?"


"I don't know sanjan-nim." Chen replied blankly.


Youngmin stood up from his place behind his desk and walked until he was facing Chen. "Really? You have no idea who could have possibly taken a video of you getting slapped by your manager? I think you're lying."


Chen snapped. He was really tired and overworked, he didn't need this right now. "No I don't know. I was the one was who getting slapped, I wasn't exactly paying attention to my surroundings. And if you don't want these kind of scandals to happen, maybe you should tell your managers to discipline us in private instead of disciplining us in the open where anyone can see and film it!"


Youngmin brought his hand down on Chen's face. "I can see why Jung did what he did. You idols can really be annoying sometimes. Just because you're famous doesn't mean that you can speak like that to me. I am still your elder and your sanjan-nim." Youngmin walked back to his desk without waiting for Chen to apologise. "EXO will be taking a break from all activities because they are tired. Do you understand?"


Chen resisted the urge to have another outburst. "Yes sanjan-nim and when will we be back from this 'break'?"


"When I say you can. Tomorrow, you will release that statement along with another saying how you're fine and that video wasn't of you. Now get out."



As soon as Chen entered the dorm, 6 anxious faces looked back at him.


"What happened Chen? Is Jung-nim getting fired?" asked Suho.


Chen snorted. "As if! Sanjan-nim seemed to blame me for everything. We are on a 'break' until everything sorts itself out, sorry guys."


"Don't be." reassured Suho. "It'll be nice to have a holiday."


Chen turned to Kyungsoo. "You were right, he's making me deny that it was me in the morning."


Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol causing the boy to sigh. He took out his wallet and handed Kyungsoo a few notes.


"The fans aren't going to buy it." said Sehun who was supporting a sleepy Kai.


"Neither will the media, you should read some of the articles already posted." said Baekhyun as he flashed his phone in their direction.


Suho sighed. "Eat something and get some sleep. Let's see what tomorrow brings."


Once again, thank you Beckiexo for making the poster!

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The story is officially finished and coincidentally with 12 chapters


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2015jyoon #1
Chapter 12: they should have ended up with their own label.... they are more than capable for that.... 12 brothers who went through up and down together for years.... i really hope they are still in contact secretly
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 12: Awesome fic ! I loved the mini revolution the SM Idols did, it was epic :). Thanks for this story !
Chapter 12: Best fanfic ever!!! I lobeee da story...wish it was real!! But not bout da SM thingie but da reunite or more of da collaboration thing!! I was hoping some yixing's part more but its okay!! I just love it!! Great work author-nim...applause!! We are one...forever in da end!!
Chapter 12: They really do deserve a happy ending :)
nice work author-nim *abigsqueezingsquishyhugjustforu*
darexvyn #5
Chapter 12: I really loved this story :)
Chapter 12: Oh my god, I don't know how to say this.. This fanfic is so beautiful.. I'm just speechless. And how I wish the part when Boa and Kangta took over the company is true.. You've done a really good job author-nim. even though I didn't expect the ending will turn out like that.. I still like it.. gud job author-nim *thumbs up*
Chapter 12: I'm sorry if i start cursing but GODDAMN THIS FIC THAT FCUKING MADE ME CRY UGLY TEARS. I am a hardcore ot12 stan and still dont want to accept the reality and reading this just made me cried a bucket bc all of EXO-M is practically my top bias and Chen is my ultimate EXO bias and i kinda more biased towards EXO-M than K and seeing no more EXO-M (in this fic), can you guess the emotional ride i'm having whilst reading? Nonetheless it is a GREAT fic and i LOVES it so damn much. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Dammit i cried a lot on this fic...
Chapter 12: Well, the ending is almost the same as mine... but there is some/a lotbof difference. But still, the main part is the same but with different chara. And I'm also planning on mixing other Ent. in my story.

And again, but still, I kinda felt like I copied your story. Are you okay with that? I'll stop writing mine if you wanted me to stop.
Chapter 12: Chen with freedom...but it's okay, they still together ^^
ClaireTheSats #10
Chapter 8: In response to your a/n I live in the UK too, roughly 70 miles away from London (random, sorry), and I too was appalled at the fans who stalked them, as you rightly said they are human beings at the end of the day not just idols and we should respect their privacy, if I was one of those fans I'd be ashamed of myself :)
I really love this story x