Drunken perfection

We Are One

I recommend listening to Ed Sheeran-Drunk whilst reading this chapter. It has absolutely nothing to do with this chapter except for the title and the fact that I think it's a nice song. 

Approximately 2 years ago, the ex EXO M members, except for Chen, met up in a highly private location in China. Why? To catch up without being followed by fans or paparazzi. They caught up on what each of them were doing now, if they were doing well and whether or not they were following the progress of EXO.


It was around 11pm, they were all thoroughly drunk, when Yifan suggested they start their own group. All of them, including Yifan, started laughing at the idea, they were highly drunk after all. However, when Luhan started singing and Yixing, who managed to produce a guitar out of nowhere, started playing a few notes, they all became immersed. They all shared a look before springing to action. Zitao collected all their mobile devices and started to set them up in various angles, some to record just audio and some to film them. Yixing and Yifan were scrambling to find pens and paper to write down their composition. Minseok went to find any other musical instruments lying around and dry food to try to sober them up. Luhan tried to pick himself off the floor after trying to execute a difficult dance move, in his defence, he was very drunk.


Yixing and Yifan had managed to find lots of paper and a few pens and they tried to write as coherently as possible in their drunken state. Zitao was trying to help Luhan who had fallen asleep on the floor. Minseok had come back with a lot of dry food but no instruments.


“There are some pots and pans in the kitchen.” He mumbled through the mocha bread in his mouth.


“Hyung you’re a genius!” shouted Yixing which prompted Luhan to wake up.


They struggled to get the pots and pans and arrange them into a suitable drum due to their hand-eye coordination being a bit off but after 30 minutes of trying they finally did it. They all quickly ate as much dry food as possible and looked at the lyric sheets that Yixing and Yifan handed out.


“Ok, I know I’m still drunk and my Mandarin isn’t brilliant, but I honestly can’t read this.” Said Minseok as he leaned on Luhan.


“I have to agree with Baozi, is this even Mandarin?” Luhan asked as he squinted at the jumble of words on the sheet.


“Of course it is!” pouted Yixing.


“No gege, it really isn’t.” Zitao said before chucking the piece of paper away.


“Fine I’ll sing it for you guys and then tell you which parts you’ll all have.”


Yixing proceeded to sing the song. Yes he did slur, giggle and forget some of the words but when he was done he received a round of applause. Yixing quickly allocated parts to everyone for his song, he then started playing the guitar whist Minseok played the “drums”, everyone sang their parts and Zitao did a freestyle rap that just went so well with the entire song. They kept this up all night; composing, singing, rapping and even choreographing. They eventually fell asleep in different places and weird positions.


They were all woken at 4pm by Yifan manager. Despite the sever hangover, they all remembered what happened last night but played it off as nothing more than drunk fun. They promised each other that they’d all meet again soon to catch up and they parted ways again.


On the way to his company, Yifan looked though his phone. He found all the compositions, the lyrics and the choreography. Looking through the content gave him an idea. As soon as they arrived, he went straight to his president’s office.


“You’re not serious are you?” His president asked him with one eyebrow raised when he heard Yifan’s request.


“I’m deadly serious. Don’t you remember how successful EXO M was in China?”


The president wavered. “Yes but-”


Yifan whipped his phone out and played what happened last night. “This is what happened when we were drunk. Imagine what we could do sober.”


“That’s very impressive but why do you want to do this. Being a solo artist means you get more money.”


“I was trained to be part of a group, don’t get me wrong, I love working solo but I miss my brothers.” He answered honestly.


The president sighed. “I’ll make them a deal to form a group with you if you manage to get them all here within the week. If they say yes, I want you to be the leader. This is a big responsibility and I’m taking a huge risk. Don’t let me down.”


Yifan smiled his gummy smile. “We won’t.”


Yifan had never phoned anyone faster, not even his lawyer after deciding to leave SM. He managed to gather them altogether by the end of the week and presented them in front of his president. They were sceptical at first but once they were promised better working conditions than the ones they had at SM, with confirmation from Yifan, they all caved. A second chance at their dream that won’t destroy them was too good to pass.


It took them a year and a half to make a complete full length album, concept and choreography all by themselves. It would’ve taken a shorter amount of time but the company wanted the members to take care of their health and not overexert themselves. Once they were done, they all smiled at each other.


“I just wish Jongdae were here.” Yixing said.


All the members nodded in agreement.


“I wish all 7 of them were here.” Said Yifan as melancholy hit them.

Guys I love that a lot of you are subscribing but I'm not getting any comments. You don't have to comment on every chapter but some feedback would be nice. Do you hate what I've done to the characters? Do you like where this is going? Is anyone actually out there? Are EXO members reading this fic and that's why they can't comment? Let me know, I promise I don't bite, unless we know each other really well ;)

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The story is officially finished and coincidentally with 12 chapters


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2015jyoon #1
Chapter 12: they should have ended up with their own label.... they are more than capable for that.... 12 brothers who went through up and down together for years.... i really hope they are still in contact secretly
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 12: Awesome fic ! I loved the mini revolution the SM Idols did, it was epic :). Thanks for this story !
Chapter 12: Best fanfic ever!!! I lobeee da story...wish it was real!! But not bout da SM thingie but da reunite or more of da collaboration thing!! I was hoping some yixing's part more but its okay!! I just love it!! Great work author-nim...applause!! We are one...forever in da end!!
Chapter 12: They really do deserve a happy ending :)
nice work author-nim *abigsqueezingsquishyhugjustforu*
darexvyn #5
Chapter 12: I really loved this story :)
Chapter 12: Oh my god, I don't know how to say this.. This fanfic is so beautiful.. I'm just speechless. And how I wish the part when Boa and Kangta took over the company is true.. You've done a really good job author-nim. even though I didn't expect the ending will turn out like that.. I still like it.. gud job author-nim *thumbs up*
Chapter 12: I'm sorry if i start cursing but GODDAMN THIS FIC THAT FCUKING MADE ME CRY UGLY TEARS. I am a hardcore ot12 stan and still dont want to accept the reality and reading this just made me cried a bucket bc all of EXO-M is practically my top bias and Chen is my ultimate EXO bias and i kinda more biased towards EXO-M than K and seeing no more EXO-M (in this fic), can you guess the emotional ride i'm having whilst reading? Nonetheless it is a GREAT fic and i LOVES it so damn much. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Dammit i cried a lot on this fic...
Chapter 12: Well, the ending is almost the same as mine... but there is some/a lotbof difference. But still, the main part is the same but with different chara. And I'm also planning on mixing other Ent. in my story.

And again, but still, I kinda felt like I copied your story. Are you okay with that? I'll stop writing mine if you wanted me to stop.
Chapter 12: Chen with freedom...but it's okay, they still together ^^
ClaireTheSats #10
Chapter 8: In response to your a/n I live in the UK too, roughly 70 miles away from London (random, sorry), and I too was appalled at the fans who stalked them, as you rightly said they are human beings at the end of the day not just idols and we should respect their privacy, if I was one of those fans I'd be ashamed of myself :)
I really love this story x