Chapter 9

You're My Target!


Luhan greeted the next morning at school. I close my locker and greeted back with a simple,” Hi.”

I look at him and he stare back at me with his big, dreamy eyes. I was at my locker getting my textbooks for first period and Luhan just happen to be there at the same time. I couldn’t help observing his beautiful features. I felt a tug at my heart so I turn away. I hate how attractive Luhan was. My face heated up as I remember the conversation I had with my mom yesterday.

“Are you sick? Your face is a little red.” he asked worriedly.

I was so embarrassed and blushed even more. I shook my head and change the topic, “What are you doing here so early in the morning?”

He rub the back of his neck with his hand and he answered seriously,” I wanted to see you.”

I couldn’t figure out how he could say such a cheesy line so easily. If anyone else beside him say the same line, I would probably throw up.

I coughed, “Luhan, you sure know how to talk cheesy.”

He furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. I notice him about to say something but my cellphone ring. My cellphone seem to be ringing a lot lately. It always interrupts when someone was about to say something. It was Aisha calling me liked always. My eyes widened when I heard what she tell me.

“Wae? How come you’re not coming to school? You can’t leave me alone!” I exclaimed.

I totally forgot that Luhan was with me and look embarrassingly at him. I probably look liked a dork right now. However, his face remains neutral so I turn back to the conversation with Aisha.

“You’re sick?” I asked.

“Yes…*cough* *cough* Sorry…*Cough* I can’t come to school.” She apologized.

Her voice certainly sounded dry and coarse. Her cough sounded bad and she coughs every now and then throughout the conversation. How can she get so sick overnight? I hated the idea of being alone, especially since I am being avoided by everyone at the moment. Still, there was nothing I can do so I can only mumbled, “ I understand.”

“Is everything alright?” Luhan asked.

I sighed, ”Yeah, it’s nothing.”

He gave me a unsatisfied look but gave up because I didn’t want to tell him. Honestly, he just confessed to me and I still feel uncomfortable around him. Everything happened so quickly that there was no time to react. I am still confused on how he can even like someone like me.

Luhan and I walk to the cafeteria to get breakfast when I realized I was still with him. There were already a few people in the cafeteria and their questioning gaze was suffocating me. Aisha wasn’t here so I feel even smaller than how I usually feel.

When Luhan headed to his table, I was debating on where to sit. Luhan was already seated with his friends and he wave at me, signaling me to come sit with them. I shook my head and walk to an empty table. I sat down and place my tray on the table. I pick up my biscuit, break it into a smaller piece, and drop it inside my mouth. There was a buttery taste but I could barely taste it. I chew on it slowly and swallow it afterward. Everyone was still staring at me and it made me uncomfortable. I decided to avoid everyone and look down at my tray.

I looked up when I heard something on the table. Luhan was standing across the table and had put his tray on it. He pulls the chair back and seated himself. Then he began to eat his breakfast as if it was the most normal thing to do. A few girls to my right gasped.

Wondering what the reason was for Luhan to sit with me, I leaned forward and whispered, “what are you doing here?”

 He glanced up at me and shrugged,” well, you didn’t come sit with us so I decided to come sit with you.”

His voice was not loud but the cafeteria had magically turn quiet. His voice echoes throughout the room. I could feel everyone’s eyes on us. Luhan sat comfortably and didn’t seem bother. I disliked the attention and feel liked disappearing at that moment.

Chanyeol made it worse when he decide to walk over and sat himself next to Luhan. That cause even more attention and I wanted to just disappear right there. He flashed me his signature grin before swallowing a piece of his biscuit.

“I can’t wait for P.E. today.” He smiled.

I snorted, “Sure, if you only do your work.”

He laughed, “Haha! Sure, I will try this time.”

I rolled my eyes because he was probably lying. Yesterday he made me do all the work and we still ended up with no clues to the scavenger hunt. I can’t imagine him helping me. I turn to look and saw a frowning Luhan.

“How do you two know each other?” he asked.

Chanyeol pointed at me with his finger, which I thought was rude. He used his other hand to throw a bacon into his mouth. He swallows it and answered, “She’s in my P.E class. We had to partner up for this one assignment.”

Luhan nodded in understanding and look at me for proof. I ignore him and did not care to explain. There was no reason why I should tell Luhan what I have to do with Chanyeol. I also dislike the way Chanyeol was still pointing at me. I gave him scowl and he laughed.

I was thankful when the bell rings. It help me get rid of the situation with Luhan and Chanyeol. I quickly got up and threw my tray into the trash. I walk to the door where everyone was crowding to get out. I thought I heard Luhan calling me but I shrugged it off. The hallway was quickly flooded with students. It was crowded and I accidently bump into a girl. She glare and curse at me before walking away. When I bump into another person, I was ready for another curse but no sound came out. I look at the person. Xiumin?

He gave me a cute grin before grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me through the sudden crowd. I hated the sensation I have when he touch me. When Luhan and Chanyeol touch me, I was disgusted but Xiumin’s touch felted so right.  He dragged me through the crowd until we reach an empty hallway. He let go of my wrist and send me a smirk. I wanted to wipe the smirk off from his face so badly.

“Yah, Blue Whale, you almost die in that wave.” He mocked.

“My name is not ‘Blue Whale’, you gorilla.” I responded.

He scoffed, “Well, I’m not ‘gorilla’ either. My name is-“

“Xiumin. Yes, I know.” I interrupted.

He smile in triumph. It sounded as if I was especially interest in him to know his name. I quickly added, “Everybody know.”

He still kept his goofy smile and I rolled my eyes. I speed up my pace to avoid him. He was such a jerk but I could not stop my heart speeding up for him. I heard footsteps closing behind me and I stop. He had already reached me. Although he was a lot shorter than Chanyeol, his legs were still longer than mine. I curse myself for having short legs.

There were a few people behind us and they enter the classroom after giving me a glance. Both Xiumin and I turn a corner and enter our classroom. The students inside stare at us and I could imagine what they were thinking, “Why is she with Xiumin?”

I walked to my seat and slump down on my chair. Xiumin walked to his seat but was still staring at me. I knew he was just trying to annoy me so I ignore him. Why is he suddenly paying so much attention to me? Before Luhan’s odd behavior, he acted as if I didn’t exist. I was only a stranger to him and he didn’t even spare me a glance. I’m thankful for Luhan for making Xiumin notice me but what was the point of it if Xiumin is just going to make fun of me?

A small, crumpled piece of paper flew over and hit my head. Was I getting bully? I grab onto the paper and look up at the students. No one was paying any attention to me except Xiumin. I was about to throw the paper back at me but he hold out his palm to stop me. He moved his hands around and signal for me to open the paper.

I curiously open the crumpled paper up and silently read what was inside.

                        BABO BLUE WHALE! You got TRICK!

I look back up and saw Xiumin laughing to himself.  I angrily crumple up the paper and threw the paper back at him. Liked always, the teacher chose that moment to walk in and witness me throwing the paper at Xiumin’s head.

“Beatrice, what are you doing?” he exclaimed.

I groaned and glare at Xiumin. He was now sitting quietly on his chair with his back facing me. I turned back to my teacher and tried to explained, “Sungsaengim, I was-“

“Get out!” He shouted.

I closed my eyes and sighed in frustration. I got off my chair and turn to look at Xiumin one last time. He send me a smile and was trying to suppress his laughter. I angrily kick my chair.

“Beatrice!” the teacher yelled.

I stomped out the room. I was sent to the punishment room. There was no punishment liked holding your arms in the air for the entire period. Instead, we were sent to the punishment room and assign to do a certain task. The teacher was present with another student. I looked at the boy with the tanned skin and a grumpy expression. It was another one of Luhan’s friend, Kai.  What did he do to get kick out of his classroom too? Kai was known as a troublemaker but I was still surprised to see him here. Does he get in trouble every day?

The teacher gave me a disapproving look.

“Is it your first time here?” He asked.

I nodded my head.

“Name please.” He ordered.

“Beatrice. I’m from Room__.” I answered.

He wrote it down on a piece of paper. Then he look at me and Kai.

“You two will be cleaning the restrooms.” He decided.

“What!” We both cried.

The restrooms were some of the dirtiest things in the school. Even if it was only first period and there may not be that much dirt, it is still gross. The teacher ignore our whines and walked over to the cabinet. He open it and pulled out two buckets and two mops. He also handed us the rest of the restroom’s cleaning equipment.

The moment I enter the women restroom, I decided that when I get out of this, I swear I was going to kill Xiumin. I wanted to throw up when I saw the unflushed toilet. I winced at the strong smell and back off from the toilet. I pinched my nose and walked over to the sink. I put my bucket on the sink and turn on the faucet.


I turn immediately to where the loud crash had come from. It was Kai and he had kick down his bucket full of water. The floor was now soaked with water.

I gritted my teeth, “What are you doing?”

He smirked, “Cleaning, obviously.”

“Is that your way of cleaning?” I asked with a raise eyebrow.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked past me. I don’t know why he walked over to the toilet but his face turn into an expression of disgust immediately. I bet he saw the unflushed toilet. I couldn’t help laughing to myself. He looked so funny with that expression.

“What are you laughing at?” He growled.

I quickly shut up. He was suddenly intimidating and I noted to myself that Kai have a short temper. I return to my bucket and turn off the faucet. I tied my hair into a ponytail. I didn’t want it to get in my way or brushing against anything dirty. Kai snorted but I had to stop myself from yelling at him. I grab my mop and began to mop the floor. Right after I began to mop, my mop stop at Kai’s foot. I look up at him.

“Why aren’t you working?” I asked.

“Do I look liked someone who will work?” he asked.

He gave me a look that said, “I’m too good for this” and a, “This is not my job.”

With his attitude, I wonder how he completed most of his assignments.  I decided to take a few steps back and mop in other area.

I scoffed,” Who do you think you are?”

“Who do you think I am?” he retorted.

I rolled my eyes, looked at him, and replied, “What else are you beside a useless person?”

His sarcastic face turns into a menacing one. He slowly walk over to me and I grip my tightly to my mop. Was I about to get beat up? I closed my eyes shut them but open them when I heard a squeak and a loud noise. I open my eyes slowly and saw Kai sitting on the ground with his buttocks. Did he slip? I couldn’t stop myself and burst out laughing.

“Who are you again? You don’t do these kind of things? I think I can now understand why.”  I laughed.

His face flushed red and he stood up.

He shouted at me, “Shut Up!”

I couldn’t stop and continue laughing. That’s what he gets for kicking the bucket and soaking the floor. The scene replay in my mind and my stomach was beginning to hurt from laughing too much. I finally stop laughing when he walk over to me and send glare straight at me. It scared for a second before I began laughing again. Luckily, he didn’t do anything to me and storm out of the restroom. It took me a while to stop laughing.

Kai return with a change of pant and a grumpy face. He had finally gave up and started working alongside me. The room grow silent as we seriously clean the restroom. Both the girls’ and boys’ restrooms were neatly clean when first period was about to end. Even I was amazed at our quick progress.

We wash the equipment and set them out to dry. We return to the teacher and inform him that we had completed our task. When the bell ring, I grab my bag and my textbooks. Kai followed after me when I exit the room. He walked next to me so I scooted a few steps away. I did not want people to misunderstand. It seems as if he didn’t understand my message because he moved closer to me again.

I heard him chuckling to himself and realized he was purposely doing this. Does he want all his fans to murder me? I rather not risk it. So I pick up my speed and before he can react liked Chanyeol or Xiumin, I ran to my class. I knew I will get in big trouble if I was caught running but there was no teacher in sight. I was relief and happy that I won’t ever see Kai again. Well, we will probably see each other once in a while but he will probably not recognize me. I’m just one out of the many girls he had met. Also, I have no classes with him and I do not have the intention to see him again.

I happily hop to my second period class. I settle down in my chair happily because I will not have to deal with Xiumin or any of his friends this period.



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nblnadia #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeee
dramaheartslove #2
Chapter 12: Update soon
RachAlexandrea #3
Chapter 10: Lol Kai pulling back the curtain.
Chapter 8: Update soon !!
Chapter 6: Update ssoon
Chanyeol made her annoying
Chapter 4: Update soon !!
Chapter 3: Update soon
Chapter 2: Update soon