Chapter 7

WITH YOU {Completed}
The clouds are dark and it is raining hard as Jiro looked out at his window.His assignment has been completed already and he have a new assignment that will require him to travel down South and have to assume a different persona altogether.Maybe after this one,he will need to get back to his normal life,just like any other ordinary citizen.He did not know that accepting this job will entail a lot of sacrifices on his personal life.

He first accepted this job to give justice to his girlfriend,who he lost in the dark world.He loved Rainie and to lost her in drugs is something ,he have a hard time to accept.How come,he never knew,that she will get entangled in this chaos,that will cost her ,her own life.He was unable to do something to help her when she was alive,but now he needs to do something to save some other people lives,and maybe shake off the guilt that he felt when he lost her.

It will be too easy to forget,the incident,but he loved Rainie with all his heart.It will be easy to start all over and fall in love again.His family is rich,he just needs to take over the business that his Father and his great grandfather have built in time to become one of the biggest company in Taipei.He can just have family of his own and don't get involved with the ills of the society,but Rainie is the reason...She needs justice for her death.

His parents are against this,being an undercover agent for the government,to go deeper for the underworld.But he was gone before they knew it.And they have no choice but to accept his decision.But this time,he feels,he have enough of the underworld,of the dark world.He have to go back to his old life, just this last one,as the agency have told him,for it is a very crucial time,and he is the only one who can penetrate the inside ring,without doubts or confusion.

His sister have found him,and told him about his Dad failing health.He needs to go back home to take reins of their business,before they lost the business that their Father and forefathers worked hard for.And so he told the Agency,and have asked him,after this last one,and then he can go back to his old life...the quiet life,he once have.

He thought about Hebe,she was mad at him for some reason.She is still young,she still have a lot of growing up to do.But somehow,he can picture her with him as he assume the role of successor of his Father.Will she wait for him?Maybe,I just have to forget her altogether,he thought.But still ,her face haunts him like no other.He just needs to talk to her before he goes tonight.

It was still raining hard,as he stepped out from his apartment.He knew,Hebe should be home by now,as he knocked on her door.He waited for minutes but no answer.He knocked for the last time and was about to go when the door opened.
Hebe stood at the doorway as she stared at him.

"Jiro,what is it?" Hebe asked.In as much as she is happy to see him again,but the thought,that he is with the girl the previous day,have really hurt her.

"Can I talk to you,before I go?" Jiro asked,as he looked around and saw there are people on the hallway of the apartment.."Can I come in?"

Hebe noted the people looking at them,as she let door open and let him in.And as she ushered him on the chair in the living room.This is the first time that Jiro was in their house ,as he looked around.The house was clean and modest,as he sat on the couch.

Hebe looked at him,and found herself blushing when he stared back at her.

"I just want to say Goodbye,before I go." Jiro said."I will be gone for a while like I told you.I don't know when will I am coming back.But I just want to know,will you wait for me?"

"Why?" Hebe asked, as she frown."You don't want me anyway."

"What do you mean?" Jiro asked."What made you think that way?"

"Don't lie to me,I saw the girl that went to your apartment,she asked for the direction and I saw her went to your place and you kissed her."Hebe said,suddenly she felt like crying now.

"Oh,Ariel is my sister.She is not my girlfriend,if you care to know.I don't have any girlfriend now,I lost the last one." Jiro said.

Hebe was still quiet,she does not know whether to believe him or not.

"Honest,I don't have a girlfriend now,the one that I want is much too young to commit,but I am willing to wait for her,if she will wait for me." Jiro said."I like you Hebe,will you wait for me?You told me before you will."

"I don't know,if I should wait for you.What if I am waiting for nothing?" Hebe asked."And how come you are leaving me,if you really care for me,you won't be leaving me."

"Hebe,some people have responsibility,and sometimes,as much as we want to,we cannot do the things that we want to do.We are bound by our duty and responsibility."Jiro said.

Hebe was quiet for some time."That is all I can tell you for now." Jiro said.He looked at his watch and it almost time for him to go."Hebe I really have feelings for you,and I hope you'll trust me enough with your heart."

Still Hebe did not say a word as Jiro took a deep sighed and got up from the couch."I have to go.Goodbye Hebe." as he took a step to the door and looked at Hebe for the last time.He saw the tears in her eyes,and as their eyes met and before he knew it,Hebe was in his arms.

"I am gonna miss you." Jiro said."I wished I don't have to go."

"I'm gonna miss you too.I love you Jiro,I really do." Hebe said."Promise me,you will come back for me?"

"Yes,I will,I promise you.Just trust me,as I trust you.I love you,I don't intend to fall in love,but I have fallen for you.Just take care of your self." Jiro said as he stared at her face and kissed her full on the lips.And Hebe felt the softness of his lips,and felt the hunger and emotions he felt.Jiro can't have enough of her,as he tasted the sweetness of Hebe's lips.And as they hold and kissed for first and last time,tears mixed up with their lips.

And as they part,Hebe can only looked at him,and Jiro can only looked at her for the last time....someday,their time will come soon enough,as Hebe wiped the tears on her eyes.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
This story of Jiro and Hebe has again gave me that loving feeling...the heavenly feeling of being inlove and be loved. And yes, age doesn't matter for two people who are truly in love. J/H tandem made the story special and extra sweet...<br />
Great job Anne!