Chapter 19

WITH YOU {Completed}
Days that follow,Hebe was busy with much of her school works.The finals is coming and Hebe knew that she have to study hard this time for with her new job and her new relationship ,she sort of lost her focus on her studies ,hence her grade is not that good in the beginning of the semester.

She would bump into Calvin once in a while but aside from simple hello and goodbye nothing has transpired between the two of them.Jiro's schedule has been hectic lately,when before she would see him regularly after work,now he is seldom in the office but out of town most of the time.She wondered if that girl Tiffany was with him all those times.Sometimes she would ask him but it seems he gets impatient if she asked him all the time.He felt that if she keep asking his whereabouts that she does not trust him enough.So Hebe have to suffer in silence and just keep it within all her doubts and questions.

One afternoon on the way to work from school ,she met Calvin as she greeted him.

"Are you done with your classes yet?" Calvin asked.

"Yes,I'm done but I have to rush to work for now." Hebe answered.

"I was hoping that you can have lunch with me." Calvin said in disappointment."But can I see you after work for dinner."

"I am sorry but I have to rush go home to study after work." Hebe said.

"WE can have a study dinner if you want?" as he looked at her."I am so sorry.I am so lame,and pathetic." as he smiled at her."Do I look desperate enough for you?"

Hebe smiled at him."No not really.I am so sorry." she said.

"It is alright,Is it your boyfriend?" Calvin asked."I know it is none of my business."

"No it is not that.He is not even around and he won't mind." Hebe said.

"So I'll pick you up from work after five.I'll wait for you outside.I promise I'll help you with your studies." he said.

Hebe was hesitant but he is being nice to her to help her with her studies.Jiro is not even around,he will never know and she doubts if he will mind at all.

"Alright you win." Hebe said as she smiled at him.

Jiro was having a meeting all afternoon.He wants very much to see Hebe for he have not seen her for almost a week now.Their latest transactions has been pretty hectic.And with his Dad failing health ,he has to take over in almost all the projects though Tiffany usually comes with him in most of the meetings.

He looked at his watch and it is almost five o clock as he gathered his folders and rushed to his office.He called Hebe's extension but he got no answer so he decided to go down to catch her before she leaves for home.

Hebe was almost on the door when Jiro caught her.She was surprised to see him.She thought he was out of town and won't be coming back in town until the weekend.

"Hebe,I am glad I caught you before you leave." Jiro said as he was trying to catch his breath.

"I didn't know you are back?" Hebe said."You didn't call me?"

"I am so sorry,I was on a meeting this whole day.I miss you." Jiro said as he kissed her cheeks "Can we have a dinner tonight?"

"Ohhh I have to study but...if you want." Hebe said.

"I am sorry I forgot that it is your finals soon.Don't worry go ahead,we'll just have it when your exam is over." Jiro said.

"No,it is alright,I can spare some time.I'll just catch up tonight." she said.She wondered how is she going to contact Calvin to tell him about her change of plan.

"You are sure? Alright let me get the car and meet you in front?" Jiro he turned and left.

Hebe got out of the building and sure enough Calvin was there waiting for her.She felt so guilty having to let him down but Jiro is here and Jiro is her boyfriend not Calvin.And Jiro takes precedence over all other things in her life.

"I am so sorry,I can't come with you today.Jiro came back today and he wants us to have dinner together." Hebe said.She cannot looked at him because she was feeling sorry for him,and he waited for her all these hours.

"It is alright,some other time maybe?" Calvin said.

"I am so sorry." she said again.

And Jiro saw them,Hebe and Calvin standing in the corner talking.He remembered him,the professor and what is he doing here this afternoon ,he thought.

Hebe saw Jiro as she said her goodbye to Calvin.She hopped in the car with Jiro,as he drove off.He was driving recklessly like he was mad or something.He must have seen her talking to Calvin.He was quiet not talking at all.

"Jiro you have to slow down." she said."What is wrong?"

"You are asking me what is wrong?" Jiro asked."What is that guy doing here?And why are you even talking to him? Have you been seeing him behind my back?" as he stopped the car in the corner.

"No,No it is nothing like that." Hebe answered.She never thought that Jiro will be this mad seeing Calvin.Suddenly she was afraid of him.

"Then tell me why is he waiting for you outside the building and how come he knows where are you working?Do you have a date with him today?" he asked.

"I....he asked me for dinner tonight ,what is wrong with that?" Hebe said."And he volunteered to help me with my school work."

"You are going out with a man behind my back.How can you do this to me?I rushed all the way for you ,to see you,and this is what I will get." Jiro he banged the wheel as it startled Hebe.

Suddenly she felt like crying.He is making her feel guilty for seeing Calvin.She didn't do anything wrong.

"Tell me what do you think of our relationship?Do you think this is just a game?" Jiro continued."Were you ever serious at all?" as he looked hurt and angry.

"Jiro,I didn't do anything wrong.I never thought of our relationship as a game,you know that.I waited for you all those times.You know I love you." as she cried.

"Do you really love me? Are you ready yet for a serious relationship? Think about it Hebe for I am not playing here.God knows I love you very much and I have been very patient with you because I love you." he said.

"I am not playing games with you ,Jiro." she answered.

"I think I better take you home now."

"Jiro,please believe me I really do love you,I know I am still young but I am trying hard for you." Hebe said.

Jiro looked at her,and his heart went out for her.He loves her deeply but is she ready for him? Somehow there is doubt in his heart.He took her in his arms as she cried in his arms....Holding Hebe in his arms feels so right but will it be selfish to have her commit herself to him at an early age.Will it be right to set her free and let her grow.?And they said if you love somebody set it free if it comes back then she is your to keep he holds Hebe closer,somehow it is hard to let her can he let her go?

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
This story of Jiro and Hebe has again gave me that loving feeling...the heavenly feeling of being inlove and be loved. And yes, age doesn't matter for two people who are truly in love. J/H tandem made the story special and extra sweet...<br />
Great job Anne!