Lies and Promises

WITH YOU {Completed}
Hebe was so quiet in school that day.She seems to be in a daze.Ella and Selina tried to draw her out from her thoughts ,but it seems she is unreachable.She was way far out from what is happening today,far from reality.

The day finished without much of an event as Hebe hurried home.Maybe she'll see him today ,even for the last time before he goes away,she thought.

She almost ran on the way home.She hurried and look among the faces along the way home,but he was not there.She looked at his apartment building and looked at his door which is close.

And then as she turned to go to their building,there was a lady,a beautiful lady,like she does not belong here.Her face is flawless and she was beautifully made up,lips was red and inviting.She have a slim figure and quite tall.Hebe looked at her with awe,as she smiled at her.

"Excused me,I just want to know if this is the right one?" she asked as she showed the envelope with its return address,as she point out the address.

"Yes,but it is the other building,right across."Hebe said,as she pointed out Jiro's apartment building.She looked closely on the envelope and the number is Jiro's apartment.Her heart fluttered as she caught sight of his penmanship and his name.She looked at her and wondered what was the relationship between Jiro and her.

"Oh thank you." as she took the envelope and put it in her handbag.Hebe looked on as she walk with certain grace on the way to the next building.Curiosity get the better on Hebe,as she silently followed her to the next building.She stopped,in a distance just enough to see the apartment door.

She saw her rang the bell,and then the door open and Jiro was there ,as the girl greeted him with a kiss on the cheeks.Hebe can only close her eyes.She did not expect her reaction herself,and before she knew tears are falling as she tried to brushed them away and ran to their apartment.

She rushed to her room,as tears flowed freely,not even wanting to stop.He lied to her.He promised me,he is going to wait for me,and I believed him.I even say yes to him.I hate him,how can he play with my own emotion,and he made me promise to wait for him.I hate him.I never wanted to see his face ever again,she thought.

Night came and Hebe just stared in space.Her parents came,and she made an excuse of feeling sick, and yes,she is not well,she feels like she is in a limbo.Everything is just mechanical,she did not know that love can hurt her so bad.She was always of dreaming beautiful things,when she falls in love.And now,she did fall in love only for such a short time and it did hurt her a lot.The pain is more than the gain.

That night as she got ready for bed,and as she looked at herself in the mirror.She told herself that she will never fall in love again.Her first love died before it can bloom.And Hebe let herself cry once more,only for tonight,she told herself,only for tonight.

The next morning,she fought her way on herself,not to dwell on her heartache,and to forget him,starting today.He is leaving anyway and Hebe wondered,why did he make a promise,when he got someone else.

As she walk slowly to the bus stop, her heart heavy,she knows for sure,he is not gonna be there.She was surprised to see him in the corner ,just like yesterday,as he sought her eyes.She tried to look away,but he already caught her eyes,as he smiled at her.

"Hi,how are you ?" Jiro said.Hebe did not say a word but just force a smile on her face.Jiro looked at her and like there was a question on his face.

"You must have woke up in the wrong side of bed today." as he forced a laughed and then looked at her,when he did not get any reaction from her.

"You are not feeling well?" Jiro asked ,as he looked at her with concern."You look tired or something."

Hebe wants to scream,"Yes,I was not able to sleep because of you,you are such a liar and a cheat." but instead she said."No I am fine,I am sorry I have to go" as she catch the bus that was available in front of her.It doesn't matter that she have to walk a couple of blocks to school,the important thing,is she was able to get away from him

Jiro can only look at her back,as she rode on the bus.She was mad at him or something,Jiro thought,and he is leaving today and he won't be able to see her for sometime. Somehow, he was hurt by her coldness towards him.he wondered if her promise is still true.But then Hebe is still a young girl,a very young girl.....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
This story of Jiro and Hebe has again gave me that loving feeling...the heavenly feeling of being inlove and be loved. And yes, age doesn't matter for two people who are truly in love. J/H tandem made the story special and extra sweet...<br />
Great job Anne!