Meeting Friends

WITH YOU {Completed}
It was an early Monday morning and Hebe is in a rush to go to reach school.She have an exam on the first period and she have a project to finish which she needs to finish plus today is Ella's birthday and she promised them that she is going to bring Jiro when they go out to celebrate Ella's birthday in the evening after work.She have so many things on her mind and doing a lot of things that she feels stressed out even though it is just the start of the day.

She rushed to her classroom and as she was turning she collided with somebody as her books and materials fell on the floor.She was about to say some cursing words,when she looked at the person that she bumped into.He looks decent and and good looking but instead of an angry misdemeanor,she found an amused look on his face.

"What seems to be the hurry?" he asked."I hope there is no bomb threat around?" he said in a joking way.

"Oh,I am sorry,but I don't want to be late .I have an exam this morning." Hebe said as he looked at him bending down to help her out retrieve her belongings.

"I am sorry too.I should have been more careful for student who is in a hurry." the guy answered."I am Calvin Chen,I am quite new here,I am an Assistant Professor in Economics."

"Oh,I am sorry sir,I am Hebe Tian." she said feeling embarrassed,as her face colored.."I have to go." as she got all her belongings from him.

Calvin can only looked at her back as she walked away ,with a smile on his face."Such a pretty girl" he told herself.And as he looked down,he found Hebe's notepad on the pavement as he picked it up and flipped it open...and read ...

The exam was not that bad as she have expected.And she was glad that one thing to be out of the way.She have a term paper to finish too,and she still have to research some part of it in the library.As she was looking at her notes,she couldn't find her notes,as she flipped open her bags and all her stuff one by one,and remembered about the incident early in the morning.She went back to the site after the period,hoping to find her notes.But she was disappointed when she could not find anything.Now she have to redo her work all over again and it is due to be submitted soon.She felt so disappointed,tired and frustrated.This day has been going she remembered all the hard work that she put in.She decided to go to the library and start all over ago.No use crying over a spilled milk,she kept saying to herself.

By one o clock,she reported to work.She have files of work to be done on her desk when she arrived.So far she have not heard all day from Jiro which surprised her.He must be busy,so she decided not to bother him and just to call him after work so they can meet up with her friends for dinner.

By five o clock,Hebe was all ready to go as she went to the restroom to freshen up before meeting Jiro.By the time she was in Jiro's office,his secretary told her that Jiro is still in a meeting but should be coming back anytime soon.She waited on Jiro's office which seems to be a lifetime.She was tired from all the round around all day,and she felt stressed out knowing that she have to redo her term paper all over again.

By the time Jiro walked in,Hebe's temper is almost to the roof.And what adds it up is to see Tiffany with Jiro on his way back to his office.

"I didn't know that your girlfriend is here." Tiffany said as she smiled at Jiro and noticed the unsmiling face of Hebe.

"Ahhh,I almost forget,we have to go to your friends birthday bash right." Jiro said as he came to Hebe and gave her a peck on the cheeks.Jiro noticed the mood of Hebe as he tried to play it down."So how's school?"

Hebe ignored Jiro's question as she got up from the chair that she was seating.

"I didn't know you are still in school.I thought you just look young.So you must be errrr..still on your teens?" Tiffany asked fishing on Hebe's age.

Jiro notice the venom in Tiffany's voice as he tried to ease it down."I am sorry Tiffany,Hebe and I have to go somewhere.I appreciate your help in the meeting.I'll just go over with you about the proposals once I have a look at the final figures." Jiro said in a business tone.

"All right,I have to go anyway.I'll call you back." Tiffany said as she gave Jiro a kiss on the cheeks and a look at Hebe and left.

Hebe was still quiet but her inside was seething."He made him wait and just because he was with that girl." she thought.Now her mood is all ruin.

Jiro looked at her and shook his head."Come on speak it out.What is in your mind? I would not know it,unless you tell me,what is bothering you?" Jiro asked.

Hebe does not really wanna talk but she can't hold her anger anymore."Why is that girl here?Does she have to be here and work with you?" Hebe asked.

"Hebe,don't tell me that you are jealous.You forgot that Tiffany's Dad is my Dad's partner in most of our business.We have to collaborate on a lot of things,since her Father made her in charge now." Jiro said.

"Pretty convenient isn't it." Hebe said.

"It is not like you to be petty.What is eating you today?" Jiro said.

"That girl and a lot of is pretty obvious ,she really likes you." she said.

"I told you before,it is you that I love not her.If I want her,I could have done that long before you." Jiro said as he hold Hebe in his arms.Hebe tried to pull away from him and avoided his eyes.

"Come on,they must be waiting for us." Hebe said.

"Hebe,we are not going anywhere until,everything is clear.I am telling you the truth,I hope you can tell me too,what exactly you are feeling." Jiro said.

"Alright,you want the truth,you want to know how I feel? I want to scratch her eyes when I saw her walk inside this office with you.I am upset,angry and tired.I have exam in the morning,a term paper to finish which I happen to lost my notes,and a lot of work waiting at my desk this afternoon,and then to see with you with that girl is enough for me." Hebe said.

"Ouch,it looks like you have a busy and stressful day.I am so sorry." as Jiro took Hebe in his arms,and this time she did not fight back.They hugged for a second and then Jiro started kissing her on the lips,as the passion builds up...He was kissing her as he dug deeper and deeper and he can taste her as Hebe moaned with each kisses.He was hungry for more as Hebe responded to his kisses....he wants her more than the kisses,he wants the whole of her,he wants Hebe to belong to him right now.

This time ,it is Jiro who pulled back,as Hebe was left in dazed."We have to go or we might end up somewhere you are not ready yet." Jiro said."And your friends must be waiting for us."

They met at the restaurant,as Ella brought her boyfriend Chun,Selina brought her friend Show,Genie with her boyfriend Danson.They have dinner and then went out to watch a show.It was already late when they decided to say good bye.Jiro drove Hebe home.

It was already dark and the clouds are threatening.Jiro walked Hebe to the door,and was surprised to see somebody standing there.It was the guy that she bumped into this morning.

"Mr Chen,right?" Hebe asked in surprised"What are you doing here?"

"Ahhh I am sorry.I came to give you this.I know you will be looking for this.I saw your address so I decided to drop it." Calvin said.

"How come you did not rang the bell? You could have just left it with my parents." Hebe said.

"I want to give it to you personally.I am sorry if I inconvenience you." Calvin said as he looked at Jiro to Hebe.

"No,I want to thank you.You just don't know how you saved me from a lot of work." Hebe said as she smiled."Thank you once again."

"You're welcome.I'll see you in school." Calvin said as he took off.

"You might have quite an impression with him .To come all the way here and waited for you all this time." Jiro said with some bitter tone.

"What do you mean? He is professor,he must have read my notes and knew that it is really important to me." Hebe said in defense.

"A professor? I think he has to know at this stage that you are already taken.I don't want any professor ogling on my girlfriend.You got that." Jiro said.

Hebe laughed."You are so funny.You know that you are the only one for me.And no professor no matter how good looking and how nice they are,can ever change that" she said.

"Promised.I think I have to take a closer eye on my girlfriend.The problem is she is too beautiful and so sweet,so everyone always took notice of you." Jiro said."One of this day,i just have to make you mine and announced it to the world that they are off limits."

"Really,I think I will love that." Hebe said and as Jiro kissed her once again.Hebe knees weaken to his kisses,as she clung to him more.

"Good night Hebe." Jiro said as he unclasped his hand from her,and started walking back to his car.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
This story of Jiro and Hebe has again gave me that loving feeling...the heavenly feeling of being inlove and be loved. And yes, age doesn't matter for two people who are truly in love. J/H tandem made the story special and extra sweet...<br />
Great job Anne!