Another Day

WITH YOU {Completed}
That night Hebe dreamed of the man who was her hero that day.His face haunted her and have a hard time containing her feelings.Even her parents notice the silent smile on her face.Her Mom wondered if her own daughter is in love for the first time.

Jiro lays awake as he stood in the veranda by his bedroom, as he puffed on his cigarette.He was thinking of the reason why he ended up in this place.His own parents are quite worried at him for accepting this assignment,but for him he have a lot of reason to do this,not only professional but more on a personal level.He knows the danger of what he got into,but he knows,he will never move forward and will never have a peace of mind,until he found out the real truth.

He notice the movement below him and saw there are people in the corner,probably a gang waiting for their prey ,he thought.He suddenly remembered the pretty girl,who happened to live at the building across.He did not notice the smile on his face at the thought of her.And her name is Hebe.....he wondered....and yet she is so young.Hebe so pretty and so young...he would have liked to know her more if it is a different circumstances and a different time and place.Funny how you met somebody that you have been waiting for, in the most unexpected places...But it won't be bad to get to know her more,somehow he could not understand the attraction and the interest she generates from he remembered her face and her smiles and her lips.He her lips will taste...her sweet and innocent he smiled to himself,and shook his head.

The next day,Hebe was all excited to dress up for the day,hoping to see Jiro again today on the way to the bus stop.She applied a light make up and dashed a color on her lips.She noticed her cheeks is already red with just the thought of him.She took a deep breath,"you have to get hold of yourself Hebe."she told herself.Her heart happy and light as she walked out of the door.

Hebe was disappointed when she did not see him ,on the way to the bus stop.All this excitement for nothing,she told herself.She keeps looking around and did not find his face among the crowd.She rode on the bus with her heart heavy for the day.

All day in school,she was quiet and was unable to concentrate,but just daydreaming of Jiro.Even her friends notice her lack of interest and enthusiasm in school.

"Hey,what is wrong with you today?"Selina asked Hebe."It seems your mind is wondering somewhere."

Hebe just smiled at her.

"Something is going on that we don't know about?"Ella asked.

"No,nothing ,That is the problem."Hebe said as she pouts.

"And what do you want to happen?"Ella asked."I agree our life is pretty boring,like there is no excitement here,but there is something more."

Hebe looked at both of her friends and wondered to share her feelings with both of them,but she guessed it is better to tell them."I met a guy,and I think I liked him."

"Where ? I don't see any new guy or somebody worthwhile in this place." Ella said."Unless you met him outside."

"No of course,he is not from here."Hebe said."Actually,he is our neighbor."

"Uhmm I don't know,I don't think I can trust any guy from your place."Selina said."And we have been hanging out in your place and I have not seen any guy that could be of interest to me."

"Uhmmp,because you are the forever princess."Ella said."I actually saw few nice one around." as she smiled at the memory of a boy she saw once but never saw again.

"No,actually he just moved in ,at the apartment across,the nicer one."Hebe said."And he looked so cute and handsome and tall and so much of a real man,he is so hot."as her face blushed.

"You are just describing him and you are already blushing.I wonder how you looked like when you are in front of him."Ella said."Is he also a student like us and what school does he go to?"

"No,I don't think he still goes to school,for he is older than us,and he even told me I am so young."Hebe said."He must be working already,although,he is not dressed like one."

"Did he ever talked to you at all?"Selina asked."Did he even knew you at all?"

"Yes of course,and he gave me his name and asked for my name.He even walked me to the door when I went home yesterday." Hebe said."He saved me from the bad guy in the alley last night."

"So,he is the gentleman type, and even a knight in shining armor ,now my attention is piqued"Selina said."So maybe we can hang out in your place and then we can see him."

"No,don't do that.I don't want him to think that I am just a silly girl."Hebe said."I want him to think that I am mature and sensible girl."

"Yeah right,sensible,but always daydream in class." Ella said.Then the bell rang."We better go to our class,so you may look sensible and mature girl." as she laughed.

Hebe hoped to see him again in the afternoon but never saw him among the crowd.Somehow the disappointment of the day kept her spirit down throughout the day and went through in the night.Just a day of not seeing him,and she missed him like crazy....maybe she'll see him tomorrow,that she can only wished...He did not even looked for her...She wondered if he ever thought of her at all during the day.Maybe she did not even came across his mind during the day.

Somehow,Jiro is far from home at that time waiting for somebody,as he looked at his watch and the time is ticking...and somehow Hebe's face came across his mind.he was thinking of seeing her today,but this is more important for now...tomorrow he will definitely see her.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
This story of Jiro and Hebe has again gave me that loving feeling...the heavenly feeling of being inlove and be loved. And yes, age doesn't matter for two people who are truly in love. J/H tandem made the story special and extra sweet...<br />
Great job Anne!