

Si-eun was out of the house the whole weekend. On Saturday, She, N, and Hyuk were at Hongbin’s place. On Sunday, she, N, and Hongbin were at Hyuk’s. They invited the others, but they were busy.

“You should’ve invited Mi-eun as well.” N told her. “She seems more interested in sports lately, huh? Or is it Leo she’s interested in?”

She choked on her food. “Guys! How many times do I have to tell you, she and Ken obviously like each other.”

“But Leo changed, I mean, he was quiet, but ever since he met Mi, he kept on talking about her all the time nonstop.” N said.

“Ken-hyung got some competition.” Bin said.

“I hope they won’t fight because of a girl though.”Hyuk said.

Si-eun was going nuts. She was going crazy because she baldy wanted to tell them and explain everything.


When she came home and was about to enter the room, she heard Mi-eun playing the violin. She also heard Ken’s voice so she decided not to bother them.

Her phone rang. It was an unknown number.


“Hey, Mi, it’s me, Leo.”

Her heart started to beat faster, but she realized he called her Mi.

“Oh hey, how’d you get my number?”

“You gave it to me in our gym class.” He said in a ‘duh’ tone.

“Right! I forgot.” *Mi-eun probably gave my number.* Si-eun thought. “So, what’s up?”

“Tomorrow after school, are you available for another practice?”

Her stomach did another flip, as if she was asked by her crush to go out on a date. “Yes, sure.”

“Great. See you tomorrow. Good night.”

“Yeah, you too. Good night.”


Monday lunchtime, Si-eun’s mind was totally not with her. She was worried because she hasn’t got any chance to talk to her twin, and of course, about Leo liking Mi-eun…not her.

“Earth to Im Si-eun!” Ravi said.

“O-oh…sorry…what were you saying?”

“Did you sleep at all this weekend? I guess you had too much fun at Hongbin’s and at Hyuk’s.” He suspiciously said.

“Sorry.” She faked a yawn.

“Hey, Si, I need your help for our dance after classes. Are you available?” N asked.

Si-eun may not be interested in music, but she’s good at dancing. She’s good at any physical activities. And that means the opposite for Mi-eun.

Si-eun was still zoning out so she just nodded.


When the last bell rang, she rushed to the gym. Leo was already waiting for her.

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Chapter 16: i chose im mi eun and then she is with ken and i was like ahh me and my biasss!! this is great authour-nim!!
ilyuna #2
Chapter 15: Actually, I thought Im mieun with leo LOL.. guess I'm wrong...
kittyleo #3
Chapter 15: Sequel please!
trashssi #4
Chapter 15: Sequel pls
Chapter 15: Sequel please :)
Chapter 15: Sequel!!! The story is so good xD
melonaide #7
Chapter 15: bonus chapter :)
Chapter 15: Sequel >x<
Chapter 15: Bonus chapter!!!!
untitledtae #10
Asddfghjkll <3