

When she arrived, Ms. Lee and Mr. Choi were both there. There were few students who will also do the test; at least, Mi-eun is not alone. She hurried to the line and tried her best to avoid Ken. He saw her.

“Where have you been?” He mouthed. He was sitting with the students who will not need to participate in the test.

Before she could even speak, the whistle saved her. She just gave Ken a smile.

After giving some reminders and instructions, the test started.

“Im Mieun!” Ms. Lee called. No response. “Im Mi-eun!”

Si-eun shot up. “Y-yes?” She almost forgot that she’s Mi-eun. At least, she made it look like Mi-eun was nervous and hesitating.

“Ready yourself, you’re up next!”

Si-eun finished the test smoothly. She made sure she acted slow and Mi-eun-like, but she was nervous that people will be suspicious because she didn’t fall even just once.

She made her way to the drinking fountain, Ken rushed to her.

“Did your mom make you drink a liter of coffee this morning?” He joked.

She shook her head. “No. Si-eun helped me last night. Her pointers are really good. It helped a lot.”

“I think it’s really good. It’s…very unusual and surprising.”

She just gave him a forced laugh. She then noticed a blond guy playing soccer on the field.

“Leo, pass it to me!” She heard N told the guy.

Leo…Leo Jung?! That’s the name of the guy who was in the National Soccer Team. Si-eun gaped. So, he’s really in N’s group of friends. She was staring at him.

She then shut her eyes; she can feel butterflies in her stomach. *What the hell is this?*

Water splashed on her face. She can hear Ken laughing.

 “Hey, that’s not funny.” She pouted. *I can’t believe I just pouted!*

Suddenly, she saw a black-and-white ball fast-approaching them. Without thinking twice, she kicked the ball back to the field just perfect for Leo to score a goal.

“That’s a foul, Leo.” N said.

“Fine, let’s not count that, but let her play with us.” He pointed at Si-eun.

She felt her heart beat faster. When the guys agreed, she joined them and totally forgot she’s Mi-eun. Ken worriedly sat back down and watched them. She played with the team, and every time Leo compliments her, she can feel her stomach flipping.

As the class ended, “Im Mi-eun!” Ms. Lee called.

She became nervous. Did Ms. Lee find out?

“I was watching you play. I hope you can join the team.”

“Ye—oh, I have some other obligations. I’m sorry.” Thankfully, she remembered she’s Mi-eun before she could agree.

“You have to join us! You’re really amazing.” Leo came.

The butterflies in her stomach came back. How can she decline that handsome face? She mentally slapped herself.

“When are the tryouts?” She asked.

“After school.” Ms. Lee said.

“I will work it out.” She said.

“I can run drills for you at lunch tomorrow.” Leo offered.

“I’ll be there!” She can feel heat running up to her cheeks. Oh my, is Si-eun blushing?

“That’s great.” Ms. Lee gave her a pat on the shoulder before leaving.

*What the hell did I get myself into?*


“Where have you been?” Ravi asked Mi-eun.

“Bathroom.” Thankfully, it was the truth since she can’t lie.

While Mr. Kim was still taking attendance, Mi-eun hurriedly did Si-eun’s homework.

She finished it just right on time when Mr. Kim started to collect the homework. He then wrote some equations on the board.

“Can anyone tell me what the derivative of this problem is?”

Before she could stop herself, Mi-eun raised her hand.

“Si-eun? Well, it’s nice to see you paying attention.” He smiled before turning back to the board.

Ravi was weirdly staring at her. “Did you eat something wrong?”

“U-uh…Mi helped me last night.

Ravi was still staring at her. She hoped he didn’t notice that she’s really Mi-eun. He turned his attention back to the board when Mr. Kim told them to answer the problems in their notebook.

Mi-eun swiftly finished her work, but she pretended that she’s still answering for everyone not to be suspicious of her.

Before dismissing the class, Mr. Kim announced that there’ll be a math competition at lunchtime and invited everyone to join. She badly wanted to join, but reminded herself that she’s Si-eun.

“Ms. Im.” He called.


“Great job on your homework. I thought you might be interested joining the competition.”

Mi-eun became tempted.

“C’mon, Si, let’s join. It’ll be just like playing sports.” Ravi nudged her.

“S-sure!” She agreed.

“I’ll join her, Mr. Kim!” Ravi said.

Mi-eun was totally distracted; she almost forgot that she and Si-eun have to switch back. When Mr. Kim left the room, she rushed to the bathroom. She pushed the door open; Si-eun was already there.

“We have to switch again.” They said at the same time.

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Chapter 16: i chose im mi eun and then she is with ken and i was like ahh me and my biasss!! this is great authour-nim!!
ilyuna #2
Chapter 15: Actually, I thought Im mieun with leo LOL.. guess I'm wrong...
kittyleo #3
Chapter 15: Sequel please!
trashssi #4
Chapter 15: Sequel pls
Chapter 15: Sequel please :)
Chapter 15: Sequel!!! The story is so good xD
melonaide #7
Chapter 15: bonus chapter :)
Chapter 15: Sequel >x<
Chapter 15: Bonus chapter!!!!
untitledtae #10
Asddfghjkll <3