

(A/N:Sorry for not updating T^T here's a triple update <3)


“Why are you looking so stressed?” N asked.

“Yeah. Is it about the tryouts?” Ravi asked as well.

*Yes. And to make things worse, Leo said he’ll watch the tryouts, but he’s expecting Mi-eun, not Si-eun.* Si-eun sighed.

“You’ve been sighing for the nth time. We’re all nervous. N and Ravi are nervous for their performance, I am nervous for my play, and Hyuk is nervous for his camp. So, don’t worry.” Hongbin said.

“What about Mi-eun? Is she going to the tryout? She’s been doing drills with Leo lately.” N said.

“She and Ken have a choir audition, hyung.” Ravi said.

*That’s the problem! Ms. Lee expects Mi-eun as well, but she has choir audition. I can’t just tell her and blow our secret to everyone.*

Si-eun kept of thinking ways how to solve their problem, but the quiet maknae bothered her. She nudged Hyuk. He was helping Hongbin in arranging his scripts.

“Si, you know, it would be great if you and your sister join this play.” His eyes were fixed on the scripts, as if he’s scanning the lines. “You two are natural actresses.”

She can feel panic rushing into her blood. Hyuk knew and he’s upset about it. What if the others find out? Will they be mad too? She wanted to run and find her twin. Hyuk was ignoring her the whole morning. When lunch came, she tried to find Mi-eun but she was nowhere to be found. She spotted Ken in the cafeteria.

“Ken, have you seen Mi?”

“No, she’s probably with Leo-hyung. Yesterday, she didn’t come to the practice. I went to look for her to only see her with Leo-hyung. And now, she suddenly disappeared. Well, she always disappears during lunch to play soccer with Leo-hyung.” The tone of his voice was obviously hurt.

Si-eun sighed. “Please let her know I’m looking for her.”


After classes, Si-eun became more nervous.

*Here goes nothing.* She headed to the gym; she stopped on her tracks when she saw Mi-eun’s bag with her violin case. *Where is Mi?! The choir audition is starting!* Without thinking twice, Si-eun grabbed her twin’s things and ran to the music room.


Mi-eun was in great dilemma as Si-eun. Ken was ignoring her, probably because she didn’t show up yesterday. Her piece was a mess; she couldn’t get it right. How she wished Ken was there to help her. She spent her time during lunch at the library, practicing her piece in her mind. But even in her mind, she couldn’t get it right. After classes, she went to the gym where she left her things.

*My things are gone!* She panicked.

Before she could go look for it, Leo rushed to her. “Hey, why are you still here? The tryouts are starting!”

She gulped and stood frozen on her spot. She couldn’t think what to do.

“You better hurry. Coach is waiting.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her to the gym.

Ravi and N were there to watch Si-eun; they rushed to her.

“We’ll take it from here, Leo.” N said.

“Okay, good luck.” He smiled at Mi-eun before going to Ms. Lee’s side.

“Okay, Mi. Where’s your sister?” Ravi asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen her all day!” She answered in panic.

“What are we going to do? Tryouts are starting!” Ravi panicked.

Mi-eun realized that she has her own ‘tryouts’. “My auditions are starting as well!”

“I have an idea. Si-eun is actually here.” N said with a creepy look on.

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Chapter 16: i chose im mi eun and then she is with ken and i was like ahh me and my biasss!! this is great authour-nim!!
ilyuna #2
Chapter 15: Actually, I thought Im mieun with leo LOL.. guess I'm wrong...
kittyleo #3
Chapter 15: Sequel please!
trashssi #4
Chapter 15: Sequel pls
Chapter 15: Sequel please :)
Chapter 15: Sequel!!! The story is so good xD
melonaide #7
Chapter 15: bonus chapter :)
Chapter 15: Sequel >x<
Chapter 15: Bonus chapter!!!!
untitledtae #10
Asddfghjkll <3