

(A/N: First update~~~ ^o^ comment and subscribe kekeke)

Mi-eun is sitting in the middle of the goal in their backyard; she was reading a book. She heard her sister’s foot kicking the ball. It’s headed right towards her, but she didn’t even care to look up from her book. She’s at a really good part and she’s positive that the ball won’t hit her. It never does, her sister is too good in playing soccer.

“Assa!” Si-eun cheered. “It’s the 52nd!”

“Who cares? Plus, no one is blocking the goal for you that’s why you can score easily.” Mi-eun teased. She looked up for a second since she already finished a chapter.

“Psh, I can still kick that to the goal even if there’s a blocker.” She grinned.

She actually wishes her twin sister would be like her so they can play together, but that’s never going to happen. Mi-eun is never best friends with sports; she would rather read a book the whole day. She really wants to finish the one she’s reading before school starts, which means she has until tomorrow.

Mi-eun continued reading the next chapter while Si-eun flopped on the grass with the ball on her stomach. Mi-eun can feel that her twin is staring at her with the eyes exactly the same as hers. Actually their physical appearances are exactly the same, except the fact that Si-eun always ties her hair up while Mi-eun always lets hers down.

“Yah, Mi.” She called.

“Yah, Si.” Mi-eun said back. She gave up on reading and put her bookmark on where she stopped. She looked at her twin; she knows what exactly she’s thinking. It’s probably a twin thing. “You’re worried about school, huh?”

Si-eun nodded and tossed the ball in the air, catching it easily. “It that summer will be gone like the wind in less than a day.”

“Hey, I’m actually excited to go back to school. And since when did you learn to use similes?” Her twin frowned.

“I’m not a nerd like you, you know that. I hate school as much as you hate sports. And didn’t I tell you? I’m planning to become studious this year.”

Mi-eun made a face and gave her a light kick. “That will only happen when pigs start to fly.” She laughed and sat beside her twin on the grass.

Their actually happy that despite they have different likes, they still get along. It’s probably another twin thing. They look similar but they’re actually different from each other. Their mom always says that Si-eun seems always to be too much energized and sociable while Mi-eun is quiet and shy, she would rather not be the valedictorian just not to speak in front of a crowd.

Another thing they have in common, they were both excited to start a new life in Seoul; they just transferred from the US. Everything will be new: mother tongue, food, people, friends, classmates, neighborhood, culture, and more!

“Hey, I’m planning to join the soccer team of our new school.” Si-eun sat up.

“I thought you’re planning to be studious?” Mi-eun raised a brow.

Her twin just grinned at her. “You know I can’t let this opportunity pass! They said they have a member who was once—”

“In the National Soccer Team…I know…you told me a lot of times ever since Mom said we’ll attend Seoul High School.”

Si-eun would always talk about sport, especially soccer. Mi-eun would just sometimes pretend she’s interested in her story. She couldn’t care less about it; she was positive that she didn’t get any single sporty gene. And she would rather play her musical instruments in their new school’s choir. She badly wants to join them as much as Si-eun badly wants to join the soccer team.

“You’re always busy playing soccer that’s why you never had time for math.” Mi-eun knows that Si-eun has hatred towards math. Her twin rolled her eyes at her and went back to play soccer.

Mi-eun went to the bench at the side. She was really excited about going to school, and of course, meeting her best friend again. Lee Jaehwan or shall we say, Ken Lee used to live in US, but they transferred to Korea earlier so it’s been awhile since she last saw him. They met in a music class, and they knew right away that they would get along. Ken is funny and an amazing singer. Mi-eun couldn’t wait to meet him again; she has been very excited after knowing he studies in the school they’ll be attending.

Si-eun, on the other hand, as mentioned earlier, she has a wide social life. She’s already best friends with almost every teenager in their new neighborhood and all of them are boys. Sometimes, they would play soccer all together.

“Ssangdoongie (twins)~” Someone called from the other side of the fence.

They didn’t have to see who it was, just with his deep voice, they already know it was no other than Kim Wonshik or Ravi, as how he wanted to be called. He’s friends with the twins; he can get along with both of them since he likes both sports and music. After a little while, his blue head appeared above the fence and climbed over it.

Si-eun passed the ball to him and they started to play. “Hey guys, are you excited for tomorrow? It’s your first day in Seoul High!” He said.

“Do you have to ask that? Of course, I’m excited to join the soccer team, but only Mi-eun is excited to study and to see her boyfriend again.”

“Ah, so he studies in our school too?” Ravi teased.

“Don’t believe whatever she’s saying, Ravi. Ken is not my boyfriend.” Mi-eun said.

“Ken? Ken who? I have a friend named Ken…he transferred from the US when we were in freshman year.”

That caught Mi-eun’s attention. “Really?! Omo, maybe it’s him! He’s Korean name is…”

“Lee Jaehwan.” She and Ravi said at the same time.

Mi-eun squealed. “Kya~ I have to pick a perfect outfit for tomorrow.” It made her more excited than she already is.

“Not boyfriend my .” Si-eun snickered.

“What about you? Aren’t you going to pick an outfit for tomorrow?” Ravi asked her.

She raised a brow. “Why do I have to? I can just wear a tee and a pair of jeans, then my favorite sneakers.”

Another difference of the twins, Si-eun couldn’t care less about her clothes while Mi-eun would always be in a dilemma on what to wear and accessories to put.

Ravi just nodded as they continued to play.

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Chapter 16: i chose im mi eun and then she is with ken and i was like ahh me and my biasss!! this is great authour-nim!!
ilyuna #2
Chapter 15: Actually, I thought Im mieun with leo LOL.. guess I'm wrong...
kittyleo #3
Chapter 15: Sequel please!
trashssi #4
Chapter 15: Sequel pls
Chapter 15: Sequel please :)
Chapter 15: Sequel!!! The story is so good xD
melonaide #7
Chapter 15: bonus chapter :)
Chapter 15: Sequel >x<
Chapter 15: Bonus chapter!!!!
untitledtae #10
Asddfghjkll <3