The Boy Is Mine

The Boy Is Mine

Chapter 12


Tiffany was completely lost. First, she was in the crowd with everyone else, waiting for Changmin & Yoona to hook up but the second thing she knew, stupid Jaejoong had dragged her to the front entrance of the hotel! "What do you think you are doing?!" Tiffany demanded.


Jaejoong had a wry smile on his lips. He saw what Changmin was doing & decided to take advantage of the situation, "We need to talk." He told her. There was a goofy smile on his face. Unlike the last time, he was sort of happy to see Tiffany fumed. She looked incredibly cute.


"Well, I have nothing to say to you." Tiffany crossed her arms & looked away. She was still mad at him for almost hooking up with Yoona. She wasn't mad at Yoona, just Jaejoong.


Jaejoong chuckled at her responses, "Are you sure, Tiffany dear?"


"Tiffany dear?" Tiffany questioned, "I’m not a dear to you."


He chuckled again, "My, for such a small person, you do have a big voice." He took a stepped towards her & placed his hands on her shoulders.


Tiffany quickly pulled away from his grasps, "Ew, don't touch me."


Jaejoong was startled by her respond. Didn’t Taeyeon say that she liked him, too? Well, at the moment, it didn’t seem like it, "Don't you like me?" He asked her directly. Tiffany gasped at his bluntness.


Her face quickly turned red & she quickly looked away from his gaze, "What?!" She demanded, "Who would like a dirty jerk like you?!" Her voice began to quiver.


Jaejoong was speechless but he chuckled, "Uh, you." He pointed out. She had her back turned to him.


Tiffany quickly frowned, ‘This guy is so full of himself.’ "What?!" She screeched, "Who said that?!" She quickly turned around & glared at him. Her actions caused Jaejoong to laugh, "What are you laughing at?" Tiffany was determined not to forgive him. Not unless he went on his knees but she very much doubt that.


"Tiffany." Jaejoong started, "Stop playing these stupid games."


"Games?" She questioned, "What are you talking about?" Tiffany really wasn't playing any games, she was really mad at Jaejoong but since he did brought up the idea, she might as well play along.


"Tiffany." Jaejoong said, "Listen to me. There is nothing going on between me & Yoona. The thing you saw at the theatre was..."


Before Jaejoong was able to finished his statement, Tiffany interrupted him, "That is none of my business." Jaejoong look at her in bewilderment. This girl was beginning to drive him nuts, "Fany. I don’t like her. I like you." He told her, with emotions in his voice.


Tiffany frowned. She wasn't sure if Jaejoong was serious or not, "Of course, you like me." Tiffany said, "You like me as a friend. Everyone does." She grinned at him. She was enjoying this, "But you & Yoona are a whole different story." Tiffany teased.


Unfortunately, Jaejoong didn't hear her teasing tone, "Argh!" Jaejoong grunted, "I told you. There isn't anything between me & Yoona." He didn’t seem to happy at the moment.


Tiffany shrugged nonchalantly, "How would I know? I'm just an outsider." She took a step closer to him, "You don't have to feel bad." She whispered, "I'm used to having Yoona take all the guys I like." As soon as those words slipped out of , Tiffany regretted it, ‘I didn't just tell him that, did I?’


She didn't need an answer, the glint in Jaejoong's eyes showed in all, "So, you do like me." He stated slyly.


"No." Tiffany denied, "You are just hearing things." Her face turned red again. Damn, Jaejoong was the one enjoying the moment now! "Why would I like you? There’s not a reason for me to like you."


Jaejoong chuckled, "Ah, Tiffany dear, no need to cover it up. You know I'm irresistable."


Tiffany’s cheeks was getting redder & redder by the moment, "Well, I." She stammered, but soon, she became speechless. It was true, she did find him irresistable.


"Then, will you be my girlfriend?" Jaejoong asked, without any hesitation in his voice. He walked towards her until there was barely any space between them.


‘Wow, this guy is very frank. I like it.’ Tiffany pretended to think, "Hmmm, I don’t know." She told him, "What's in it for me?"


Jaejoong groan in exasperation. This girl was impossible. He was asking her out & she asked what’s in it for her? He had never met any girl like her before. This was the first & that is why he loves this girl.


Jaejoong groan, causing Tiffany to chuckle, "So, nothing, huh? I don't see why I should go out with you if there’s nothing in it for me." She .


Jaejoong groaned again, "Don't do this to me." He begged.


Tiffany giggled & turned her back to him, "Do what? I'm not making you do anything." She said innocently. She was laughing to herself. Jaejoong just simply stare at her, ‘Who is this girl?’ Jaejoong was determine to make her his girlfriend.


Tiffany smiled. Suddenly, she felt a pair of arm around her slender waist. She quickly turned around & found Jaejoong grinning sheepishly at her, "If you go out with me, I will make you the happiest women on this planet." He said to her, "That's what's in it for you."


She grinned & took his arms off of her. She turned to look at him & crossed her arm, "& how will you make me the happiest women on this planet?" She questioned.


"I love you with all my heart & soul. I swear I will never do anything to make you sad or angry. I love you Tiffany Hwang Miyoung."


Tiffany was now grinning from ear to ear. This has got to be the best moment of her life, "That sounds like a good deal." She told him.


‘Yes.’ "So, will you be my girlfriend now?" He asked her.


"I don’t know." Tiffany said to him, causing his smile to quickly disappear, "I can't decided."


"What?!" Jaejoong cried, "Why can't you answer me?!"


Tiffany shrugged, "I don’t know if you will be faithful to me. Too many guys have cheated on me before."


Jaejoong looked at her intently, "But I'm not like the other guys." He told her.


"How would I know that?"


"Exactly, how would you know that if you don't give me a chance to prove it to you?"


"I don’t know.” Tiffany repeated. She bent down & picked something up from the ground, "But this does." She showed him a penny.


"A penny?" He raised his thick eyebrows, "How will a penny determine whether we go out or not?" He sighed, "& how will a penny determine whether I will be faithful or not?"


"Simple." Tiffany grinned, "I throw it up in the air. If its head, I will go out with you but if its tail, I guess we aren't meant to be."


Jaejoong’s eyes almost popped out of his socket, "What? That's not right. What if its tail?"


She shrugged, "Like I said, if its tail, that means we aren't meant to be." She pretended to pout at him, "So, do you want an answer?"


Jaejoong nodded his head, "Of course. Throw it." He instructed eagerly.


Tiffany looked at him & tossed it in the air. The coin hit the ground with a clang & rolled down the sidewalk. Both of them followed it but stop when the coin fell into the sewer.


Jaejoong groaned & Tiffany just chuckled, "So, will you go out with me now?" He looked hopefully at her. Tiffany shrugged & grinned at him, “I don’t know.” Tiffany repeated again, walking back into the party with Jaejoong following behind her, whining.


Getting annoyed from Jaejoong’s whining, Tiffany stop & turned around to glare at him, making him stop, “Please?” Jaejoong begged, with pleading cute puppy-eyed which Tiffany tried hard to resists but couldn’t.


“Fine, fine, I will go out with you.” Tiffany said, turning back around to walk into the party, smiling secretly to herself while Jaejoong was jumping up & down.


“Tiffany, wait up!” Jaejoong yelled, running after her.


“You do love me too, don’t you? Don’t you?” Jaejoong asked, with Tiffany ignoring him.


Before Tiffany could opened the door, Jaejoong grab onto her wrist & turned her back around quickly to face him, “What are you...?” Before Tiffany could finished her sentence, Jaejoong lean down, kissing her.


After getting over the shocked, she kissed him back as passionately as he was her.

“I love you, Tiffany Hwang Miyoung.” Jaejoong whisper, inches away from her pink lips, “I love you too, Oppa.”


A/N: hope you guys like the ending, hahaha & stay tuned to the sequel of Love In Seoul, starring Tiffany Hwang & Jung Yunho :D

i will begin the sequel for Love In Seoul right when i come home so wait patiently <3

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Chapter 12: Uwah!!! \o/ Sequel!!
Chapter 10: \o/ YoonTaeNy friends!
Chapter 9: OMG i love you author-nim
Please update more
The story is getting more interesting
Chapter 9: JaeFany moments next!
Chapter 7: It's weird that Yoona is giving up that soon~ o_O
Chapter 6: Omg jaejong can you just leave yoona. Its not the tome to act gentle tpwards her, she is a anyway
So this is a JaeFany fanfic??
please update more
I love your JaeFany fanfics
stelsunyi23 #9
Chapter 2: I want moooooore<3
Chapter 2: They didn't meet yet? O_o