May I have a dance from you?.

My FairyTales!

I was listening to this song while I am writing this chapter, listen to it okays? Thank you :))) <3

A/N: The image of the mask and dress with the be post at the end of the stories. hehes :DD


You, Hyemi and the rest of the Infinite members arrive at the school without Woohyun. It wasn’t weird anymore to you without Woohyun around you. But, your hearts still wants him a lot. You enter the hallway of the school, towards the Gym and you are wearing the white dress, “Noona~ Are you excited for the dances?” SungJong linked arms with you. “Of course she does, you are able to dances with a very handsome prince.” Hyemi wriggles her eyebrow at the direction of Myungsoo and you shook your head. “We should off our phone; you know it will bother us during the dances.” Sungyu said and everyone off it. However, do you think they really off it?

The eight of you reach the door of the Gym, there are two guys from the student leaders are standing there give out the mask. You were about to take another one, “wait! You should take this one.” He passed you a princess type mask and you just nodded your head. *Why must I take this?* you wonder but in the end you still wore it. Then, every one of you enters the Gym. “Hyung, she is inside.” Hayoung called Woohyun and excuse himself and got into the gym too.

The light wasn’t so bright; you barely can see your partner’s face. “What should we do first?” SungYeol look around in joy. “FOOD!” Dongwoo shouted and they run to that direction. “Aish! Those guys, did they forget the mission?!” Sungyu ruffles his hair and Hoya patted his shoulder. “Relax; there is someone that will never forget the mission.” Hoya point towards the direction and it was Myungsoo always standing beside you looking at you with a very sweet way. “It must hurt him a lot too…” Sungyu murmurs and shook his head.

“______-ah, do you want anything?” Myungsoo ask and you shook your head with a soft smile. “How about a drink?” He asks and you thought about it. “Okay, let’s get it together.” You held onto his hands and walk to the beverage area. Woohyun is looking at you from the side, *she looks so beautiful in that dress of hers even her face’s is covered by the mask, I hope the time will arrive faster.* Woohyun smile. “Oppa, you look unhappy.” You told Myungsoo and he force out a smile. “I am not; see this big smile of mine.” He smiles until his dimple was shown and you giggle.

The music was played, “may I have a dance?” Myungsoo let his hand out and you blink blankly at him. “Can I?” Myungsoo ask. *Please at least let me have your first dances.* He thought bitterly. You place your hands on his and nodded your head. He gently pulls you to the dance floor and your hands are now at his shoulder. “You look so beautiful.” Myungsoo blurted out that make you shy. “You look handsome too.” You reply and Myungsoo smile softly. *Will you tell him the same thing later on?* Myungsoo thought.

After awhile, *I guess my time is up… I had to hand her to him now…* Myungsoo thought in sadness. “______ remember that Myungsoo oppa will always be there for you no matter what happen.” Myungsoo then unwillingly let go of your hands and the light was all switched off. “Now find your partners in the dark.” The MC announces through the microphone. “Myungsoo oppa?” You reach out your hands in the dark and try searching for Myungsoo. Suddenly, a hand grabbed your arms and pulls you out of the gym. “Where are we going?! Who are you?!” You shouted at that person. But, he wouldn’t answer you. You stop running and try to yank your arms back. “Aish… You really are stubborn.” He ruffles the back of his hair.

*That sentence and that voice…* you thought in surprise. That person that lift you up bride style and starts running. “I really did spoilt you too much huh?” That person said and you just look at him. “Who are you?” You ask. “You will know later my princess.” You can feel that he winks at you under his mask.


The lights were turn back on, Myungsoo lean against the door and frowned. *Am I doing the right thing? She going to get hurt tomorrow…* Myungsoo runs his hand over his hair. A heavy weight was placed on his shoulder, he look up and it’s SungYeol. “Thanks.” Myungsoo smile and SungYeol smile back. “That’s what friends are for right Kim Myungsoo?” He said. “Yeah.” Myungsoo answer and shut his eyes. *That’s what friends for…* He thought.

“Oppa! I am so happy I got you!” Ji Ae hugs him at the waist. “Yeah.” He reply and a vibration came. He took out his phone and the message is from Woohyun. “I am done.” A smile was spread across that man’s face and he pull Ji Ae away from him. “What are you doing oppa?” Ji Ae asks and the person smirks. “I never thought the evil Ji Ae is really easy to trick.” He laughs and Ji Ae furrowed her eyebrows. He took his mask off his face, “hello.” He wave his hand and Ji Ae’s jaws dropped. “HAYOUNG?!” She yelled and he nodded his head.

“You mean this whole period you are the one dancing with me?” Ji Ae question. “You can say that.” Hayoung scratch his head and smirks. “Tell me there’s a moment I danced with Woohyun oppa!” She said. “Nope, it’s only me and you.” Hayoung answer and Ji Ae’s knee felt jelly. She slide down and sat on the floor in disbelieves. “Where is Nam Woohyun?” She clenched her fist. “You can’t find him anymore here until tomorrow; tonight Nam Woohyun is not here.” Hayoung said and Ji Ae scans the room. She didn’t saw your figures in this room, *that tricked me…Why did I believe him…?* Ji Ae sat there in stunned.


He let you down on your feet slowly and he locked the door of the roof top. You took off your mask, “why are we here?” You ask. “You look so beautiful today; do you know I am so jealous when Myungsoo got the first dance with you? You really look like a princess today…You look more beautiful without your mask” He said and you have urge to cry now. He took off his mask, “Nam Woohyun at your service. No, it should be Prince Nam.” He giggles and clapped his twice. Suddenly, the lights lighted up. Your eyes widen in surprise.

A pair of warm arm s his hands around your waist from the back, his chin lay on your shoulder. “Isn’t here pretty?” He said and a tear of joy slip out. “I don’t know why people don’t know it.” Woohyun continues. You turn around looking at Woohyun, “yes?” He said. You have many question in mind, you wanted to ask him. It’s like he read your mind and he places a finger on your lips. “Don’t ask. I don’t want to see you crying unless it’s tears of joy.” He said and you swallow back your tears. “Let’s enjoy the dance.” He smiles.

He moves back a bit, “may I have a dance my princess?” He let out his hand and you hold it returning him a smile. “You know I like a type of dances more, a dances that you will never step on my foot.” Woohyun said and you chuckle a bit remembering the little sweet memories the both of you owed. You took off your heels, stepping on top of his foot and his arms hold you tightly around the waist. Your arms are now around his neck, you lay your head on his chest listening to heart beat and you close your eyes enjoy this moment. “Why is your heart pumping so fast?” You ask.

“Because I am dancing with you, I am dancing with the girl I love most. The girl that I don’t want to lose to anyone in my life, the girl is more important than my life. The girl I can’t live without in this world.” Woohyun reply and tears of happiness flow out from your eyes. A loud sound came and it was fireworks. You look at Woohyun and him too. Slowly, he leans in and you lean forwards. The both of your lips touch each others, *is this what they call love?* you thought. *I finally can kiss her like a man and not like a coward anymore.* Woohyun thought. *Please, don’t let tomorrow come.* both of you think it together.


The picture of the dress and mask :DDD

Your mask in the party.

Woohyun's mask in the story.

Lastly, thanks for commenting and subbing and viewing this fanfics!

School is starting soon, I dont think I will be able to post more offend like the past. But, I will post whenever I am free with less homework!

I promise I will be posting in the weekends too :DDDD

I hope despite this reason, everyone of you will still continue to support me :DDD


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syaziana97 #1
Chapter 53: i love it....saranghae
Chapter 50: Omg i cried ;;
Too much feels doeh i kennott<////3
Thanks for the story authornim
Chapter 50: I read this for 4th time and I always cry god I love your story please make the squel happy endingggg <3
Okay , i'm going to comment again >.>
i love your story a lot ! XD
Love the way woohyun treated that " you " girl xD me laff him a lot ! <3 weee !! *flying to cloud 9 * xD
Reading chapter 7 now . And my eyes cant move to other spots since you posted that smexi pic of woohyun <3 *squeals* xD
angelkitty #6
( chap 6 ) Huh? Woohyun is going to change into another person? What does Woohyun's grandmother mean ?
angelkitty #7
Woooooooooo , so ~~~ likes Woohyun too ?? Heheheh :DD I don't get it , is woohyun's grandmother a bad person ? O.O
angelkitty #8
What plan is evil Ji Ae going to come up with ?! :(( Woohyun doesn't even like her, no point being mean to ~~~ right ? ( chap 4 )
angelkitty #10
Awww ... Meowy ~~ Meowy ~~

Kekeke , Myungsoo is jealous of Woohyun , isnt he ? * chuckles *