21; Today, This Day

My Sister Hates You.




 YeongHee's POV:

"Hey Jonghyun, you okay?"

We had been walking side by side, silently, for a while now and he was starting to worry me. Maybe he needed some peace and quiet for his brain to process this. Jonghyun was the kind of person to make a decision without really thinking it through so maybe he was regretting the 'break'.

"Let's go somewhere", he said simply.


"Hmmmm....I'm not sure."

"Wanna go watch a movie?"

"Yeah! There's a movie theatre near here too."

I gave a small smile, "So let's go."

"Let's see Insidious!!"

"Are you trying to kill me?! I'm watching Kung Fu Panda 2", I firmly said.

 "That's a kiddy movie!!"


"Ugh...Fine; let's go." Jonghyun caved in as I smiled in victory.


"That movie was so great! I love the goose father the best. He was soooo sweet!", I gushed as we walked out of the movie theatre.

I turned to see Jonghyun's reaction to the movie but he was looking at the ground. Not just because he wanted to. He was sad and I could sense it.

"Jonghyun, what's wrong?", I said with the utmost concern. Jonghyun was always happy and whenever he wasn't, I wasn't.

 "Do you know I came over to Key's place because I needed some cheering up?"

"I can cheer you up too! Tell me what's wrong. I can fix it.", I said like a hot headed child.

"Today is my dad's death anniversary."

I kept quiet. I knew that he didn't die too long ago. I also knew that Jonghyun didn't have a very good relationship with his father. Every year his family, instead of mourning his dad's death, would go on with their lives, pretending like this day was like any other day.

I reached out for his hand and interlocked his fingers with mine.

"I know you have a few words to say, and so do I. Let's go there, Jonghyun."


There's so much more left to say.

If you were with me face to face.

Never knew I could hurt like this.

And everyday life goes on, I wish I could talk to you for a while.

Though it's true you've reached a better place,

I'd still give the world to see your face.


 Jonghyun's POV:

 YeongHee and I walked hand in hand to the cemetary. She let go once, thinking I was uncomfortable, but I quickly linked fingers again. Her touch was so comforting; it gave me warmth and it assurred me everything would be okay. I woke up with this terrible feeling, knowing it was the day my dad died. In the effort of trying to push this feeling away, I end up with even more bad news. Key couldn't take the pain away, I couldn't trust Jessica anymore....but YeongHeee could fix anything. The walk to the cemetary was quite long but we didn't mind as we went in comfortable silence.

As we arrived at the gates of the cemetary, YeongHee saw a man in the corner selling beautiful  flowers. Letting go of my hand once again, she bought a small bouquet of white tulips. She came back and I led her to my father's tombstone. Upon seeing it I collapsed to my knees. YeongHee, treating this act as normal knelt beside me.


 "Anyeonghasaeyo, Mr. Kim", I felt her take a small bow beside me.

"This is a day for all of us. So sad that we're pretending like we're not even hurt by your death. The truth is we're all still in denial. I never got to say a proper goodbye, so these are for you. By the way, Jonghyun, your only son, wanted to see you too."

 Tears started to brim my eyes, as I listened to her. I looked down, making my hair cast a shadow upon my face.

"Jonghyun, do you want to say something?"

I shook my head. Actually there was SO much I wanted to say. Where would I begin?

"Fine, I'll say something on your behalf", she bluntly stated.

"Jonghyun knows that you and him didn't have a good relationship...but there's nothing he regrets. Your relationship was always distant, maybe because of his choice of how he lived his life but I'm sure there are times where you two both regret that never ending fued. Mr. Kim, I think a father couldn't possibly be more proud, if you were here now. Jonghyun grew up to be a wonderful man...just like his father. I'm sure that you never even doubted for a second how much you love your only son. And I'm sure you're watching over him, with a proud smile, and a regretful heart. Rest in peace."

I looked over to YeongHee, who now had shed some tears too. I grabbed her hand and let the warmth and silence envelope us.


I AM SO SORRY. My computer was broken =(

Please comment?

As an official apology, I shall post one more chapter this weekend. =)





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Just a few more chapters to go!


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blingertolocket #1
Chapter 27: This story is so good. You need to finish please!
IsuelMaya #2
Chapter 27: please keep on writing this story... let them both be together...
mk8346 #3
Chapter 27: plz just confess you're breaking my heart
GoofyElla #4
Chapter 27: Yeah, still here, so keep updating ;)
Chapter 27: YAY YOU'RE STILL UPDATING ^^ I'm still a devoted reader of this fic haha, still curious to see how everything will turn out! Please don't give up writing this (:
JeonMinyoung #6
Chapter 27: omggggg it's been forever!
NOOOO Jonghyun stahhp her or somethinggg
Chapter 27: i'm soooo looking forward for ur next update!!!! i'm willing to wait :)
Chapter 27: update soon ok luv u author
Shining4life #9
Chapter 27: Can't wait for the nxt update..jonghyun must stop her from leaving n explain himself. Love it :)
hellotrisha #10
Chapter 27: i know this little fact is unimportant to this story.... BUT WHY DOES JIYONG OPPA LIKE SOHEE??? IT SHOULD BE DARAAAAA!!! DARAGON FOREVER <3