Chapter 4

My Enduring Love

“She doesn’t remember Donghae.” Lindy said. And with that Minho took in a deep sigh. He placed the files on the coffee table and put his hands on his face.

“What’s going on between them now then?” he asks. He never hated Donghae, he just didn’t like knowing his baby sister was dating someone and he just happened to be a celebrity. Protective older brother.

“He won’t leave her Minho, if that’s what you’re thinking. Yejun will remember him she just needs time.”

“Sometimes memories don’t come back. These things don’t always turn into happy endings Lindy.”

“I know. But they were meant for each other Minho.” She said with a small smile.

“Has her behaviour changed?”  Minho says trying to change the subject.

“She’s crying a lot and sleeping a lot too. Not eating so much.”

“That’s from the medication.  At least the sleeping part…”

After discussing for another half an hour Yejun’s condition Lindy went to sleep. Minho had work the next morning so he wouldn’t be able to be with them.

The next couple of days hadn’t been so fun or exciting. Mostly because Yejun slept more than anything else. She slept at least 17 hours a day. And even with those 17 hours she wanted to sleep more but Lindy wouldn’t let her. Her parents came to visit 3 times but separately. Her parents weren’t officially divorced but they lived separately. They just asked the casual questions and if she was doing well. Yejun had been crying but secretly. Lindy didn’t know what to do anymore. It seemed as if all Yejun did was cry and sleep. Because of the time difference it was hard for Donghae to talk to Yejun. Most of the time Yejun was sleeping. They went out maybe twice with Minho when he had a day off from working at the hospital. He would be constantly checking up on his sister though worried she wasn’t healthy enough.

“She’s different Lindy. It worries me.” Minho and Lindy were sitting in his study again. In a couple of hours Lindy and Yejun would be on the next flight back to Seoul. The 2 weeks had gone by slowly all though to Yejun they felt quick.

“I don’t know what to do Minho.” Lindy responded. She was genuinely worried with Yejun and didn’t know what was best for her. She acted as the legal guardian of the girl but in reality Lindy had never had a child herself.

“She’s showing signs of clinical depression. The other day when you went to visit your parents she told me that sometimes she wishes she was still in her coma.” Minho got up from the couch and went to the window to look outside. “Sometimes I feel like I should go to Seoul with you. I’m partially responsible for this.”

“Minho you didn’t do anything. You weren’t even there when it happened. How could it possibly be your fault?”

“I left her Lindy.” Minho let out a soft sob. “I left her. I found my way out from our messed up life through medical school. All those all-nighters I pulled off studying was better than going back to the hell our parents gave us.”

“It wasn’t your fault Minho. She saw a chance to be free from home and a chance to pursue something she wanted to do. You had to do what was best for you at the time. In the end she found her way out too Minho.” Lindy didn’t know what to say. Lindy met Yejun at a small café. She was working as a waitress and Lindy was in town. She went inside and noticed how Yejun was working hard yet she was so beautiful. Lindy left Yejun her business card but she didn’t expect Yejun to call back. They usually don’t. Once she signed a contract with the company Lindy worked under they lived together and worked on things together. She didn’t know Yejun’s past until she asked about it. Since that day Lindy promised to care for the girl.

“Are you excited to go back?” Lindy asked Yejun as they boarded the plane.

“No” Yejun said while looking out the window.

“Why not?”

“I’m being taken away from home again” Yejun responded. It was almost a whisper but Lindy heard it. Is this how Yejun really felt? She noticed that Yejun had fallen asleep again.

On the plane there were a few people who had recognized Yejun and would come and ask questions. But Yejun was sleeping so Lindy had to deal with the questions and scold them if they tried to take photos.

Once they arrived in Seoul it was night time. The sun had already set and it was almost 10 pm. Yejun was wearing jeans and a burgundy hoodie with glasses so no one would see her swollen face. Once they entered the area where people are picked up Lindy noticed a small crowd but had no idea why. Then she heard a familiar voice and a man waving to them. It was Donghae.

“Yejun! Hey!” Donghae said while coming up to them. He went through the small crowd of his fans with a smile and asked them to not get too close because Yejun was still recovering.

Yejun heard the voice and just stood in her footsteps surprised. She didn’t know what to do so Lindy whispered in her ear “there are cameras and Hae is a public figure. Don’t ruin his image. Go to him.”

Yejun felt awkward but she went towards Donghae as well. He was wearing blue jean with a black shirt. He had a  red rose in his hand and handed it to Yejun. The fans began screaming and there were a whole bunch of flashes. Donghae hugged her and Yejun hugged back and whispered “can you let go now? I’m uncomfortable and I want to go home.”

Donghae let her go but kept the smile on his face. On the inside he was sad and hurt by her words. He thought that maybe the time apart would make them closer or somehow she would miss him. It didn’t work that way though. She didn’t say a word to him and only hugged back because of the fans and the cameras.

Once they got passed the fans and cameras and arrived to Donghae’s car Yejun felt like crying. She felt as if her privacy was violated. She didn’t want to come back. She didn’t want to leave Minho. She didn’t want to leave to come back to Donghae, the stranger.

Donghae picked them up in his car and opened the door for Yejun to get in. There were still some fans around but the cars windows were tinted.

“Go to sleep Yejun” Lindy said as if she could sense that Yejun was about to cry. Lindy was in the back seat and Yejun was in the front passenger seat. Donghae was still loading the luggage’s into the trunk.

“Oh, she fell asleep?” Donghae asked surprised once he got inside. He really wanted to talk to her about how things went in Canada.

“Yes, she was tired Hae.” Lindy said.

The whole ride home was silent. Lindy couldn’t help but think the relationship wouldn’t work out. She didn’t want Donghae to feel any worse and she didn’t want to push things either. Yejun had refused to talk to anyone and didn’t want to do anything. How do car crashes cause these types of things? Should Minho really had come with them?

Once they arrived at the apartment Lindy had woken up Yejun even though Donghae said he could have carried her in. On the elevator she was drowsy but still managed to get her to her bed. Once they entered the apartment Yejun went right to her bed and fell asleep.

“Hae, we need to talk.” Lindy said.

Donghae sat down at the kitchen table not sure what she was going to say.

“Yejun, she … she isn’t doing so well” Lindy said.

“What do you mean? What’s wrong with her?” Donghae was startled.

“I don’t know what to do Donghae. I thought this time back would be good for her but I felt like she just ended up putting a bubble around herself. She didn’t open up to her brother and all she did was sleep. She’s lost weight and doesn’t eat a lot. She’s showing signs of clinical depression Donghae.”

Donghae felt tears in his eyes. He didn’t know how to respond. He didn’t know why his girlfriend was acting like this. He didn’t know how to handle all of this. “Give it time. She’ll remember things. She’ll get better.”

“No Donghae. It’s been a month. She isn’t getting better she’s getting worse! Minho wanted to come here to take care of her. She told him I was taking her away from home.” Lindy could feel tears in her eyes.

“I’ll talk to her” Donghae said.

“She doesn’t even want to see you Hae” Lindy said in a soft voice.

“You can’t just forget someone you loved so easily. I can’t let this accident get in the way noona.” Hae was already crying. He didn’t know what to do.

“How Donghae? How will you fix things?” Lindy asked.

“I-I’ll take her out. On a date.” Donghae said. He didn’t want to move this fast with Yejun because he wanted her to be comfortable first. He wanted her to fall for him again first before they went on a first date. But maybe this will help. Maybe this will help.

Dating for idols is hard especially for Donghae. He loved making events for his girlfriend. He loved making them for Yejun. He didn’t know what to do this time though. He had all these ideas but he wanted this to be huge.

“Yejun!” Lindy called from the kitchen. It’s been a couple of days since they got back from Canada and they were still a bit jet lagged. It was easier for Yejun to get over it though since she was always sleeping. Yejun came into the kitchen groggily and rubbing her eyes. “You slept all morning. Are you feeling okay?”

Yejun yawned and looked around then nodded as in yes “why did you wake me up?” she asked.

“You have a date with Donghae for dinner. We need to discuss things.” Lindy said.

“Aish why now?” Yejun responded not fully comprehending what Lindy had said. “Wait, did you say a d-date? With D-donghae? Like Lee Donghae?!”

“Yes I did. Now come here and sit down.” Lindy was sitting at the kitchen table. She had lunch laid out and was hoping to talk about dating with Yejun.

“Why do I have to go out with him though? Fans will be there and ugh! Can’t I just go back to sleep unnie?” Yejun said as she put her hands in her face. She went to go sit at the kitchen table when Lindy gave her a look that said ‘just do as you are told’. She sat at the kitchen table with Lindy but really didn’t feel like eating.

“He’s putting a lot of work into this so could you please put some effort into appreciating it?”

“Why? I never asked for any of this.”

“Stop being so stubborn. Do you think this is all a lie? Look at how much he loves you! Wake up already will you? Look at all the fan mail you get, look at all the articles and photos on the internet. I know you read the comments and you want to throw Hae away?!” Lindy was upset with Yejun. She never acted this way and used to be much nicer than the way she’s been acting recently.

After they ate lunch, or at least Lindy because Yejun barely touched her food,  Lindy decided to have a serious talk with Yejun.

“Do you remember the other dates you’ve been on?” Lindy asked Yejun. Donghae wasn’t her first boyfriend. She’s dated before when she was younger. But she was afraid Yejun would be completely oblivious on how to behave.


“Okay. I really need you to give this a chance. No fans will be there I promise. I want you to look at Donghae’s good points. Use this time to get to know him. I’ve already told you a lot about him so please try to converse with him.”

“He won’t … make any moves…right?” Yejun asked afraid of his intentions.

“He’s too much a gentleman for that hun. Don’t worry he knows you need your space too so he’s taking things slow.”

Lindy was helping Yejun get ready for the date. Yejun had slept about 2 hours prior but was still exhausted and begged to sleep some more. Yejun was wearing a dark purple dress with short sleeves. It went a bit above her knees and she wore black heels to match. Her hair had a bit of volume to it but not too much. She had done her make up but again it wasn’t over board.

“You look beautiful Yejun. You need to smile.” Lindy said to Yejun.

Yejun looked at herself in the mirror. She’s a model but for some reason lately she has been extremely insecure. Especially around Donghae.

The doorbell rang and Lindy went to answer it. It was Donghae in a black tux with his fringe up. Yejun appeared from around the corner and smiled at Hae. Should I pretend to like him? He does look cute though, Yejun thought to herself.

“You look beautiful” Donghae said once he saw Yejun. He meant it. There was no word to describe how beautiful Yejun looked and he couldn’t help but stare. Then he noticed Yejun was feeling uncomfortable. “She’ll be back before 11” Donghae said with a smile to Lindy. He held his hand out for Yejun to reach for which she did and they left the apartment. His car was parked in the private parking garage and the few minutes it took to get there it was silent.

“You’re going to love this place Yejun” Donghae said to break the silence while they were in the car.

“Oh” was all Yejun could say.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come and see you the past few days. My schedule has been full. Are you still feeling jetlagged?”

“No” Yejun said.

Donghae was used to her short responses but he felt even more nervous because this was their ‘first’ date.

They arrived to a huge fancy hotel which somewhat startled Yejun. Donghae went to the VIP entrance at the back and handed the car keys to the chauffer. They went inside the hotel and got into an elevator. Donghae pressed the 25th floor which was the highest. Once the doors opened Yejun was speechless. She thought Donghae was going to bring her to a room so she was frightened. She never imagined this pretty sight. The sun was just setting and they were on the roof. She could see all of Seoul. The roof was decorated with white Christmas lights and there was a rectangular table in a corner.

“Perfect timing” Donghae said.

Donghae led Yejun to her seat and pulled out the chair for her. She was absolutely breathless of how the place looked. It was gorgeous.

“It’s so beautiful Donghae” Yejun said as Donghae sat down on the other side of the table.

At first things between the two were quiet. Neither of them said a lot and Yejun looked down at her lap most of the time. Donghae would put one of his hands behind his neck and give her a small smile.

“Thank you for coming.” Donghae finally said.

Yejun looked up from her lap and gave him a small smile. She then began to admire the scenery around them.

Donghae got up from his chair and pulled out Yejun’s, “Lets go look at it” he said with a smile.

Yejun got up and went to the edge of the balcony. Donghae was a bit afraid of heights so he stayed a bit further from the balcony which Yejun noticed. Cute.

“You always liked landscapes and looking at the city at night” Donghae said from behind Yejun.

Yejun didn’t look back but felt somewhat touched at how he knew that. Yejun loved doing this and since she has travelled a fair bit her favorite part was always looking at the landscape. A whole bunch of memories of the different places she’s been to came into her mind. But some of them she couldn’t remember going to or who she was with.

Once the food arrived they both sat back at the table and ate. During dinner she was quiet at first but then she began to talk a bit more. Even though they weren’t big responses it was still better than the one worded responses. Sometimes she would say things which Donghae already knew but since she doesn’t remember saying them she just said them again and Donghae attentively listened.

After their date Donghae was bringing Yejun home. She felt somewhat closer to Donghae but it still wasn’t enough.

“Thanks for tonight Donghae” Yejun said once they reached the outside of her building. She was missing about 3 hours from her usual amount of sleep which she gets so she was quite tired.

“Did you like it?” He asked with a smile on his face. They were in the car and he was looking at her but she was looking at the ground.

“Yes. Did you always do this for me?” Yejun asked. She was curious as to how much he really did for her.

“I tried to do as much possible for you Yejun. You’ve always meant a lot to me.” Donghae responded looking her in the eyes.

“Oh.” A silence took over the car at night. “I guess I’ll get going now. Thanks for everything Donghae. Have a good night” and with that Yejun got out of the car and walked into the apartment.

Donghae smiled to himself thinking he did well. Did he make progress in the relationship?

Yejun got to her floor and walked straight to her room. She felt very tired and just wanted to sleep but someone knocked on the door.

“How was it Yejun?” Lindy asked peeking her head into Yejun’s room.

“Good” Yejun responded already half asleep.

“What did you do?” Lindy asked but it was too late because Yejun was asleep in her room. 

The next few days had been normal and Yejun had answered a couple of Donghae’s calls. He hasn’t been able to come visit as often because of his schedule’s but he tries to come to see her.

Yejun hadn’t really thought anything too special of the date. She’s had boyfriends before and she’s been on many first dates. There were reasons why there wasn’t a second date. She wasn’t picky with boys, she just wanted to focus more on modeling. But now that she’s been on break, I guess you could call it that, and has a boyfriend she feels like she owes him. But what would she do for him? In all honesty Donghae was an amazing person. He was boyfriend material as they say, but did she really want him? Did she really have feelings for him? She couldn’t decide any of this and she didn’t know how to find out.

“Donghae brought these for us earlier when you were sleeping.” Lindy said while they were eating lunch. She handed an envelope with a J on it to Yejun.

“What is it?” Yejun said looking at the brown envelope. She opened it and there were two all day passes for J spa. “When should we go Lindy?” Yejun asked excited.

“Go with Donghae” Lindy said casually. Yejun almost choked on her own saliva.

“What?” she asked with wide eyes.

“He’s your boyfriend. It can be like your second date.” Lindy said with a smile. She wanted Yejun to warm up a bit more to Donghae and this could cause an intimate situation between the two.

“N-no” Yejun said.


“C-cause I can’t go with him. I don’t know him that well yet.”

“Exactly! Get to know him better with this. And this time you could ask him out but he still paid for the date” Lindy was smiling.

“N-no. I don’t want to.”

“Are you going to let those tickets go to waste? Look, you owe it to Hae. And you’re going to start working in two days so take your last day off and relax your body. Treat it a bit.”

Yejun thought about it. It was true that she was going to try modeling again. She felt normal aside from the amount of sleep she gets. She was hoping the work would get her back on track to her normal life and she needs to make money.

“Fine” Yejun finally said.

After they had finished lunch Yejun decided to call Donghae for the first time.



Hello readers ^^

Hello to my new subscribers and new readers ^^

Thank you to my comment! :') You made my day!

I hope you like this chapter!!!

Don't be afraid to comment and subscribe ^^ it's really motivating to see and read if others are enjoying my story :) It also lets me know if i'm doing a good job!

I know it doesn't sound that romantic...and Donghae would definitely do something way more romantic XP 

I said I might post another chapter so here it is ^^

Aren't you curious as to how she will ask Donghae out? :O *insert dramatic music* please stay tuned to find out :)


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nerdybunny1206 #1
Chapter 29: ....... You made me went through sad, depressing chapters... And the ending was.. ASDFGHJKL TTwTT How can you do this to your readers?! I cried from EVERY. SINGLE. CHAPTER!! Not trying to insult you, it just made me sad through out the chapters and the ending was making me soooo *growls* =___+
Feride #2
Love the story but please change the ending exstand it a little bit
VanHae #3
Chapter 29: AHH so good ^^
SuperELFishy #4
Chapter 29: Ive been through so many tears with this story. I love it so much. But open ending AWWWWW boo but I still Love the story. BRAVO BRAVO
fishy136 #5
Chapter 29: D"": It's officially over and Donghae and Yejun and Lindy and Eunhyuk and her parents... Guess I'll have to create my own ending… until next time ;) this was an amazing story and hope you do well! Thank you so much! <3
mcdgee #6
Chapter 29: Open ended it is -___- i want more!!!!!! Huhuhu
Chapter 29: Awwwwwwwww~!! It ended ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
fishy136 #8
Chapter 28: Noooo!!!!! DX Only one more chapter!? I hope you don't stop writing after this story though because you are an amazing writer. Thank you so much for this chapter! <3
fishy136 #9
Chapter 27: The feels have come back! DX Seriously! And the, "4 bottles above his limit" XD I'm literally crying of laughter and sadness.
Chapter 27: She finally did what she should have done long ago and Hae heard her confession but now what will these two do ..both in pain and missing each other but it all up to her to do what is right and get back together with him let's hope ..Thanks for the update :)