Snowing in the summer

"Yah bambam!" Mark came barging in to the room.

"yes hyung?" BamBam was lying on the couch in his room back at their dorm until Mark came shouting at him. He sat up lazily.

"Why did you do that?" Mark was looking calm but he sounded cold that moment.

"Do what? " he was confused. He was just sleeping a moment ago and now he’s facing an angry Mark. 

"Why did you want to be friends with that loser? Do you want to be like her huh?"

BamBam looked at his hyung with disbelief, why is he being ridiculous now, "So this is what you’re angry about? Hyung, Why is being friends with her so wrong? i really don't know whats so wrong about her that you have to bully her. She's just normal like us. She's not a loser."

"Really now bambam? You're speaking up for that loser huh, if you really take us, Got7 as friends, then stop all this right now." 

"Hyung, stop what? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Stop being friends with her? why are you being like that, it-"Mark cut bambam off, placing his hands on his hip, “Being like what? Isn't it enough that you have us? Why do you need that loser, its either Got7 or that loser, you choose."

"Hyung, why can't i befriend her? I don't understand. I just want to make friends with her, nothing else. I think she’s nice, and I think she’s really isn’t that bad as what Joy said. Why is it that befriending her I have to give up Got7? Got7 is very important to me. But these are two very different matters.”

"If We are important to you, then leave her!" he shouted at him, hearing the commotion, the other Got7 members came to BamBam's room to see what going on.

"You can have your choice of friends so why can't i? I just want to find someone to talk to, someone who is not interested in wealth and power, someone whom is normal, unlike us. I just thought she’s worth being friends with."

"What's happening here?" The leader spoke up but the both of the, became quiet. " BamBam, you tell me."

But BamBam continue to stay silent, "Mark, what's wrong"

"JB, You know what bambam did?! He went to ask that loser to be his friend" Mark glared at Bambam while telling Jb whats going on. While the other members look at BamBam with the "why-would-you"face. But he just doesn't understand, he gets it that she is their target, and he doesn't interfere with what they do. So why are they interfering with his decision?

Before JB spoke, bambam started. "Hyung, i seriously don't know whats so wrong about being friend with her, i don't know why you guys started bullying her, but never have I once interfere with your decision. Got7 is so important to me that even if i know that everything you guys had done in the past was so wrong, i still supported you guys. You asked me if Got 7 is important to me, we have been together for more than a decade now, important can't even fit in the blank. Got7 is like my family, i've always tried my best to understand you guys, why can't you understand me just this once? I have never asked you all for anything before. Just this time, I decided that it is worth a shot to befriend SoAh. Other than all of you, I don't have anyone else in my life... You guys have your own club friends or sister to talk to while i have none. And SoAh...she just felt different." All these heartfelt words were never too embarrassing amongst Got7, they have had too many of it. After hearing this, Yugyeom thought to himself *Now i can confirm he likes Min Soah, so he had always felt being left out huh, we have never hear him out before, have we?*

"Are you saying that you are choosing Min So Ah's side now?" Mark accused

Bambam ruffled his hair in frustration,"Hyung, i never said i chose her over Got7, i just think she is nice, and i just want to have her as a friend."

"Whatever it is, if you are befriending her, then leave Got7 right now." Mark replied.The other members gasped, even JB had his mouth opened. They have had their fair share of conflicts, but never did Mark sound so determined before. Even though JB was the leader, Mark was the oldest, no one ever argued with Mark. JB was appointed as the leader because he's the wise one among them. 

But they all had one question in their mind. What did SoAh did to Joy that Made Mark so hostile towards her? They actually didn’t think it’s that bad for Bambam to want to be friend with her. Honestly they didn’t know what had happened between you, Joy and Mark. They just listen to whatever Mark said, and Mark, he only listens to his sister.

Before Mark confronted BamBam

*i need to stop that Min So Ah from being friends with BamBam, shes a loser, how could she. How dare she!* Joy was roaming around school waiting for Mark when he overheard BamBam's conversation with you.

Joy was raging when Mark came running to her, "Hey sis, how's your day!" He said in english and hung his arm over joy's shoulder casually. Seeing her sister being quiet was really unusual. "Yah, what's wrong ? Did anyone bully you?"

*Joy, think of a plan, think of a plan to make Mark do something* "Oppa" Joy started with teary eyes, then she hugged Mark. Pretending to sob. "Joy-ah, What's wrong?"

"Oppa, Min So Ah", She pretended to choke on her words, " Min So Ah confronted me when i was alone in the washroom just now, She told me to be careful now since BamBam has got her back now, and she slapped me. you need to stop BamBam now Mark, please, I’m scared. I’m scared that she will brainwash the rest of Got7 like how she did with BamBam. Please." She continued to 'cry’ in Mark's embrace. Mark's face hardened *How dare you Min So Ah*

BamBam ran out of the dorm after what Mark said to him. *Im feeling like now damn it,*

Yugyeom who is closest to BamBam followed him after he ran out of the dorm, silently, all the way until the park when bambam decided to sit at the swing, Bam Bam was surprised to see Yugyeom taking a sit at the other swing beside him.

"its not me." Yugyeom broke the silent after the long silence.

"i know, i know you wont tell hyung, thats why i trusted you the most. Thats why i asked you to help me, because i trust you yugyeom." Yugyeom looked at BamBam, he have never seen this kid so sad before. They are the same age but yugyeom was more mature, he always takes care of BamBam, and thus, BamBam always look for him when he have problems or difficulties. They are like twins, but they really shared a very nice bromance. After the reply, pin drop silence came back, none of them spoke up.

"Never will i choose anyone over Got7, i just want to befriend So Ah, why is it so wrong?"

"You know the hyungs, they bullied her, she is joy's enemy, which practically makes her their enemy, especially Mark. Although even until now I still have no idea why we did that to her, and I Guess it just became a very bad habit. I know that she's not bad, i don't despise her too, but BamBam, like you said, we knew each other for a decade already, do you really want to give up Got7 for that So Ah girl?"

"no yugyeom, you are not listening to me, i said i will never choose anyone over Got7 , even Min So Ah, but...., i just don't want her to get hurt"

"You like her "

"i don't know"

"its not a question, I’m telling you. From a third person's point of view" Bambam looked confusedly at Yugyeom while the latter returned a meaningful one. 

BamBam and Yugyeom decided to stay and talk in the park the whole night, like old times, even though they have school tomorrow, they thought about skipping it.

After BamBam and yugyeom went out, they haven’t come back yet. Which worry Jackson, Youngjae, JR and JB. They obviously hope that this friendship would not end here. Mark could careless now, his anger overtook all the other emotions. The 4 went out after discussing, leaving Mark alone. Before JB left, he told Mark , "Think about what you had done just now, I’m not saying it was your fault, BamBam is at fault too, but think about bambam, as a brother"

"We were really not caring enough towards bambam huh, i don't even know where he would always go when he's sad" Said JR. The 4 were roaming around the streets and parks near their dorm but still no signs of BamBam. Until they saw a familiar silhouette walking down the street. Without a second thought, Jackson ran towards you and grabbed your arms, causing you to drop all your groceries on the floor. You were shocked, you thought it was some erts and you were about to scream until you came face to face with Got7's Jackson. Its not that you are happy that got7 is infront of you, its just that meeting got7 is way better than encountering erts. It still shocks you why jackson looked so angry when he saw you. You were just buying groceries since your brother said he's craving for Bibimbap this morning.

"What the hell, got7"

"What the hell?" Jackson let go of your arms and grabbed your collar with both hands instead, you gasped out of shock again. Eyes wide staring back at his burning gaze, You saw the other 3 people from got7 came running behind jackson, seemingly shocked that jackson was grabbing your collar. "Do you know what you've done to Got7?! HUH! " He was shaking you, they tried to pried him off you but he didn’t bug, you eyes grew wide as you were out of breathe, you were frightened. The jackson you normally see in school weren’t like this, you've never seen this side of him before. You had difficulty breathing and your eyes cant help but got into Jackson’s. You dropped your bags and pry on to his arms in hope to loosen his grip.

"Let go of her jackson, she probably doesn’t know" said JB , but jackson still held on tightly, he's choking you.  Let her go this instance do you hear me jackson Wang" It was a first to seeing JB like this too. *What's happening* Jackson harshly pushed you while letting you go. You stumbled back but collected yourself. You coughed hard, still shocked with what had just happened to you. Your feet almost gave up on you but you managed to hold yourself up. You gave a hateful glare at them. 

Cautiously but steadily, you asked, "What happened?" Trying to be as calm as possible.

"What happened?! you got the guts to ask what-" " Jackson" jackson heaved a sigh after being cut off by JB once again. Jb was looking at you with hardened face. 

"Min So Ah, did You ask Bambam to be your friend?" He started, not knowing how to phrase his sentence. 

“No? he asked me? yes” You answered, unsure if you should admit it. *So its about this, all this ruckus for this*

"Don't, Don't accept it" You looked at JB with disbelief, "why?" You challenged.

"You were so special that because of you, the two quarrelled. So great that Bambam who has no temper at all, quarrelled with Mark.." JR spat. "So please, don't accept BamBam's request of being friends with you."

You laughed, disbelief, "Why? why can't i at least have friends? so what if you they quarrelled? What if they fought? How is that because of me? have you lived like me before, without having any friends. Because of you guys, no one wants to befriend me." with so much hatred in your eyes, you continue " i don't know what have I ever done to you guys that you have me make my life a living hell. Tell me!"

"We are not saying you can't have friends, we are just asking you not to befriend BamBam" JB being JB, always so polite with his words.

You chuckled bitterly, "right, you never said i can't have friends, you just make everyone despise me"

"YAH LOSER! CAN'T YOU SEE US TRYING TO PLEAD YOU NOT TO BEFRIEND BAMBAM? CAN'T YOU SEE WE ARE DESPERATE?! HUH?! BECAUSE OF YOU WE BECAME LIKE THIS! YOU DON'T HAVE FRIENDS, THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH US!" Jackson shouted in your face. Tears of anger filled your eyes, you are not gonna let it fall infront of these bastards. 

"Min So Ah, just leave BamBam alone," Youngjae said

"Stop it you bastards, do i look like i want to get associated with you guys, the so called MJT's prince, who thinks that you all are so high up." you picked up your groceries with much difficulties because your hand is not fully healed yet, before you gave a look at them, "ask him to leave me alone then, idiots" with that, you walked away from them.

Next day at school, you were having your lunch at your usual place until Joy tuan decided to show up. You ignored her and continue eating your lunch. 

She stopped right in front of you, “Leave BamBam", you did not answer her, "did you hear me you !" she snatched away your lunch box.

you looked up brows furrowed, "I’m not even associated with him in the first place"

"Being friends with him was in your plan to make Got7 befriend you right."

"Excuse you JoyTuan, what is wrong with you? when did i ever said i want got7 as my friend huh?"

"Good, so just leave bambam alone" Joy Tuan walked away not before placing your lunchbox harshly on the table. 

But not long after, her brother came walking towards you. You sighed inwardly, *when will school be peaceful* before he even said anything, you started before him. 

"i know what you're gonna say Mark tuan, so stop it, save your breath. I’m tired of all of you asking me to leave bambam alone. I have never initiated any talks with him nor did I beg him to befriend me, so stop asking me to leave him alone.” Mark didn’t expect you to speak up first which surprised him. "you know, i have never understood why you guys started picking on me first, because I helped your victim? what exactly did i do to you guys huh?"

"Then what did my sister do to you that you have to threatened her? because you have bambam's back huh? "

"what?! she said that?" you laughed, "i would have thanked god if she would leave me alone, why the hell would i start the fight with her? you really believed what your sister says without fail." You stood up from the bench wanting to get away from him. Packing your lunch box you hurriedly grabbing it with you.

"She's my sister, of course i would believe her." you stopped in your track, " because she's not you" you turned around, agitated by his words. 

"What's wrong with me? because I’m poor? because I’m ugly? or is it because i don’t have friends?" You turned towards him, you felt insulted under his gaze, "What its wrong with me? Tell me." with teary eyes, "I didn't know having a friend would be so hard, i didn’t know i have to go through you guys to have friends. I’ve never had any friends, so no one ever tell me that befriending someone is so difficult. Who in the world are you to decide for me!" Tears slid down your cheeks, you were dying not to let Mark see your tears but you can't control it anymore. "I always tell myself i don't need friends, but every time after a long day in school, being picked on by you, I wish I could have someone beside me, comforting me. Why do you have to make my life so difficult. Why?!!!." 

Mark softened after seeing your tears. You harshly wiped your tears away, "Stop telling me to leave your friend alone, instead, ask him to leave me alone"

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Chapter 46: this story made me cry like hanriver.
natashahbaharom #2
This story made me cry really hard while listening to my love by lee hi ToT
Linebae_93 #3
I'm so excited to read it!!
Chapter 46: Waaa i'm so happy 4 every1 especially for mark and So Ah
Chapter 46: yay im happy for everyone!! =]
imemyself07 #6
Chapter 37: Uh oh.....that doesn't sound good
Chapter 34: i hope the mom will open her eyes after what mark said
Chapter 30: mark idiot just believe his sister =/
Dukiepoopie #9
Chapter 28: O my god this is legit the best fanfic ever I do t why I got so into it but I just did and Oh my gosh if I told you how many times I burst out crying while reading this you would think I have a mental disorder that makes me think everything is sad as hell! T^T I really did cry a lot tho Hwaiting authornim looking forward to future chappies!!
Dukiepoopie #10
Chapter 24: I'm crying so hard right now listening to BTS' let me know T^T