Snowing in the summer


After the funeral and all the necessary procedures and traditions are completed, the three of you returned home with the help of Mark. You were thankful for them at times like this, GOT7 stayed by your side the whole time especially Mark and you were grateful.

You went straight to your room when you reached home. Your brothers looked at each other and watched as you return to your room.

“She won’t lock herself in it again right?” SeongJun asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry Seong, I think this time, she will be okay. Because I have a feeling, Mark has a great impact on her. Although I don’t like him, I am thankful for his this whole time. Have you seen how he stayed by SoAh’s side?”

“Yeah, im starting to like those kids though, they are actually not that bad. At least I saw how SoAh look at Mark.” SeongJun smiled, for the first time after the tiring days that had just passed. They knew that their sister was doing okay and they were glad you had someone to lean on now. Although he hate to admit, JunSeo was relieved that Mark was by your side the whole time and he knew that you were starting to rely on him now.

In your room, you lied on your bed, you realise how tired you were. That tired that you will fall asleep once you close your eyes but you refused to. You thought back to the 3 days, you thought back to how Got7 stayed by your side, how your brothers tolerated your stubbornness, how everyone were walking on eggshells around you. You were sorry you behaved this way but you couldn’t help it. At least they were glad you weren’t that stubborn as compared to when your mom passed away. You regretted not spending enough time with your dad, but you knew nothing could’ve changed if you acted like a kid now. You will only tire your brothers out.

After thinking a lot for the past 1hr, reflecting on yourself as well as thinking about those happy memories you had with your families, you fell asleep.

SeongJun came in and pulled up your blanket in the middle of the night. Although he was the harsher one out of the two brothers, he still has a soft heart for you. You were his precious sister and he can’t bear to see you suffer.

“I see you’ve started to trust Mark, please don’t get hurt” He whispered even though he know you can’t hear him, he reached out to push your fringe out of your face gently.

You return back to school the following day and you reached earlier that morning. After stopping by to get your books from the locker, you went to the back of the school to have some time alone.

You didn’t say anything but it wasn’t easy for you. You don’t show it because you knew your brothers didn’t want you to get too affected and you didn’t want them to worry, but who are you kidding? Your dad just passed away. You wanted to lock yourself away from everyone but what SeongJun said made you think twice. Of course you knew how much your eldest brother did for you, how much they had sacrificed for you, so you fought against the mentality and tried to stay strong, even though when your puffy eyes said otherwise.

You sat down on the bench and leaned your back on the tree. You plugged in the ear piece and closed your eyes. It was nearing the end of autumn now and in a few weeks’ time, it would be winter. You were enjoying the breeze and peace when suddenly, your left ear piece was removed from your ear which made you open your eyes to see who took off.


You didn’t know why but ever since your dad got into hospital, Mark was like your comfort zone. You just wanted to rely on him, and you began to trust him which you hate to admit. You didn’t want to get too attach to anyone but you grew to like his presence, you can’t deny but you want to spend more time with him. You feel safe around him, you felt comfortable which was something you have never experience before from someone that's not your family. Not that your brother doesn’t make you feel safe, but the feeling when you’re with Mark, was different.

“You feeling okay today?”


He didn’t asked anymore questions and sat down quietly listening to your music. It was something you appreciated because you wanted to clear your mind at the moment.

When the school bell rang signalling break time, you walked to the canteen alone but not long after JR came by and hang his hand around your shoulder walking beside you.

“Hey what’s up” you didn’t answer and just looked at him, surprised. Got7 was friendly to you nowadays but only Jackson does all these body contact, it was new to you that JR would do this to you. “Why? Let’s go in and eat” he asked after receiving no replies from you. You shook away the thoughts and strolled in to the lunchroom with him. The both of you queued up for the food.

“Why are you eating so little?” JR commented after seeing what’s on your tray. You didn’t have appetite and asked for little portion of the food.

“I am not hungry” JR nodded, “where’s the rest?”

“They should be coming soon, I was released earlier so I came here first” it was your turn to nod.

The both of you sat down on the chair and waiting for the rest before you dig in. Slowly one by one, they all sat down with their food. Mark came by and sat beside you. At the other side of you was Jackson. BamBam was sitting opposite you and yugyeom by his side, JB at the other side, beside JR. YoungJae was sitting beside Mark.

“Why are you eating so little?” Mark whispered to you. Which was caught by BamBam and he looked away.

“I am not hungry”

“Even if you are not, eat more, the next break is in 5 hours’ time, I don’t want you to starve”

“I am not starving”

“I don’t care” Mark said as he gave you half of his portion. You felt a tingle in your heart but chose to ignore it.

“This way you will be the one starving”

“ooh~ are you worried about me” he smirked, your face reddened.

“No, don’t be full of yourself”

“Don’t worry SoAh, I can leave classes for food whenever I feel like”

“I am not worried”

After break, bambam walked with you to your class after bidding goodbye to the rest. You appreciated their effort to make you laugh but you just couldn’t, not now at least. You were still trying to get better each day.

“SoAh, there is still 10 minutes before class starts, can I talk to you at the garden?”

You nodded and walked with him to the school garden.

“SoAh, I know you’ve been through a lot these few days, but I just want to tell you something I have kept in for a long time. This may not be the right time but I just didn’t want to let the chance slip”

You knew what he was going to say, you wanted to stop him but you didn’t know how to.


“I know you knew what I am going to tell you. Even if you are going to reject me, I am still going to say. I like you SoAh. I really like you. Not as a friend but as a man. I might not be the best one but I really like you.”

“I am sorry BamBam…”

“no don’t be… I expected it anyway, I just want to get this out of my chest.”


“you like Mark hyung right?” you were caught off guard


“I know you like him, and I know he likes you too. I just wanted to confess to you so I will not regret. You’re the first girl I like and I decided to give up. This isn’t easy but I am giving up so you won’t feel burdened. Just remember I like you”

“BamBam, thank you for liking me, I am sorry I couldn’t return your feelings but I hope this won’t affect our friendship. I really appreciate and thankful to have you as a friend.”

“Ofcourse!” he sounded more cheerful now compared to a few seconds ago, “I got over it fast and we are still friends right?”

“yeah” you gave him a small smile.

“let’s go back to class before we are late” he walked you to your class before going back to his.

“Ice cream after school?”

“okay!” you answered.

That night, BamBam and yugyeom were walking home and BamBam sensed something was off but he kept silent because he knew if BamBam want to talk about it, he will.

“I confessed to her today” and he was right. He waited for him to continue. “I got rejected” he expected it too.

“No one ever tell me it would hurt so much but I want her to be happy. I thought I will be okay but after the ice cream with her, I felt like I fell in love with her more. As corny as it sounds, I want to ask her to be my girlfriend, I want to share one ice cream with her, I want to send her home everyday but I realise I can’t. I just hope when she really get together with Mark, she will be happy and that Mark will treat her sincerely.”

“Bam, you really grew up” hearing this, BamBam gave a small laugh.

“aye yugyeom, I am always mature” earning him a smack on his head. Yugyeom laughed and walk off.

“Yah! Wait for me!”

After the confession, you and BamBam actually got closer. As friend ofcourse. He knew you had no feeling towards him and he had accepted the hard truth.

Mark has been staying still watching BamBam going to you every time but no one knows how he actually felt. He felt like running towards the two of you and bring bambam back, exchanging his place. He was furious, no, he was jealous.

While the others? They just seat by and watch the two of you silently, except for yugyeom who kept glancing at the older one. He tried to distract Mark but Mark always ignore him. He is the only one who knew that BamBam has confessed to you and was secretly laughing at Mark for trying to hide his oh-so-obvious jealousy.

As for Joy, she would keep complaining. To whom? To got7, to her followers, who else.
Her Long awaited school trip with Got7 ended up with her going alone with the school because they were busy helping you with the funeral. She definitely hasn't got over that yet. Another time, Mark lost his patience with her and yelled at her, which stunned everyone because no one would have thought Mark would raise his voice at Joy. Joy was like a treasure, precious little baby sister to Mark. Joy was lost for words too, she just cried and ran away. You witnessed the whole scene too be chose to ignore it because it was none of your business. Joy was waiting for the right time to get back at you. She was definitely planning something, she was jealous, because got7 is getting closer and closer to you. You felt that it was ridiculous, why would you want got7 to get closer to you, they were just a bunch of bullies. Or maybe not.

Today after school, BamBam came running to you, as expected but this time, with Got7 behind him. “SoAh ya! Mark Hyung said he wants to tag along so Got7 came as well, you wouldn’t mind right?”

*Mark?* “Yeah sure I don’t mind” You glanced at them and back at Mark. You and BamBam planned to get lunch together outside school. As expected, Joy came running out to her oppa when you guys were about to take your leave. She was whining at how Got7 was spending so much time on you that she felt neglected. As if, the last thing you remembered was only spending time with BamBam, never with the others, except for lunch time. Joy was the one who left the table because she didn’t want to sit with you, it wasn’t your fault. You wanted to leave several time because you didn’t want to have anything to do with Joy but the rest of the Got7 didn’t let you leave.

“Oppa, let’s go home huh? You haven’t been spending time with me!” She held on to her brother’s hand but Mark pulled away.

“Go back home first Joy, I will go home later.”

“Oppa!” she kept whining, while you could only sigh.

“Forget it, you guys get your lunch with Joy, I promised SeongJun Oppa that I will be visiting him anyway.” You walked off because you felt annoyed at Joy. Why is she so immature?

Mark wanted to follow you as well as the rest but you told them not to. You wanted to spend some time with your brother and Joy was clinging onto Mark so he couldn’t escape.

“SeongJun oppa” you went in to the themed café with packed odaeng and various pushcart food, like the one you had with JunSeo on your visit the previous time. It was your favourite as well as your families.

“You are finally here, I am so hungry”

“I didn’t say I came here to eat with you, I just said I am coming to visit you”

“I knew you will bring me food so I waited for you pumpkin” yes, he was back to calling you pumpkin. You and your brothers were back to before thanks to Got7, they helped you and your brothers to get back up, JB and JR sometimes visited your house and kept your brothers accompanied. You didn’t know they had become close until the first time they dropped by after the funeral. You were glad as you see your brothers smiling more each day, you were thankful to them.

“What if I came at night?”

“Then I will starve and wait for you” he stuck his tongue out at you.


The two of you bickered the whole of the lunch time and his co-worker were complaining in a joking way at how noisy you two were. 

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Chapter 46: this story made me cry like hanriver.
natashahbaharom #2
This story made me cry really hard while listening to my love by lee hi ToT
Linebae_93 #3
I'm so excited to read it!!
Chapter 46: Waaa i'm so happy 4 every1 especially for mark and So Ah
Chapter 46: yay im happy for everyone!! =]
imemyself07 #6
Chapter 37: Uh oh.....that doesn't sound good
Chapter 34: i hope the mom will open her eyes after what mark said
Chapter 30: mark idiot just believe his sister =/
Dukiepoopie #9
Chapter 28: O my god this is legit the best fanfic ever I do t why I got so into it but I just did and Oh my gosh if I told you how many times I burst out crying while reading this you would think I have a mental disorder that makes me think everything is sad as hell! T^T I really did cry a lot tho Hwaiting authornim looking forward to future chappies!!
Dukiepoopie #10
Chapter 24: I'm crying so hard right now listening to BTS' let me know T^T