Snowing in the summer

“Arg” SoAh was roughly shoved towards the basketball locker room located at the end of the hallway which was often deserted.

“I see you still care about Mark huh” Jackson smirked.

“I don’t, I should’ve known that.”

“then why are you here now?”

“You begged me to, Wang Jackson.” SoAh pushed Jackson out of the way to reach for the door. Before she could exit, the door was slammed shut right in front of her face. She turned around to find Jackson extremely close to her. He was closing in to her, while she was backing away. The look in Jackson’s eyes was scaring her. He looks merciless at this moment, like that day. Her heart picked up the pace and she grew white. 

“Wang J-Jackson, what are you trying to do” SoAh failed at the attempt of not letting her voice shake. She felt her back collided with the door, before she heard the door clicked lock. She had nowhere to escape now.

“What do I want? Hmm let me think” he put one of his hands on the door, beside her head. “Since you don’t like Mark, maybe I shall try to make you like me.”

“Get away, I will never like you” SoAh used all her strength to make that useless attempt of pushing Jackson away. He grabbed one of her hand with his free hand and pinned beside her head as she let out a soft whimper.

“Too bad, I am still going to have a piece of you” Jackson threw SoAh on the bench and climbed on top of her. She was struggling hard, Jackson grabbed both of her hands and pinned her down, with him sitting on the lower part of her body to stop her from struggling. He caught her hands in his left and another hand ing  the first two buttons of her Top. She was really scared now, she was shaking. “Jackson. P-pl-please” she begged desperately.

Jackson ignored her and leaned in to kiss her, but she turned away. He leaned in from the other side just to see her tears slide down from her eyes. He stopped. She was crying. He sighed.

Jackson got off her. Feeling the weight off her, she opened her eyes. She ran to the corner, far away from Jackson while buttoning she shirt with her trembling hands as she sobbed.

“Leave” Was all Jackson said to make SoAh run out of the room.

He went overboard, and he knew it.

SoAh ran to the toilet to hide, afraid that Jackson would regret his decision of letting her go. She hide in one cubical and cried her heart out. Her stomach was turning as she thought back. She breathed hard, her tears still has no signs of stopping,

She was feeling dizzy as she felt a familiar sensation on her nose. 
she hurriedly grabbed the toilet roll, and tore a few pieces to clean the blood but it seems like it's not going to stop anytime soon. Her hands seems to move fast, she desperately wiped her nose, hard. 
*i need to relax*  she thought as she sniffed, she tried to calm herself down. 
After an hour or so, her dizziness was slowly wearing off and she stood up when she thought she was stable enough. 
With fast pace, she quickly went back to get her backpack and left the school compound immediately, afraid of bumping in to Jackson again, 

Two weeks passed by, SoAh still didn’t have the chance to confess to her brothers about her condition, but they could see how pale she got. Sometimes, she would hide in the toilet when she had nose bleeds, and she cleaned thoroughly not leaving any trace of blood.

School was still the usual, Mark leaving sarcastic comment, and she could see how close Mark and YooJin had gotten. She would avoid going to the canteen and locker room because she doesn’t want to see any of the Got7 members, especially Jackson. She was still not over that incident, she didn’t tell anyone about it. Even when any of them would visit her house, she would lock herself in the room. Her brothers saw what she was doing and they politely requested for them to stop coming for a period of time. BamBam still finds her in school, although he was often faced with an emotionless SoAh, he just wanted to be by her side. They did try to pester her, but they stopped eventually, realising that she didn’t want to entertain them.  Jackson though, despite that regretful incident, he still picks on her without any of his friend knowing. He was angry at her for making his best friend miserable. He could sense that SoAh is shaking whenever he gets near her and he felt sorry. But he's gotta do what she needs to do. To force an explanation out of her was his intention, even though he knew it was wrong, but he doesn't know how to confront their problems anymore. He thought doing all these to SoAh would force her to confess everything because deep down, he still trust that SoAh isn't that kind of girl. 

She stopped going to the flower shop, she had apologised to halmoni and told her that school was getting very busy and that she will return when she’s having her holiday, which halmoni gladly accepted.

She just thought maybe telling her brothers the truth might be better. So she had decided that tomorrow will be the day that she’s going to tell them. She had taken out her report and left it on her desk with other books, so she will remember that she’s going to announce it to them. She had decided to skip school tomorrow because she knew she wouldn’t have to mood to attend anyway. She could see how hard they had worked for her these few weeks because she wasn’t in the mood to. They had done much more than any brother had,

It was scary for her to count down to the days she had left. Although not exactly but roughly.

“Min SoAh, you’re going to be late for school! Time to wake up” JunSeo came in to his sister room to find her books messily laid out on her table. He took the initiative to pack her table. He spotted tissues stained with blood on her table, under her books, he took a look at SoAh’s sleeping figure before he continues to pack her table.

*Is she still having nosebleed often? Wait… what is that? *

He spotted a brown envelope standing out in the pile of textbooks. Curiosity overtook him, he pulled out the envelope. He took a peek at his sister again before opening it.

Seoul Hospital

Results of Patient Min SoAh:

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)- Positive

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) – Positive

JunSeo could almost felt his heart stopped beating. His eyes starred in disbelief, with fear, frozen to the sport. Fear creeping up his spine. He fumbled with the report, placing it back under the books when he heard ruffle of the bed sheet.

“You’re awake SoAh?” He went beside SoAh and pulled her up. “Go wash up, you’re going to be late” He patted her back lightly. JunSeo Started organizing her bed when she headed to the bathroom. JunSeo’s hand tremble, he felt himself going weak thinking about his sister’s condition, no wonder shes becoming more pale these few days, he thought.

Is that why…

JunSeo went down to prepare breakfast after he’s done making his sister’s bed.

“Where’s SoAh?”

“Washing up” JunSeo kept a straight face.

SeongJun headed towards the dining table for breakfast when he saw SoAh coming down. JunSeo keep looking at his sister throughout the whole breakfast. Ever since she broke up with Mark. They never hear any laughter on the dining table. Their meal was always accompanied by silence. They couldn’t help it, they tried finding out the reason but SoAh kept shut. She didn’t want to talk about it.

“Yah pumpkin, you are going to be late for class. Aren’t you going to eat faster?” SeongJun asked

“Oppa, I don’t feel like going to school today, can I not go?” She said softly while nibbling on her sausage.

“SoAh, can oppa talk to you for a moment?” SeongJun look at JunSeo weirdly, why would his brother suddenly want to talk with his sister, alone. What can’t they talk in front of him?

“Waeyo oppa?”

“SoAh, is there something you didn’t tell us?”

“no why? Did you want to know something?”

“SoAh…” JunSeo was hesitating, he was thinking how to phrase his words.

“Just say it oppa, theres nothing you cannot tell me”

“SoAh, I…I saw the report on your desk” he glances at SoAh’s reaction, she was unfazed, did she wanted him to see? “and I believe theres something you need to explain to us. W-was it because of that you broke up with Mark?”

“Oppa, I have actually decided to tell you and seongjun oppa today even if you didn’t ask, about that report… Yes, it’s the reason I decided to break up with Mark”


“There’s no why to it, I just don’t want to burden him when the time…comes”

“What time? I am confused, what are you talking about?”

“Oppa, I didn’t want to say this but since you already saw the report, I think even if I don’t tell you the truth now, you will still find out from Dr Park. I…I might-might have left less than 2 months to live” SoAh didn’t dare to meet his brother’s eyes when she said that. She had accepted her fate and got over the fact that she’s either going to die or becoming vegetative state. She decided that telling them she’s going to die would be easier because she had come to a conclusion that she’s going to leave them before the time comes, she don’t want them to see her in vegetative state.

“Hey, that’s not nice to joke around” JunSeo didn’t want to believe, he knew what DAI was, he knew how serious it could get and how dangerous it was. He just didn’t want to believe it happened to his sister.

“I want to think that it’s a joke too…”

“SoAh…why didn’t you tell me when you went for the check up? How long are you aware of this?”

“Then what? So you can keep it from me again? and take care of me, work like there’s no day and night? I don’t want to burden you nor SeongJun oppa. I knew it A few weeks ago”

JunSeo grabbed onto his sister’s face with shaking hands. His heart broke. He felt like every time he tried to speak, his words came out as mush. His tears streamed down his face. His hands trembled even when he layed it on SoAh’s shoulder. “Stop…” he couldn’t continue, he let his emotions take over his power to speak. SoAh’s tears filled up her eyes when she saw her brother’s tears. “Stop saying you’re a burden. Don’t you know how much Seong and I love you? 2 months… how do you expect us to live without you? are there…are there no cure?” He was afraid of the answer that was coming next.

Before SoAh could answer, she heard another sob coming from the entrance of her room.

“Are you two not going to let me know?” SeongJun showed himself, red faced, tears washed his face. He was crying so badly that he could barely breathe.


“you’re so bad SoAh, do you know that? You yourself knew how much we had fought for you. yet you are still thinking of leaving without a goodbye? You think that will lessen our burden? You’re wrong, only you will feel better, what about us?” SeongJun keep on rambling on and about, making SoAh feel bad. It wasn’t like what she wanted, she wanted to live to, she finally made friends, she finally had someone she wants to live with for life, she hasn’t repaid her brothers yet, she wasn’t prepared to leave them yet.

“Oppa please…” SoAh bawled her eyes out, “I don’t want that too. I want to live oppa, but how could I live knowing that you have to carry so much in your shoulders just to let me live?”

“do you still not get it? we want you to live, we need you in our life. Without you, we are as good as dead, You are going to the hospital with me tomorrow” JunSeo’s last word before leaving the house. 

“Pumpkin, I thought you could tell me everything… this is too much. You are not leaving us” SeongJun too, left the house. It was the best chance for SoAh to leave this house for good, but everything her brother said made her weak. She didn’t want to leave them. She curled herself in the corner of her room and stayed there the whole day. 
They all needed their own space right now, to think about it thoroughly, to clear their mind, to absorb that they just heard. It was too much for them to take in. 

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Chapter 46: this story made me cry like hanriver.
natashahbaharom #2
This story made me cry really hard while listening to my love by lee hi ToT
Linebae_93 #3
I'm so excited to read it!!
Chapter 46: Waaa i'm so happy 4 every1 especially for mark and So Ah
Chapter 46: yay im happy for everyone!! =]
imemyself07 #6
Chapter 37: Uh oh.....that doesn't sound good
Chapter 34: i hope the mom will open her eyes after what mark said
Chapter 30: mark idiot just believe his sister =/
Dukiepoopie #9
Chapter 28: O my god this is legit the best fanfic ever I do t why I got so into it but I just did and Oh my gosh if I told you how many times I burst out crying while reading this you would think I have a mental disorder that makes me think everything is sad as hell! T^T I really did cry a lot tho Hwaiting authornim looking forward to future chappies!!
Dukiepoopie #10
Chapter 24: I'm crying so hard right now listening to BTS' let me know T^T