Snowing in the summer

"What's wrong with me? because I’m poor? because I’m ugly? or is it because i don’t have friends?" You turned towards him, you felt insulted under his gaze, "What its wrong with me? Tell me." with teary eyes, "I didn't know having a friend would be so hard, i didn’t know i have to go through you guys to have friends. I’ve never had any friends, so no one ever tell me that befriending someone is so difficult. Who in the world are you to decide for me!" Tears slid down your cheeks, you were dying not to let Mark see your tears but you can't control it anymore. "I always tell myself i don't need friends, but every time after a long day in school, being picked on by you, I wish I could have someone beside me, comforting me. Why do you have to make my life so difficult. Why?!!!." 

Mark softened after seeing your tears. You harshly wiped your tears away, "Stop telling me to leave your friend alone, instead, ask him to leave me alone"

You were walking alone, heading towards the rooftop because you needed to clear your mind off all these things that happened. No, you are not going up to cry your heart out like how those female leads would do in melodrama. Showing your weak side to Mark once was enough. Since every one is in class, you were left alone in the corridor, you took your time to walk up to the rooftop. It was your first time on the RoofTop because you would usually go to the tree behind the school, but it was lesson time and you can't risk the chance of getting caught.

Finding a place to sit at the secluded corner that was hidden behind the pile of planks, you stretched out your leg and rest your back comfortably on the railings, You closed your eyes hoping to sleep away the rest of the school day, too tired to return back to class for lessons, both physically and mentally.  

"Yah Wang jackson! you are not suppose to do it this way! you should do it this way!" You were rudely woken up by the noise coming from the exit. You sat up, peeking through the pile of metal rod, you saw Got 7 on the roof top too. *Why do they always show up when i want to hide from them! They should be in class now!* You quietly tried to think of ways you could sneak pass them and exit the rooftop but they stood right in front of the door. The only way not to let them realise your presence was to stay put there, not making any a noise. The wait for them to leave was so long and they just could not keep quiet which you were quite annoyed. You peeked at them once in a while and what shocked you was that you saw a different side of them. They weren't like the Got7 you see in school everyday. They behave like normal rowdy boys and what made you amazed was their martial art skills. Especially Jackson and Mark. This Mark you are seeing now is completely different from the one whom you had encountered earlier that day. He was all smiley, he was laughing, not at you, not in a mocking way but a naturally happy Mark. You were somehow captivated by his laughter. *He's actually really good looking.* You soon fell asleep after awhile of watching the boys. 
“Oh my gosh, this is so tiring! Mark! Water juseyo" Complained Jackson in english.

"Shut up Jackson! Get your own water, I'm going to take a nap" Replied Mark.

"JB Hyung~ Water please" Whine Jackson and his failed attempt of acting cute. Making JB throwing the bottle of mineral water at his face which he received more whining in return. 

"Jackson, you better keep your mouth shut bef- Oh who-" If something Mark could not stand, it would be Jackson's non-stop whine, he was halfway there asking Jackson to shut up before he saw his usual sleeping corner taken up by someone - You. He turn to look at his friends making sure their attention weren't at him, he look at your sleeping figure, no, he stared at your sleeping figure. *Why would she be here, shouldn't she be in class now* He thought. Normally, he would've kicked you to wake you up and humiliate you with his friends, but after the encounter during lunch time and watching you cry infront of him, his heart softened. His attention was caught by your skirt which has rosed up to your thigh, he coughed, took off his blazer and covered it. He sighed, *she's a girl afterall* then his gaze shifted to your bandaged hand, his heart pumped with slight guilt but he pushed it back. He sat beside you, he didn't feel like disturbing you for once. He stared at your peaceful sleeping face. No frowns, no sad eyes, for the first time. Weirdly, he felt calm and comfortable.
If he were to go out, his friends would be suspicious since he slept half his life away, he will never miss a chance to sleep. While staring at you, all the words you said to him this morning came running through his mind, why did he bullied you, why don't he like you. He couldn't find an answer himself. He kept a look out for his friend from coming near, shortly after his friends left the rooftop, he too, fell asleep while thinking. 

Woken up by the last school bell of the day which indicated 8pm, you stretched but got a shock when you see a sleeping figure beside you. You rubbed your eyes, and looked at him once again. Feeling something slide off when you moved your leg, you picked up the blazer and looked at the name tag, Mark Tuan Y.E.  *Am i dreaming?! What is he doing here* 

Quietly putting the folded blazer beside Mark, you decided to leave unnoticed but your phone decided to Ring at the wrong time. *Aish* You fumbled with your phone but  stopped on track when you saw Mark moved, you glanced at him, he was awake and staring back at you. "Pick up your dam phone, its so noisy" You come back to your senses and picked up your phone. 

"Hello" You spoke. 

"So Ah ya! Where are you ! Seongjun and I reached home to find no one, and you didn't tell us you are staying back in school or something! Are you alright? Did anything happened?" You heard your brother said from the other line.

"Oh Junseo oppa, I'm alright, I had a last minute work to complete, sorry I didn't inform you, i will be home soon!" You take a look at your watch and realised that you’ve totally overslept the planned time.

"Okay, be careful on your way back, the lamp at the cross road is out of order, do you want me to wait there for you?"

"Its okay oppa, I will be alright, don't worry" After hanging up, you turned to Mark who has been looking at you the whole time sitting in the same position. You blinked awkwardly and turned away first, taking the first step to walk away. You heard shuffling noises telling you that Mark stood up too. "Are you not going to thank me for the blazer?" he asked while dusting his long pants.

"I didnot ask you to put it on me" you mumbled. 

He looked at you, surprised by your comeback. " W-Well, at least thank me for letting you sleep peacefully at my territory." You ignore him and walked further, towards the exit. "Yah! Min So Ah! A ThankYou will not kill you!"

"Without a ThankYou will not kill you too!" you shouted back. Walk away without looking back at him. *Why is he behaving like this out of the sudden? Its like a 360 degree change in his attitude*

When you reached the school gate, you heard the footstep of someone running, and it was getting nearer to you. You turned to your left when you realised the footstep stopped beside you, making you jump out of shock.

"Its late, I will walk you home" he said as if it’s the most normal thing in the word, but deep down, he was pushing away all the awkward feelings.

“W-what…for?” Afraid of getting tricked in to anything.

"Its already 8:30 "

"Its only 8:30" you argued. Refusing to accept his help. “Why are you behaving this way! A few hours ago, you were still acting like a Jerk towards me and now you want to walk me home!? Are planning something Mark Tuan, if you are, please stop. I have had enough of you bullying me everyday! I said i will leave BamBam alone didn't I? So please" you paused, before continuing your sentence in english. "Leave me alone will you" 

"Come on, You're a girl, and it’s late right now. I go against you in school, but let me walk you home for now, its not safe around this area. I wouldn't be comfortable knowing that I let a girl walk home alone at this timing" Mark said, *What a lame excuse, way to go Mark* He thought to himself.

You sighed, “whatever that happens to me doesn’t concern you. Just go away.” You strolled away.

He waited for you to walk further away and walked silently behind you without your knowledge. 

You stopped at the lamppost your brother told you about. Its really down, and the street is pitch black that it scares you a little. You stopped for awhile before contemplating whether to walk through it or not. You have to, unfortunately, its the only way home. You were thinking to call your brother but you gave that thought up, you pulled the strap of your bag tighter, preparing for a run.

Suddenly, someone pulled your elbow which caused you to gasped very loudly and you jumped backwards, but only to realise it was Mark. "Let's go" was the only think he said. You were still in shock that Mark had to pull you through the street. At the end of the scary , Mark let go of you, "I don't know where you live, you may want to lead the way now."

"You can go home now, I told you I don’t need your help”

"Do you thank people this way? Im glad i decided to follow you back if not you would've stay the whole night on the street"

"Im not thanking you, You are not suppose to follow someone like a creep!" You turned to walk towards your house, leaving Mark alone. He heed your words and did not follow you any further. "You really don't know how to thank people do you" He mumbled to himself. "Aish whatever, who cares what's gonna happen to her, I did what I could"

“I'm back " You greeted once you enter your house.

"Oh So Ah you're back! HYUNG! SO AH IS BACK!!" SeongJun popped his head out of the kitchen upon hearing your voice. " I can't believe you actually walked back home without calling any of us! I thought you were scared of the dark" 

"O-of Course I'm not scared anymore! Im all grown up now SeongJun!" You ruffled his hair to annoy him. " Hey Hey Hey! don't do that! and where is the ' oppa ' huh ? Even if you are all grown up now, I’m still older than you!" He rubbed his knuckles on your head.

"Okay, thats enough for now SeongJun, let her wash up now" Like an hero, Junseo oppa came to your rescue. Seongjun went back to the kitchen. "It's good that you're back, have you eaten?"

"not yet oppa" 

"Alright lovely bum, go take a shower, i will cook noodles for you. Ask SeongJun to change your bandage for you okay!" He patted your head before walking to the kitchen.

"okay! Thank you oppa!" If there is a problem with you, it would be you don't know how to thank other. The ThankYou word just couldn’t escape your mouth when you are with people other than your brothers. 

After washing up, you went to SeongJun's room with your bandages and medicine. "Maknae oppa! can you help me with this?"

"Say please"

"Forget it, I will just leave my wound open then" you said mischievously

"Alright Min So Ah, what is there to lose by giving in to me" He scowled at you. You could only laugh at his reaction. He came to sit on his bed beside you, and started treating your wound. Its healing fast, if you don’t injure it again, this might be the last bandage you will be changing. After thanking SeongJun, you head down to find your older brother serving your noodles to the dining table. 

"Thank you big oppa!" Junseo smiled in return and he sat down opposite of you. He knows you Don't like to eat alone at home, so he sat down to accompany you. You knew, and you appreciate it, a lot.

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Chapter 46: this story made me cry like hanriver.
natashahbaharom #2
This story made me cry really hard while listening to my love by lee hi ToT
Linebae_93 #3
I'm so excited to read it!!
Chapter 46: Waaa i'm so happy 4 every1 especially for mark and So Ah
Chapter 46: yay im happy for everyone!! =]
imemyself07 #6
Chapter 37: Uh oh.....that doesn't sound good
Chapter 34: i hope the mom will open her eyes after what mark said
Chapter 30: mark idiot just believe his sister =/
Dukiepoopie #9
Chapter 28: O my god this is legit the best fanfic ever I do t why I got so into it but I just did and Oh my gosh if I told you how many times I burst out crying while reading this you would think I have a mental disorder that makes me think everything is sad as hell! T^T I really did cry a lot tho Hwaiting authornim looking forward to future chappies!!
Dukiepoopie #10
Chapter 24: I'm crying so hard right now listening to BTS' let me know T^T