Snowing in the summer

“You know you scared all of us so much that I thought hyung is going to faint too pumpkin” SeongJun joke.

Doctor park had rushed in to check on SoAh when he heard that she came conscious. After the round of check-ups and routine, she finally got away from doctor Park’s nag. JR, Mark, Junseo and Seongjun sat around her and chatted with her. Junseo refuse to talk to Mark and SeongJun was back to his usual self and trying to make his brother talk to Mark even when he’s angry at Mark himself.

The three of them were having their own talk when SoAh turned to Mark who was looking at her the whole time, ignoring whatever questions that were shoot to him by the three of them.

He looked like he was hesitating to talk to her.

“Just say it again, Mark.”

“Did you really heard it?”

“Do you mean it?” Mark nodded shyly, which made SoAh smile.

“I’m sorry for believing in Joy, sorry for hurting you once again.” She just gently shook her head and smile. SoAh reached out to hug him, and he leaned forward almost immediately.

“Did we missed out something?”

“Hyung,” Mark broke free from the hug and walk towards JunSeo. “I know I did a lot of bad things to SoAh, but when I said I like her, I really do and I mean it. Can you give me a chance to love her and make up to her?”

“and if I say no?” JunSeo challenged

“Then I will not date SoAh, I will work harder to gain your trust first and prove to you that I really deserve her. Until you agree and give us your blessing. I know how much you mean to SoAh and how much SoAh mean to the both of you, if any of you say no, I am sure SoAh wouldn’t want to break your heart, so I will work harder until the both of you accept me.”  

JR and SeongJun look at each other and gave out a fatherly smile. JR because of Mark said, he had never see his friend so in love before, even with his exes, and SeongJun because he was happy that Mark actually cares a lot about SoAh, and that his baby sister finally found someone that he’d approved. As for JunSeo, he was happy deep down, but contradicting because of so many things that happened before.

SoAh was lying on the bed looking at the scene before her. She was touched by how Mark thought so much about it, she was hoping for her brothers to accept Mark because she likes him too.

“Do you like Mark, SoAh?” all the heads turned to her, making her nervous, she doesn’t know what to say, part of her wants to admit loudly but part of her was afraid that her brothers would not be happy. She switched her gaze from Mark to JR who gave her an encouraging smile, to SeongJun who just smiled goofily at her, then finally to JunSeo who looked back at her with an expression that SoAh can’t decipher.

“Pumpkin, it’s alright, just tell us.” SeongJun assured her.

“Yes, I like him oppa” She said so softly that they barely caught it.

“Do you really like him?” JunSeo asked lowly, which made SoAh look at him, confused.


“If you really like him, then say it louder, be true to yourself. Do you want other people to take him away from you? do you want me to stop you guys from getting together?”

“No, of course not, oppa”

“Then show it to me, SoAh, Mark too. Although I am still not very happy about what you did, I can see that you are true to her, and that you are sincere.”

“So hyung, are you giving us your blessing?” Mark was so excited that he held on to SoAh’s hand, looking at JunSeo so with much hope lit in his eyes.

“Yes Mark, I am entrusting my sister to you, if anything goes wrong, I am taking her back and there’s no return then.” JunSeo was speaking with so much seriousness, SeongJun stepped in because he can’t stand it anymore.

SeongJun gave Mark a light hit on his chest, “Yah Mark Tuan, She’s my only sister, if you hurt her, I will turn you into a sister too.” His joke made the room lightened up.

“Hey sister-in-law” JR joke.

“I only agreed to let them be together, I never agreed to let them get married, JR.”

“Arraso cranky hyung” SeongJun high Fived JR.

“Thank you oppa deul”

A few days later, SoAh was discharged. Doctor Park did talk to the three of them but he only told the brothers that SoAh’s TBI had worsen which worries them. They still kept it from SoAh. What strange to Doctor Park was that he knew there was something more to it, although the result hasn't shown.

During that week, Got 7 did visited her and Mark is always there. He assured her brothers that he will take good care of her so that they can return to their work. Well, he does have school to attend but 1. He would rather be with SoAh, 2. What’s bad about skipping school for him.

“You are finally back to school SoAh” BamBam ran towards the said girl when he saw her. Mark and her relationship was revealed to the rest of s when they visited her in the hospital. She was told that Joy got a good scolding from Mark, instead of siding with you the rest of the Got7 was cheering on Mark which surprises him. He didn’t know that they had something against Joy which angers him slightly, asking them why. They all spilled their nasty encounter with Joy which made Mark thought a lot. He always though his sister was nice to s and that she was a nice girl but he thought wrong. He didn’t know his sister was like that. His anger subsided when Jackson said he fell into the pond after the got kicked in the by Joy, when everyone said he deserved it.

“Yeah, it feels good to be back” SoAh replied. Even a blind kid could see that BamBam was crushed. Yugyeom comforted him but was useless, he acted like nothing had happened every time they visit SoAh together and Mark would always be by her side, but deep down, everyone knew that he was bleeding inside. Mark attempted to talk to him before, he felt better but Mark also understood that one can’t get over feelings that easily. He told BamBam that he could approach him whenever he needed it. which would be of a great comfort to Mark because Bambam did not distant SoAh and himself from him because of that.

Words of SoAh and Mark dating spread like wild fire, it was only the first day she went back to school but everyone seem to knew that the two of them were dating by the break time.

Everyone knew that one person would be furious and they were waiting to watch this upcoming drama happening.


Here comes the drama queen ~

Joy came running towards Mark when he was leaving his class to meet Got 7 and SoAh at the canteen.

“Oppa, how can you get with her, she doesn’t deserve you!”

“Then my dear sister, you don’t deserve any of my attention” Mark’s eyes dripped icy cold. Joy was nervous, she didn’t like how Mark is treating her, how no one is on her side.

She grabbed onto her brother’s arm when he turned to leave. “Are you going to do this to me?”

She was ignored by Mark once again.

*You are doing this to me because of her huh, then don’t blame me if you and that can’t get together*

“You’re home, I have something to ask you” Mark somehow knew what she wants to talk about, he expected it. He followed her to the living room, he was waiting for her to speak, he didn’t want to start any conversation.

“Mark Tuan, I heard that you’re dating a beggar?” She picked up her drink and sipped before crossing her leg and sit back, looking pointedly at her son.

“I am not dating any beggar, my girlfriend is not a beggar” Mark replied fuming mad when he heard his mom describing SoAh as beggar. He knew that it must have been Joy whom mentioned it to their mom.

“Mark Tuan, you are the son of MJT, how can you date someone of that background.”

“If you are going to keep referring her as beggar, then I see no point in this conversation.” Mark stood up but was stopped by his mom.

“Then I will go straight to my point, break up with her. I know some daughters of the major stakeholders, I will arrange you for some blind dates. Trust mom, they are prettier and better than that be--girl”

“No, I don't need them mom, SoAh is the only girl I am going to date.”

“What is your dad going to say if he knew it! You haven’t been behaving like Joy and Kevin, are you going to defy this too. Break up with her, that’s final. Im giving you one week, next week I will start arranging you for blind dates. Be prepared.”

“But Mom!” Before Mark could say anymore, his mom already disappeared from his sight.

*I just got together with SoAh, and I promised to takecare of her, I am not going to break up with her*


“You must be the SoAh everyone is talking about?” The women in her mid-fifties talking gracefully with spikes in her sentence while scanning you inside out.

“Yes I am, and you are?” You stood up from your originally sitting position and answered her carefully. She doesn’t seem like an easy woman.

“Me? I am Mrs Tuan”

*Tuan? Mark? Mark’s mother perhaps?* you thought while scanning her from head to toe, mirroring her action earlier. She was wearing accessories that you assume is very pricey, and on her arm hangs an elegant luxurious Louis Vuitton handbag and her outfit doesn’t look cheap neither. Her overall was of extravagance. You would look like a beggar standing beside her but you could care less about that. What kept you interested was her purpose of visit. You were dating her son and you somehow knew why she came to you.

Why else would she come here for? A cup of tea and have a chat with you? Bull. Why would people from such high society look for you? You saw a lot in dramas and you wouldn’t believe that it would occur to you that you’re dating a person of such because you thought it won’t happen in real life.

You were enjoying your days with Mark that you totally forget he was from those rich families. You haven’t seen Joy around you thought everything was going to be fine. Right, Mark has parents too.

Who would’ve expect someone like her would come all the way to your workplace to talk to you. You didn’t want Halmoni to be affected so you requested a short break and she agreed. You felt sorry for her because after you agreed to work here, she didn’t look for anyone anymore, but you missed 2 weeks of works after your dad passed away and you only worked one day a week for the past one month because of school activities. You finally had the time to work more this week but this had to happen. You didn’t want to cause trouble for Halmoni so you decided to kindly ask Mark’s mother to step out and talk.

“I see you’re working at this ty place for this small money huh,” she gave the shop a look of displeasure before turning back to you, “I guess you don’t have much time for me so I will make this meeting sweet and short.”

“okay Mrs Tuan” you said politely.

“End whatever relationship you have with my son”

“S-sorry?” you were lost for words. That was too hard for you to take in and it was too sudden. You kind of expected it but not this straight forward.

“Leave my son, I told him to break up with you a few days ago but I see no progress, so I came to you directly. He doesn’t understand why I am doing this, I hope you will understand.”

“I am sorry but I don’t understand neither. We love each other, we will not break up”

She snorted, “Love? Love don’t exist in our family young lady. You want to know why I am doing this? Because you and him don’t suite each other. He is the son of MJT, while you? you wouldn't even fit in to be the cleaner of MJT.” You couldn’t believe what she is saying right now, “He’s born to marry daughter of those CEO that you would only see on TV. You will never reach his level so rather than getting hurt in the future, why not give up now? Less pain for you and him this way.” Tears welled up in your eyes but you held it in, clenched your fist tight.

“Look Mrs Tuan, unless Mark tells me that, I will not break up with him.”

“How much do you want?”

“What?” you laughed, “Like mother like daughter. If you're going to keep this going, I'd suggest for you to stop visiting my workplace, you're causing trouble for Halmoni.” you ignored her and went back to work. 

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Chapter 46: this story made me cry like hanriver.
natashahbaharom #2
This story made me cry really hard while listening to my love by lee hi ToT
Linebae_93 #3
I'm so excited to read it!!
Chapter 46: Waaa i'm so happy 4 every1 especially for mark and So Ah
Chapter 46: yay im happy for everyone!! =]
imemyself07 #6
Chapter 37: Uh oh.....that doesn't sound good
Chapter 34: i hope the mom will open her eyes after what mark said
Chapter 30: mark idiot just believe his sister =/
Dukiepoopie #9
Chapter 28: O my god this is legit the best fanfic ever I do t why I got so into it but I just did and Oh my gosh if I told you how many times I burst out crying while reading this you would think I have a mental disorder that makes me think everything is sad as hell! T^T I really did cry a lot tho Hwaiting authornim looking forward to future chappies!!
Dukiepoopie #10
Chapter 24: I'm crying so hard right now listening to BTS' let me know T^T