Step 8. Save the day.

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I decided to stay away fro her. But I still seek her out after I arrive at the school gates. She was still wearing a warm gray outer coat with a gray shawl wrapped around her face. What is wrong with you little girl? It's not that cold. I stop myself from calling out and walk briskly away. I hundred questions form in my head: questions I never had the chance to ask, questions I just thought of now.

How do I look to her?

What does she think about me?

What is her favorite color?

What food she likes?

Does she like me?

How was her day?

What is it like washing dishes for a Chinese Restaurant?

Does she like me?

What are the names of her siblings?

Does her father hurt them?

Do they have enough to eat?

Does she like me?

Is the government financial help enough?

Can I help her?

Does she want to talk to me?

But most importantly of all, "Does she like me?............" I don't know why it is so important and why all my interest only revolves around her. I shrug, kicked a stone that hit someone else. Shrugged again and walked to my class.


I lay my head down on the table, cheek touching the wood and I stare at the blue sky outside. Meeeeeh. How dull.

"Mr. Choi."

I don't answer, I'm too bored to pretend I care.

"Mr. Choi!"

"Hyung!" Ji nudged me.

"Neh." I answered.

"MR. CHOI!" she screamed at me. That was a first. "IF YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN CLASS, PLEASE STEP OUT."

I raised my head, met her eyes, stood up and left the room.


I walked away without looking back.


Everything was back to the being hopelessly tedious and boring and I feel like a fight. You know, just to keep things interesting. As much as I wasn't a bully, I was into a bit of street brawls. That was why the teacher never really scolded me. She was a touch bit scared. Dara said I wasn't unkind which would be true but I wasn't kind either. I like fights. I like to hurt people, it was interesting. I never look for a fight mind you, I just sit somewhere in the park and like magnet I would draw out some fool to me. So I decided to set off. I approached my bike, put my helmet on, straddled my bike and sped off to a park nearby.


My thoughts drift involuntarily to Dara as I took out a cigarette and lit it up. I wonder how her face would look like if she saw me smoke. Would she say "DON'T" like she protested against me being a bully? I took a drag and let the smoke escape my lips as it curls and uncurls with the soft breeze. A mental image of her hair pops up and I grin.

I was leaning against a flower box when my past time arrive.

"Oi, Choi Seunghyun! You think you can just drop by here like you own the place?"

"Eh? Do I know you?" I look at him still a grin on my

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juzwannaread #1
Chapter 27: I didn't want to read this because it's not completed yet, and I can't even expect you to finish this. That much I already accepted. You're one of those AFF writers that I truly admire though so I ended up reading this anyway.
Sad as the story is, it felt like Seunghyun's ramblings were bold and sassy in his uncertainty. While his actions are just as brazen and impulsive, his love for her is tender yet still both uncertain and brazen. It was like a poetic contrast, and it's beautiful. Love it.
Chapter 27: update soon ?
thalhahzarif #3
Chapter 27: I like it so much.. please update... looking forward to it
lowhigh #4
Chapter 8: always, this story makes me sad and happy. i don't know.
just.. i know this is very beautifu story.
pinkblue #5
Chapter 6: always love reading this story. as many reader says, this is very beautiful story.
thank you so much.
Chapter 1: pls update the mistress jebal
Icicle #7
Chapter 27: I love this beautiful story...
lowhigh #8
Chapter 27: rereading.
i wish them, everything will be okay.
it's sad. but.. they are beautiful. and they know about true love. i love that..
catwilled #9
Chapter 27: heavy...but the story is great authornim..hope you can update soon.
lowhigh #10
Chapter 27: beautiful relation ship. this.
they are growing up for each other. they are supporting each other..
so beautiful and amazing.
now.. sad and hurt. but. still this love will be hope. I love this..