Sleeping with the Enemy (Repost)

Sleeping with the Enemy (Repost)
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Chapter 9


Tiffany wasted a few seconds trying to find her voice. She read the letter from the Bank of Korea for the eighth times since she received it this morning.


“No, I don’t believe this. I can’t believe it. It’s not true. Why did the bank change its policy? & where can I find million of dollars in thirty-five hours?” Tiffany took in a deep breath & told herself to stay calm. However, she failed. Tears were falling down instantly as she realized she could lose her mother’s shop in the next thirty-five hours. She shook her head firmly, trying hard to accept the cruel reality. She had to do something. She would write a letter to the bank, asking for more time to repay her debt, ‘It’s not fair!’ Her heart screamed out.


What if she lost the shop? Thirty-five hours? The bank only gave her thirty-five hours? Where would she find a big amount of money in thirty-five hours?


“Mom, please help me. Please help me to find a way. I’ll do anything to get the shop back. Oh god, please help me to find a way.” She whispered.


Jaejoong took a shower & dressed quickly in his short sleeve eventide blue pajama set. A glance in the mirror confirmed what he already suspected.


His eyes were bloodshot & his expression was grave. He looked like a man who needed a good night sleep & the fact was he did. Each time he wanted to close his eyes, he would imagined Tiffany & Yoochun laughing together in the cafe this afternoon. His mind ran wild as he caught them at the cafe coincidentally.




As he had been doing for the last few days, Jaejoong sat down at his favorite corner at the cafe in front of Tiffany’s flower shop. He was just sipping his coffee when a pair of laughing couple entered the cafe. He almost choked when he saw who they were. Tiffany & his big rival, Park Yoochun. His heartbeat stumbled. What was Yoochun doing with Tiffany? How did they know each other? His mind ran wild. Why did Yoochun always get in touch with the girl he liked? He swallowed his coffee hardly.


As beautiful as she was, Tiffany looked completely freshened, carrying her big buddha shilmar black handbag in one hand & a single pink roses in her other hand. Wearing a kardashian kollection texture fit & flare, scoop neck, sleeveless yellow dress, she looked absolutely lovely like a sunflower. Jaejoong groaned. He quickly took a newspaper to hide his face & wore his sunglasses, ‘How could she talk to Chun nicely while she always talked to me in opposite way?!’ He thought angrily, ‘Well, at least she’s holding the flower.’ His heart said to him. Jaejoong’s anger was at himself.


Frowning, he stole a glance at the couple behind the newspaper with a sigh of disappointment. He kept on hearing their conversation with anger & jealousy burning inside his heart. A muscle knotted in his cheeks. Laughing uncontrollably, Tiffany said to Yoochun, “Are you serious? It’s a creative idea.”


She laughed again, & Yoochun laughed & that was all that it made Jaejoong’s heart burnt into hell.


“Tiffany.” Yoochun called her name softly.


‘Oh, god.’ Jaejoong said to himself. Tiffany. It seemed just right for this beautiful woman. Soft, feminine, lovely yet with a certain strength to it. He groaned again, in frustration.


He peeked at Tiffany again, from the newspaper in his hands.


Apparently, Yoochun had been more than just a customer to her. She has found a new friendship in Yoochun when Jaejoong & her had a big confrontation. Jaejoong didn’t mean to draw apart from her but during the last eight days, he was trying to figure out his real feelings for her. Taking away her relationship with his father, subtracting his personal revenge upon her, forgetting their verbal fights, he found her making his heart beat erratically wildly every time he recalled her lovely face smiling at him & by the time he realized it, he was in love with his enemy, his father’s mistress. When or maybe how, he had no clue. Maybe he had loved her since the first time they met. Or maybe he had loved her when he saw her tears at the hospital. Or maybe...But deep down he knew that no matter when or how, he would always love Tiffany with every breath he took. He would always adore her & admire her in his own way, even though his mouth uttered some harsh words. She would always stay as the one that has touched him deeply inside where no one has ever reached before, not even his ex fiance, Sunny. If only she wasn’t his father’s mistress, there might be a hope for them to be together.


He sighed deeply behind the newspaper. In front of him, Tiffany & Yoochun were still laughing & teasing each other happily.


Now, with Park Yoochun in the frame, he couldn’t bring himself to declare his feelings for her. He had watched desperately how Yoochun had set his eyes on Tiffany. He had watched the way Yoochun looked at her in the eyes, the way Yoochun held her hands, the way Yoochun & the way Yoochun made her laugh. It wasn’t a gesture an ordinary friend would do & he had lost again, to Park Yoochun. Jaejoong groaned inside his heart.


His eyes stared at the lovely woman in front of him for a few seconds. Then he buried his head into his hand, sighing heavily.


There she was. The woman he loved. His beautiful, beloved Tiffany Hwang but now she was laughing happily with his big rival without noticing people around her.


Slowly, he watched her, trying feverishly to work out what he’d done, “I made a terrible mistake. Can you forgive me, Fany? Will you give me another chance? Can we start from the beginning as a new Kim Jaejoong & Tiffany Hwang?” He asked himself, & Yoochun was staring at her lovingly. He could tell from Yoochun’s eyes what was going on between them.


If this would happen then where was his dream?


‘But the dreams are gone & for good.’ His mind told him firmly, ‘She was proved to be a gold-digger. She would inherit half of the Kim’s fortune & maybe she would enjoy my father’s money together with Chun.’ He thought, with a pounding heart & head but what about his heart?


Quickly, before the couple realized, Jaejoong took his briefcase & left the cafe in silent after putting some money on the table.


*End of Flashback*


A cold hand seemed to tighten around his heart. He took in a deep, deep breath. He wanted to hurt her for stealing his family’s money & ruining his family. On the other hand, he promised himself to find a way to get her back from Yoochun. He had to have her. He wouldn’t let Yoochun steal his love again. Where would he put his pride if he lost to Yoochun again? He didn’t care anymore about the past. Yoochun could have Sunny, Tae & Hyo. However, he had to protect Tiffany from Park Yoochun, ‘Is it only involving my pride? Or is it already involving my heart?’ He asked himself in despair.

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Chapter 40: woah daebak author-nim ...
I really love this story ..:))
Life is so cruel ...
poor Jaejoong and Tiffany ...
GDragon24 #2
i loved it! please update soon and write mooore!
magicgdragon24 #3
gidfgdyfg please write mooore :3
ilovezelo24 #4
dont let jaejoongdie nu nu nuUuuuuuu!
khinweaye #5
Chapter 40: Tiffany is really a tease, playing Jaejoong along and won't say the three words he's longing to hear. And now it serves her right as she may lose him to death, or she may lose him anyway by becoming a nun in a last-ditch effort to bargain with God for his life. What a travesty! She could have given her answer positively much earlier and could have gone home and averted the meeting with the murderer. I think she's pregnant, but it's a surprise for her to start getting sick only after more than three months or so as a result of their night in Paris. Waiting for the sequel to read more about the foolish woman who is now distraught for dragging out giving Jae her answer... Actually, I won't mind a tragic ending but not at Jaejoong's expense, though I won't mind if Tiffany suffers for the rest of her life. She loses my sympathy by her dithering.
afzadoojoon #6
Chapter 40: Please don't make jaejoong die...can you just make a happy ending for them???
ariena84 #7
Chapter 39: Happy time for both of them..can we skip the unhappy chapter n jump to the happy one?^^
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khinweaye #9
Chapter 30: I wonder how and when Jae's mother will confess that his father isn't Mr. Kim? Even then, the whole society will still recognize the two of them as first cousins and I believe in Korea first cousins aren't legally able to get married to each other? Or is it only social norms which forbid such unions? In our country, Burma, first cousins, if they descend from a brother and sister, can get married because of different fathers carrying different bloodlines, but it's a no-no for those descended from two brothers to ever get together. And even if a marriage takes place between first cousins coming from two brothers, society frowns on the union, and for scientific reasons too, their children will get double whammy of both good and bad genes. Their children, at least some of them, can turn into genuiuses or idiots, if they're unlucky. So, to break the problem of Jae and Tiffany, something must become undone. It's Mr. Kim's fault to keep silent about Tiffany's father being his twin, he could have at least hinted to her they can be very close relatives, so that Tiffany can guard herself against falling for Jae. So, it's the old man's job to find an acceptable solution. Waiting for an updates soon...
stelsunyi23 #10
Chapter 28: i knew it! ever since Tiff talked about her long "lost" father with Jae. I knew the twist will be this. Buuuut, I want to know if there are more twists to happen xD, soo please update sooooon. Thankss