Sleeping with the Enemy (Repost)

Sleeping with the Enemy (Repost)
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Chapter 35


Tiffany glanced up from her paperwork & her eyes fell on the calendar on her desk. It had been five days since she met Jaejoong at the restaurant on that sunny afternoon. She still could feel a wave of panic creeping over her as she thought about Jaejoong waiting for her in the Kim big house. She didn’t want to see him again. She was scared, very scared of her own feelings but the most important thing was that she couldn’t stand seeing his eyes glimmered with tears of sadness like hers every time their eyes locked. Therefore, she refused to go home after the coincident meeting on that afternoon.


She turned her attention to the last invoices on her desk & flicked a glance at her skagen glitz wristwatch; it was eight-thirty, twenty more minute before she close the flower shop since she had an appointment with Jaejoong’s mother. Mrs. Kim insisted to meet her this evening to discuss something with her.


Something about Jaejoong. Every time she called his name, she could feel pain creeping over her again. It was the main reason why she had been staying in her previous house that Mr. Kim bought for her for the last five days but tonight, she had to go home as she had promised Jaejoong’s mother to talk with her.


‘What did Mrs. Kim want to talk about?’ Tiffany wondered. Did she want her to let her beloved son go?


‘It’s no big deal.’ She thought, “Lots of women could leave their lover without feeling attached.” She told herself firmly, especially in her cases. Jaejoong was her first cousin. That was the powerful reason that she couldn’t argue anymore. The word was scary enough to make her heart twist in pain again.


Tiffany switched her mind away from Jaejoong. She had to prepare herself to go to Canada as soon as possible. The catholic convent of St. Mary had accepted her application. She was welcomed to join them in any time & she decided to go there next week. Therefore, she had to go home tonight & get all of her clothes & things & packed them together into her luggage.


Her eyes caught the gleaming diamond pendant of the ‘J’ necklace in her drawer. It was the symbol of their initials to keep each other love eternally but she had taken it off her neck. Her mind was taken into the sweetest memory in France. Fate had sent Jaejoong into her life & they had shared the most precious time of their lives even though it only lasted for eight days. They were able to talk easily & laughing merrily, ‘He’s a really good joker.’ She thought sadly. Sighing deeply, her eyes moved over the necklace they bought together.




“& I want to buy this pair of pendants, too. It’s lovely, isn’t it? You keep one & I keep one.”


She looked at him in surprises as he pointed to a pair of diamond pendants with initial of their names, ‘J’ & “T’.


“Let’s have something that will tie us together, Fany.” Jaejoong said, while pointing to the diamond pendant at the jewelry shop near the Hilton Hotel.


“It’s too expensive.” She glanced up & met his eye.


He reached up & touched her face, “That’s where you are wrong.” His words was low & disturbingly gentle.


“I want those for us.” He said cheerfully, “Look, these are ‘J’ & ‘T’. It’s perfect for us, Fany.”


The touch of his hand & his husky voice made her feel lost in those few seconds.


“Do you think it will be our symbol of love, Jae Oppa?” Finally, she open to asked.


He nodded firmly, giving her a heart-stopping smile.


“You are wasting your money.” She smiled & shook her head.


“I have already forgotten.” He assured her playfully. Then putting the necklace & its pendant of ‘J’ on her neck by surprises, he kissed the back of her neck gently, “Done.” He said huskily, “Now, it’s my turn.”


“I will help you.” Tiffany said in a hoarse voice. With trembling hands, she helped him put the necklace with the ‘T’ letter as its pendant around his neck.


The rays of sunlight was shining through the shop blinds. She could see his face glimmering with the sunlight, ‘He’s so handsome & striking.’ Tiffany said to herself.


“Fany, look at the sunshine.” He pointed to the sun with his eyes, “Open your eyes & see. Right here, right now, there is one man who wants to be by your side. He is so close to you. Please open your heart to love him?” Tiffany looked slightly taken aback by the exuberance of his voice. She was silent for a moment, “Well, I have open my heart for that someone already. I have opened my eyes too, cause it’s why dreams are made of.” “Great.” He replied excitedly, “Today, we become lovers.”


*End of Flashback*


Tiffany had assumed she had finally found the man in her dreams but fate had written it in different ways, ‘& now.’ She thought sadly, pulling the rosewood box towards her, the time was wrong. They shouldn’t have been first cousins. She forced herself to leave the necklace in the rosewood box, locked for the time being. It so obviously contained something precious she would save it for last. Like she would save his love in her heart forever. The rest of the contents of that box were mainly his romantic notes & cards, along with their photographs in France.


Wiping her tears away, Tiffany quickly took a bundle of his notes & cards, settling them down to read them again. It gave her a fascinating insight into the life of the time. She read again & again, s

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Chapter 40: woah daebak author-nim ...
I really love this story ..:))
Life is so cruel ...
poor Jaejoong and Tiffany ...
GDragon24 #2
i loved it! please update soon and write mooore!
magicgdragon24 #3
gidfgdyfg please write mooore :3
ilovezelo24 #4
dont let jaejoongdie nu nu nuUuuuuuu!
khinweaye #5
Chapter 40: Tiffany is really a tease, playing Jaejoong along and won't say the three words he's longing to hear. And now it serves her right as she may lose him to death, or she may lose him anyway by becoming a nun in a last-ditch effort to bargain with God for his life. What a travesty! She could have given her answer positively much earlier and could have gone home and averted the meeting with the murderer. I think she's pregnant, but it's a surprise for her to start getting sick only after more than three months or so as a result of their night in Paris. Waiting for the sequel to read more about the foolish woman who is now distraught for dragging out giving Jae her answer... Actually, I won't mind a tragic ending but not at Jaejoong's expense, though I won't mind if Tiffany suffers for the rest of her life. She loses my sympathy by her dithering.
afzadoojoon #6
Chapter 40: Please don't make jaejoong die...can you just make a happy ending for them???
ariena84 #7
Chapter 39: Happy time for both of them..can we skip the unhappy chapter n jump to the happy one?^^
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khinweaye #9
Chapter 30: I wonder how and when Jae's mother will confess that his father isn't Mr. Kim? Even then, the whole society will still recognize the two of them as first cousins and I believe in Korea first cousins aren't legally able to get married to each other? Or is it only social norms which forbid such unions? In our country, Burma, first cousins, if they descend from a brother and sister, can get married because of different fathers carrying different bloodlines, but it's a no-no for those descended from two brothers to ever get together. And even if a marriage takes place between first cousins coming from two brothers, society frowns on the union, and for scientific reasons too, their children will get double whammy of both good and bad genes. Their children, at least some of them, can turn into genuiuses or idiots, if they're unlucky. So, to break the problem of Jae and Tiffany, something must become undone. It's Mr. Kim's fault to keep silent about Tiffany's father being his twin, he could have at least hinted to her they can be very close relatives, so that Tiffany can guard herself against falling for Jae. So, it's the old man's job to find an acceptable solution. Waiting for an updates soon...
stelsunyi23 #10
Chapter 28: i knew it! ever since Tiff talked about her long "lost" father with Jae. I knew the twist will be this. Buuuut, I want to know if there are more twists to happen xD, soo please update sooooon. Thankss