Sleeping with the Enemy (Repost)

Sleeping with the Enemy (Repost)
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Chapter 3


Mr. Kim waited patiently for the door to opened. There was no answer, ‘She might be sleeping already.’ He thought. However, the conversation between his son & him one hour ago flashed into his mind.




Mr. Kim had just put his kenneth cole reaction over the port haul colombian leather flapover black business briefcase on table when he heard Jaejoong’s cold voice.


“Having fun, dad?”


Knitting his eyebrows, he turned his body to face him. Jaejoong was sitting on the sofa while popping some popcorn into his mouth. His eyes weren’t looking at his father’s eyes as he spoke. He looked as if he was busy watching the television.


Mr. Kim sighed deeply, “I don’t know what you’re talking about & I don’t like your attitude today, especially in my office this afternoon.”


Jaejoong showed his look in disgusts, “So, she told you everything. I know what kind of woman she is.” “Jaejoong. Can you stop your nonsense rambling?” Mr. Kim stood tall. His shoulders were straight as if he was ready to fight. If he didn’t promise Tiffany to keep their relationship a secret, he might have already exploded to see his son’s bad behavior & Jaejoong said nothing more. His eyes now fixed on his father’s eyes. The silence was demanding. Demanding that his father explain the relationship with Tiffany, the girl who had been holding his father’s hand so intimately when he caught them in his father’s office this afternoon.


“Are you serious with her, dad? How about mom?” Finally, Jaejoong uttered his words tenderly. Sighing deeply, he continued, “Mom has been so sad about you. How could you?” He let the words trail away, words that were filled with sorrow.


Mr. Kim glanced at his son & took in a deep breath, “I wish I could explain to you & your mother but the time isn’t right. What I can tell you right now is that Tiffany is a friend.”


“A friend?” Jaejoong’s eyes widened in disbelief & then sighed deeply. He shook his head without uttering any other words. He knew his father wasn’t in the habit of making friends with a young, stunning girl liked Tiffany, ‘What a lie.’ He muttered, under his breath.


“I’d like to invite you someday to meet her. She’s a very kind girl &...”


“I don’t have time & I don't have any interests in meeting with her. Sorry, dad.” His words were harsh ones, “Jaejoong.” Mr. Kim’s expression was pleading. He noticed Jaejoong’s face color wasn’t good. His son was holding his emotion back. Mr. Kim sighed again, deeply.


Jaejoong got up from his seat. He slid his hands into his stretch cotton photographer dress pants pocket in a way that seemed to his father to be loaded with challenge.


“Good night, dad.”


Mr. Kim called his son softly, “Jaejoong.”


Jaejoong stopped without turning his head, waiting impatiently for his father’s next questions.


“How’s your wedding preparation?”


Jaejoong turned his head quickly. His fingers tightened convulsively around his hand. He felt as if his heart was going to stop as his father reminded him about his fiance’s betrayal, “There won’t be a wedding. Now & forever, dad. I don’t believe in love anymore & especially a creature named woman.” His voice was steady, however, his face was showing his paleness.


Mr. Kim looked at his son in awe. Jaejoong’s expression was cold, pale, depressed, sad, anger & full of hatred. His pupils darkened. It was obvious Jaejoong had been hurt badly. By the time his mouth opened to ask anymore questions, Jaejoong was gone from his sight. He felt very tired, tired of having this secret, tired of having fights with his wife & tired of getting his son’s cold words. Jaejoong always respected him in every way. Jaejoong made him as his hero since he was a little boy but now...Mr. Kim took in a deep breath again. He had to see Tiffany tonight & asked her what’s their next plan.


*End of Flashback*


Mr. Kim pressed the bell once again. He glanced at his seiko solar champagne gold-tone bracelet watch. It was nearly nine. He almost left the door when he heard quick footsteps coming to the door.


The bell rang again. It snapped Tiffany from her daydream. The person outside seemed impatient to come in, “Who is it?” She asked herself, while grabbing a black ruffle robe to cover her embroidered mesh sleep chemise tan nightgown. She was ready to sleep after a long tiring day.


Sighing deeply, she peeked from the little hole on her main door. Mr. Kim.


She opened the door & let him in.


“I’m sorry to bother you this late at night. There’s something we have to talk about. It’s getting worse. I don’t want this situation to be turmoil.”


Tiffany managed to nod, “I do think it that way, too.”




She drew her gaze & looked across at the man sitting on the opposite of her, “The only way out to stop seeing each other &...”


“No. I won’t give you up.”


“But I’m…”


“Stop it, Tiffany. I have been waiting for the last twenty-four years. I can’t stop it right now before the truth is revealed.”


Mr. Kim took her hand gently & drew her to him, “First, I do wish you’d let me help you financially. I know you’re now struggling to manage your mother’s flower shop &...”


“It’s okay. I can handle it.”


“I do wish, Tiffany. I want to protect you. I’m worry about you.”


She shook her head firmly, “You don’t have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. If you insists to give me more money then I will just return this house to you, too.”


“No, no. Please don’t be angry. I just feel guilty to Yunseo.”


Her jaw was set, “Don’t be, Mr. Kim. My mother wouldn’t like it.”


Mr. Kim sighed deeply. This girl was stubborn liked his son. What should he do to make her tell him the secret of her mother?


“Tiffany, I’m in the worst situation. My wife, son & daughter are against me. There is a deep misunderstanding among us. It will break the family apart if I don’t tell them the truth. I think it’s about time. It’s about time to let them know about ours.”


Tiffany turned her head slowly. She felt a twinge of alarm as she saw how drawn Mr. Kim’s face had become. She whispered, “What do you want, Mr. Kim?”


“Take me to Yunseo. You promise me since we met eight weeks ago. You’ll take me to Yunseo. I want to meet her.”


Shaking her head, she turned away. She got up from the sofa & walked to the window, staring at city lights of Korea at night. Tiffany bit her lower lips to control her emotion, “Why?”


“There are so many explanation I have to talk to her. Personally.”


Tiffany suddenly laughed in sarcasm, “Why now, Mr. Kim? Why didn’t you look for her all these years?”


“I did. I have been looking for her in the last twenty-four years but I’ve never found her but now I realize that she had changed her last

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Chapter 40: woah daebak author-nim ...
I really love this story ..:))
Life is so cruel ...
poor Jaejoong and Tiffany ...
GDragon24 #2
i loved it! please update soon and write mooore!
magicgdragon24 #3
gidfgdyfg please write mooore :3
ilovezelo24 #4
dont let jaejoongdie nu nu nuUuuuuuu!
khinweaye #5
Chapter 40: Tiffany is really a tease, playing Jaejoong along and won't say the three words he's longing to hear. And now it serves her right as she may lose him to death, or she may lose him anyway by becoming a nun in a last-ditch effort to bargain with God for his life. What a travesty! She could have given her answer positively much earlier and could have gone home and averted the meeting with the murderer. I think she's pregnant, but it's a surprise for her to start getting sick only after more than three months or so as a result of their night in Paris. Waiting for the sequel to read more about the foolish woman who is now distraught for dragging out giving Jae her answer... Actually, I won't mind a tragic ending but not at Jaejoong's expense, though I won't mind if Tiffany suffers for the rest of her life. She loses my sympathy by her dithering.
afzadoojoon #6
Chapter 40: Please don't make jaejoong die...can you just make a happy ending for them???
ariena84 #7
Chapter 39: Happy time for both of them..can we skip the unhappy chapter n jump to the happy one?^^
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khinweaye #9
Chapter 30: I wonder how and when Jae's mother will confess that his father isn't Mr. Kim? Even then, the whole society will still recognize the two of them as first cousins and I believe in Korea first cousins aren't legally able to get married to each other? Or is it only social norms which forbid such unions? In our country, Burma, first cousins, if they descend from a brother and sister, can get married because of different fathers carrying different bloodlines, but it's a no-no for those descended from two brothers to ever get together. And even if a marriage takes place between first cousins coming from two brothers, society frowns on the union, and for scientific reasons too, their children will get double whammy of both good and bad genes. Their children, at least some of them, can turn into genuiuses or idiots, if they're unlucky. So, to break the problem of Jae and Tiffany, something must become undone. It's Mr. Kim's fault to keep silent about Tiffany's father being his twin, he could have at least hinted to her they can be very close relatives, so that Tiffany can guard herself against falling for Jae. So, it's the old man's job to find an acceptable solution. Waiting for an updates soon...
stelsunyi23 #10
Chapter 28: i knew it! ever since Tiff talked about her long "lost" father with Jae. I knew the twist will be this. Buuuut, I want to know if there are more twists to happen xD, soo please update sooooon. Thankss