Apologizing with actions.


Cassie picked Chanyeol up and rushed back to her house.

"Chanyeol? Cassie,he's pale. Where did you find him?"Jihyo asked.

"No time to explain.I'll tell you tomorrow. Now get me some warm water and a towel. He's cold,"Cassie said,sounding worried.

Jihyo got a bucket of warm water and a towel and rushed to Cassie. Cassie fold the towel into halves and soaked it into the water. 

As she put the folded and wet towel on Chanyeol's forehead,she said,"Everything's gonna be alright. I am here to take good care of you. Now,go and sleep. You need to rest. I'm sorry Chanyeol,".

Cassie gave a peck on Chanyeol's cheek. Chanyeol's heart beat faster and he was sweating. Cassie reached out for her phone and dialed Sehun's number.

"Hello Sehun. Chanyeol's over my place. He will be sleeping over. I hope you guys don't mind. I'm taking care of him,"Cassie told Sehun.

"Hmm okay. Take good care of my hyung okay?"Sehun asked.

"Nae. Don't worry,"Cassie replied and put down her phone.

Hours past and Cassie fell asleep beside Chanyeol. 

"Aigoo...they're so cute. If only Cassie has feelings for him,"Jihyo sighed.

Cassie kept on waking up to soak the towel into the warm water so that it doesn't get dry.


It's time for school. Cassie woke Chanyeol and Jihyo up. Chanyeol still doesn't feel well. On the way to school,Cassie didn't let go of Chanyeol until he feels better.  They finally reach school and went to class. Soon,it was lunch time.

"Cassie,i will take care of him from now on. Thanks a lot for making sure he's fine,"Baekhyun said.

Cassie let go of her grip from Chanyeol. She felt something stinging her heart when Chanyeol was out from her sight. Yet,she didn't realise it.

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iman1995 #1
Chapter 15: I hope you put jihyoxluhan couple more
And update soon author_nim
Chapter 14: luhan<3Jihyo~~~
Chapter 13: update soon~~
Krisyeol_han #4
Chapter 12: OMG I LOVE U
Chapter 10: Nice story! Hope you update soon ^.^
Chapter 8: could u add some song ji hyo and luhan moments? xD I just thinking that it will be good if there another pair of couple! :DD
fabtao #7
well I like this story alot