Do You Have a Wish? - KyuMin

Blue World, A Super Junior One Shots Collection

Title      : Do You Have a Wish?

Pairing  : KyuMin

Rating   : G

Sum     : Kyuhyun has a wish, Sungmin has a wish... yeah, go shot my head now, I know this sum is ... T___T



Do you have a wish?

I have.

You know about my hyung, don’t you?

Yes, I know you’ll know him because he’s well known, very popular indeed.

Well, he has anything to do with my wish.



“Kyunnie-ah, let’s take a walk!”

I turned off the computer’s screen quickly and my seat, facing Sungmin who standing in doorway with big grins on his face.

“Honestly Hyung, I don’t feel like doing it now.”

“Walking is good for your feet.” Sungmin ignored my words and took my hands on him. “Let’s go, let’s go, Hangeng-hyung will be with us, too. It’ll be nice, won’t it? We can’t go out together quiet often anyway.”

I let him led me outside. But I took a glance to a pink diary lying on a table beside his bed before closing the door behind them.

When we got into the living room, Hankyung was chattering enthusiastically with Siwon. For seconds I wondered why I couldn’t catch any words they were saying, but then I realized that they were talking on Chinese.

“Shall we go now?” Sungmin cut the conversation.

Hankyung turned his head to face Sungmin. “Oh, you’re here! I asked Siwonnie to join us and he says he will. Good, eh?”

I could feel Sungmin’s grip on my arm tightened, but as he spoke, his voice was emotionless.

“Very good, Hyung. The more the better, isn’t it?”

And then he smiled, but I knew that it was a fake smile.



“Hyung, what’re you writing every night on your diary?”

I almost spat my orange juice as he said that question. Trying to look casual, I cleared my throat and stared at Kyuhyun.


“I know you always write something on your diary every night before you go to bed.”

“How could you? I thought you’re asleep!”

He smiled. “There’s time when I suddenly awake, though.”

“So…” he insisted, because I didn’t say anything.

I shrugged and said shortly. “Secret.” And then I ran away.


Dang Kyunnie. He knew. I thought I’d been carefully not to let the others knew what I was doing every night. It wasn’t a problem if anyone saw me writing a diary. Hyukjae did, too, even though he kept pretending that he didn’t. That was not the problem. The problem was if they knew what was written on the diary.

I’d only just realized that I was running closer to Hangeng-hyung and Siwonnie. They were sitting on the grass, hidden behind bushes, were completely not aware of my presence. An evil thought suddenly popped into my head. With a loud, “WAAAAAAH!!!” I jumped to them.

Only, I was the one who got surprise.



He suddenly stopped half way. I wondered why. But I didn’t stop running before I could reach him.

“Hyung-ah…” I panted.

He didn’t response. I took many steps forward, and saw something that might be the reason why he startled.

Siwon and Hankyung were freezing, face centimeters away from others, looked like they were interrupted while they were—I knew it was crazy, but I could tell—going to kiss.

“Uhm… I…” Sungmin stuttered. “I… I… Do I inte—Hangeng-hyung, I’m going back first, is it okay?”

Hankyung pulled himself away from Siwon and said awkwardly. “Oh… Yes… It’s okay.”



There was a pause. And then, Sungmin turned around and walked away.

“Sungmin-hyung!” I called him out. “Hyung, I’m going with Sungmin-hyung.” I told Siwon and Hankyung before chasing him.



“Hyung-ah, are you okay?” Kyuhyun said, walking beside me.

I didn’t answer. I was too shocked from what I’d seen. Hangeng-hyung and Siwonnie… Could they be…?

“Yah…” I finally lifted my face, looked into his eyes. “Kyunnie, tell me. Do you think that Siwon and Hangeng-hyung are… I mean… Do they…???” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

But Kyuhyun nodded his head, as if he understood. “I think so.”

We were walking without talking after that.



Do you have a wish?

I have.

I wish I’ll always be together with Sungmin-hyung. Because, I never say it to anyone else before, I love him.

I know it’s crazy to love him. I mean—we’re both guys and that means something, but… Siwon-hyung and Hangeng-hyung are also in a relationship, and I think it’s shocked Sungmin-hyung a lot. He didn’t talk at all when we had dinner. I know why he’s like that. It’s all because he has a crush on Hangeng-hyung.

Now you see?

As long as there’s Hangeng-hyung, my wish will remain as a wish.

That means I’ll never have Sungmin-hyung for myself, until whenever, because Hangeng-hyung will stay with us forever.



What a good day!

I walked around with Kyunnie, Hangeng-hyung and Siwonnie this early evening. When Hangeng-hyung told us that Siwonnie’d join, I was so happy that I firmly gripped Kyunnie’s arm. As expected, they left the two of us alone. That was great…

Teheee… It’s a secret. Actually I wanted to take a walk just with Kyunnie. I asked Hangeng-hyung to join us to avoid suspicion from others. Bad guy, am I? xP

And Hangeng-hyung is kind of in a relationship with Siwonnie. They were almost kissing when I jumped into them. >___________< It relieves me, because now I know there’s nothing wrong with myself. I’ve been afraid all these times because I can’t get Kyunnie of my head, but then… Why should I worry about it if Hangeng-hyung and Siwonnie do it, too? YAY!

Thinking a lot after that and it makes me go quite all the times. Maybe that’s the reason why Kyunnie asked me if I’m okay. Good dongsaeng, he is. ^^

Yah… I wish Kyunnie know about my feeling. I guess I’ll never have enough bravery to tell him—or show him—that. And really, I should put this diary in a very very secret place, or I’ll be dead if someone find out about this. T_______________T

Good night! ^3^



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Chapter 3: In direct kiss! Awww #Minnie is soo jealous and it's sooo cute
hebteuk #2
Chapter 17: Woow teukie's in a trouble now..explain!! Can't wait to read the second sequel:D
there's no yewook so far. :(
but its great story. ^^ thanks for it.
hebteuk #4
Chapter 16: It sounds totally wrong to compare between chul nd kangin on pretty boy! Chul's the pretty boy, but kangin is number 1 handsome man!
But y kangin didn't call?!
yellowcarnivore #5
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh im so relieved that sungmin and kyuhyun are alive and wellT.T
Chapter 3: ooooo I remember reading this in lj kkk