Good Friends - YeWook

Blue World, A Super Junior One Shots Collection

AN: my one and only YeWook up to now. A continuation of the previous chapters. :)


"What's up with Kyuhyunnie?"


Everyone one the room looked at Yesung instantly as he finished his question. Shindong quickly put a finger before his lips, hissing slowly, signing him not to bring up the subject. Sungmin bowed with rather bitter expression on his face. Yesung, clueless as he was, opened his mouth to protest, but got cut by Reyowook.


"Hyung I wanna show you my new song! Come on!" and he grabbed Yesung arm, dragged him to their room while everyone silently sighed, thanked Ryewook for his clever rescue.


"Yah, what is this…" Yesung inquired irritably, releasing his arm from Ryeowook's when the younger had already closed their room door. Ryeowook flipped facing his hyung, with big eyes he spoke in a low voice. "Don't say anything about Kyuhyunnie in front of Sungmin-hyung, he'll get sensitive."




"Looks like something happened between them, I don't know why." Ryeowook shrugged. "All I know is Sungmin-hyung is not being clingy to Kyuhyunnie recently. They seem like… in a fight, or something like that. I didn't see them together in a same room for the last 24 hours. When Kyunnie came Sungmin-hyung would go, and vice-versa."


"Seriously how old are they to be in a fight." Yesung snorted.


His dongsaeng frowned. "I think it has something to do with their relationship." He assumed, biting his lower lip as the frowned got deeper. Yesung quickly responded. "I thought they settled it up already long time ago."


"We thought they did." Ryeowook was still a bit lost on his own thoughts. "But aside from what we saw, they never even once confirmed that they're really into relationship did they? Just like Donghae-hyung and Hyukjae-hyung."


"That's why I don't like this relationship thing." Yesung sighed. "You see, a broke up, and you being awkward with each other… Why don't they stay as good friends like us instead?"


Ryeowook looked taken aback as he heard his hyung words. "Well… Maybe… They have the courage to make a commitment to be together…" he argued weakly; felt his heartbeat slowed down on his every word.


"It doesn't like we didn't have it, does it?" Yesung said stubbornly. "We just… How I say it… Put the greater thing above our own? I wonder how they'll get on performance in that condition. We have to stay professional. We get to know each other as trainees, and friends. Let it stays that way, in my opinion."


"Not everyone is as wise as you are, Hyung."


Yesung, failed to notice sarcasm in his dongsaeng's voice, grinned widely. "I know that."


"Geez." Ryeowook torn between annoyance and amusement, shoved him. "I shouldn't have flattered you in a first place…"


"You should've known me better, Ryeowook-ah."




"How is it?"


"Beautiful!" Yesung clapped his hands, completely awed by Ryeowook's new song he had just heard. The younger looked delighted by his reaction. "How do you manage to make something that beautiful?"


Smiling shyly, Ryeowook said. "That's secret."


"I won't be surprised if someday you're going to be a famous solo singer, Ryeowook-ah." Yesung complimented, his eyes reflected a sincere admiration. Ryeowook blushed hearing this. "No Hyung, you're way better than me in singing. You are going to be a famous solo singer someday."


"I am a famous solo singer." Yeshung said conceitedly. "My solo won awards, didn't it?"


"God I really shouldn't have complimented you."


"Kidding." Yesung grinned. "But I was serious when I said you're going to be a famous solo singer."


"Nah." Ryeowook shook his head. "I love composing better than singing. I'd love to hear my song sung by anyone else…"


"Then how about I sing your song?"




"Won't it be great?" Yesung stared at his dongsaeng, eyes sparkled. "You said you want to hear someone sing your song and I'd love to sing beautiful songs you'll make. We can be a team, a duo. You're going to play the piano, composing the melody while I'll sing it, maybe help you with the song a lil bit but not too much since I know you enjoy making a song by yourself… How is it? Doesn't it seem like a promising future for both of us after Super Junior's era?"


Unnoticed by Yesung, moist started filling Ryeowook's eyes. The younger hid it by pretending to focus on his music sheets, but answered nonetheless. "That sounds perfect, Hyung…" and he added later on. "But it'll still be long way to go."


"Yeah… Maybe when we turned 40s or something…"


"Doesn't it mean we will still be good friends even after twenty years?" Ryeowook asked half-heartedly.


"Of course!" Yesung said, mistaken the tone Ryeowook used. "We will be good friends til the end, you and I."


"It's good to hear that."


Again, Yesung mistaken the sad smile his dongsaeng formed before busying himself with his music sheets again.





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Chapter 3: In direct kiss! Awww #Minnie is soo jealous and it's sooo cute
hebteuk #2
Chapter 17: Woow teukie's in a trouble now..explain!! Can't wait to read the second sequel:D
there's no yewook so far. :(
but its great story. ^^ thanks for it.
hebteuk #4
Chapter 16: It sounds totally wrong to compare between chul nd kangin on pretty boy! Chul's the pretty boy, but kangin is number 1 handsome man!
But y kangin didn't call?!
yellowcarnivore #5
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh im so relieved that sungmin and kyuhyun are alive and wellT.T
Chapter 3: ooooo I remember reading this in lj kkk