No Other - EunHae

Blue World, A Super Junior One Shots Collection

AN: I'm feeling guilty because I got stuck in writing Loving You With My Own Way, I've already leaved the fic for too long I couldn't catch the feel anymore. T_____T I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I'll try to finish it. I'm willing to. But I think it'll take some time for me. So to compensate it, I decided to update these one shot collection instead... This chapter is the continuation of previous chapters titled Missing You and Don't Go Away.

Hope you'll like it. :)


"Good morning!"


Eunhyuk and Donghae grinned from ear to ear as they heard the voice spoke so happily. Eeteuk was sitting in the sofa with a toast on his hand and milk on his other hand, beaming. Seemed like the last night call from Kangin had restored his cheerful personality. Everyone was happy to see that.


"Welcome back Hyung." Eunhyuk teased and Eeteuk chuckled. "Our maknae is up? I need to return his cell to him…"


"Don't know." Donghae shrugged, helped himself with toasts. "Why don't you check on him? But beware of the locked door." He giggled on his own words and Eunhyuk smacked him on the head while grinning mischievously. "Yah, Donghae-ah."


Eeteuk made tsk-ing noise. "Kyuhyun is underage."


"What do you mean underage? He's 24 already." Yehsung made a face. Eeteuk laughed. "Whatever, I'm going up." And made his way outside the room.


"So Sungmin and Kyuhyun are officially going out now?" Yehsung asked Eunhyuk, interested. The younger put strawberry jam on his toast before answering. "Sorta. Don't you see how Sungminnie is always clinging onto Kyuhyun? And they always sleep together, too."


"Well, they are roommate. That sorta the point."


"Even if you're roommate will you sleep on Ryeowookie's bed with him when you could have your own bed?"


"Oh, they did that?"


"Last time I checked." Donghae joined the conversation. "That Sungmin, he always busted me and Hyukkie on broadcast, saying how I love to crawl to Hyuk's bed and hugged him. Hah, at least me and Hyukkie sleep separately. They sleep together."


Yehsung glanced at him. "But I guess is it true that you love to do skinship?"


Eunhyuk suddenly turned his head away from him and Donghae coughed few times and cleared his throat loudly. "So what? We're bestfriends."


"Oh… So you're bestfriends…" Yehsung smirked, completely enjoyed teasing his dongsaengs. He got up, stretching his body. "I'm going to the practice room. Don't be late, you two!"


As he walked away, Donghae turned to face Eunhyuk and inquired, "Do we have practice session after this? I thought this is our day off?"

"Beat me. I guess it's K.R.Y practice session." Eunhyuk poured himself a glass of milk.






"We know Teukie-hyung is dating Kangin-hyung for years now, and Sungmin is in relationship with Kyuhyun… What do you think about us?"


Eunhyuk face colored with red and he looked away. "What kind of question is that? When you already know the answer…"


"But in front of the members…" Donghae hesitated. "We never officially say that we're dating in front of the other member, right?"


"We practically told the whole world that I'm dating you." Eunhyuk looked uneasy. "With everything we did on our performances. Go youtube-ing 'eunhae' if you still don't believe me, the whole world know we're in relationship."


"Not formally." Donghae said stubbornly. "They thought its part of fan service. We keep denying if we’re dating like I did before with Yehsung-hyung. Why don't we make it public?"


"Hae we did." The blonde boy stared firmly at his lover. "We did make it public. And is it important if it's known publicly or not? I love and you know that I love you, it will always be the same."




"Yah, let's stop this." Finally Eunhyuk got irritated.


Donghae was annoyed as well. "See, why do you keep acting like this everytime I bring up the subject? Are you ashamed of our relationship that you don't want anyone else know about it?"


"Donghae-ah!" Eunhyuk snapped, and Donghae gasped. He looked at his lover in disbelief, did Eunhyuk just snap at him?


When Eunhyuk saw Donghae's face turned gloom and sad, he regretted instantly that he had lost control that way. He knew Donghae treasured their relationship more than anything else. Since he lost his father, Eunhyuk was the only one who could be his shoulder to cry on. He shared all his feeling with him, he shared his soul with him. It was just natural if Donghae wanted everyone to know they were dating, because even he felt there was a tiny part of himself that afraid someday Donghae would be taken away from him.


"Hey…" he got on his knees, laid his hands on Donghae's lap. "I'm sorry…"


"You won't leave me right?" Donghae said weakly. "You didn't deny everything because you're going to leave someday, did you?"


"What are you talking about, of course I didn't." he took Donghae's hand to his lips, kissed it. "I will never want us to be apart. Hey, I even told Teukie-hyung and every SUKIRA listener that I'll name my kid Eunhae."


Donghae smiled. "You did?"


"I love you Donghae-ah." Eunhyuk whispered sincerely. "I love you."




Eunhyuk got out of his room after checking his reflection on the mirror. He satisfied with it, he looked as perfect as usual. That word only applied when he was alone, since when he was together with his fellow members he would be definitely overshadowed by Heechul's strong presence or Shiwon's charisma. Even Kyuhyun still looked better than him in certain suits, and it made him annoyed. He knew he was good looking, charming, and perfect. But unfortunately his level of perfect was way below the others, with the exception of Ryeowook, of course, but that was only because Ryeowook was a timid person.


He glanced at the clock. Almost 6 o'clock. Deciding it wasn't too early to have breakfast, he went to the kitchen and looked at the fridge to find something to eat. He had schedule at ten o'clock, so he still had plenty of time. He wondered if he would have some time to take a walk with Donghae, but then again, he doubted that Donghae would have been awake in such morning after his late schedule yesterday.


He heard a soft click and saw Kyuhyun in front of his room's door, bowing his head. It was then Eunhyuk saw Kyuhyun lifted his fingers to rub his eyes softly, and he might be dreaming but he thought he heard the faintest sob came from the maknae.


"Good morning." Eunhyuk said softly to tell Kyuhyun that he was there. Eunhyuk thought that he wouldn't want anyone to see him crying, if he really did cry, that was. Kyuhyun gasped and lifted his head, looking straight at him. Eunhyuk saw pain flashed on his eyes for seconds, but the pain disappeared and Kyuhyun's expression softened as quickly as it came.


"Good morning, Hyung." The maknae said rather hoarsely.


"What's wrong Kyu? You don't look so good." Being a Hyung, he felt the need to at least know what was happening with his dongsaeng.


Kyuhyun sat on the opposite chair of his, hands folded on his lap, and there was an awkward silence. "Hyung…"


Eunhyuk waited patiently.


"You… Love Donghae-hyung, right?"


Eunhyuk startled when the maknae finished his question. Why did he ask such question so suddenly?


"Ah, you…" Eunhyuk scratched his head awkwardly. "Really what are you thinking about…?"




Eunhyuk froze, was his ear defying him or was it really Kyuhyun pleading him? His eyes caught Kyuhyun's, and Eunhyuk now was sure that he didn't imagine the pain reflected on the maknae's eyes before. It was clear. The maknae was clearly hurt by something. But then again, did his question about Donghae have something to do with his pain? And Eunhyuk eyes rounded in realization as a possibility popped on his mind.


"Yes." He answered rather roughly, defensive, protective. "Yes, I love Donghae."


Kyuhyun smiled unnaturally. "I know that from the beginning." And as if he knew what Eunhyuk was thinking, he added. "Please don't be misunderstood. I just need to know—I have to be sure—that you two really love each other even though none of you say that you are in a relationship officially."


Yesterday, Donghae, and now it was Kyuhyun? Eunhyuk rubbed his forehead, puzzled.


Kyuhyun got up. "Okay, then, I'm going to have shower."


Eunhyuk watched the magnae's back suspiciously; bit his lower lip in confusion when he heard another sob came.


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Chapter 3: In direct kiss! Awww #Minnie is soo jealous and it's sooo cute
hebteuk #2
Chapter 17: Woow teukie's in a trouble now..explain!! Can't wait to read the second sequel:D
there's no yewook so far. :(
but its great story. ^^ thanks for it.
hebteuk #4
Chapter 16: It sounds totally wrong to compare between chul nd kangin on pretty boy! Chul's the pretty boy, but kangin is number 1 handsome man!
But y kangin didn't call?!
yellowcarnivore #5
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh im so relieved that sungmin and kyuhyun are alive and wellT.T
Chapter 3: ooooo I remember reading this in lj kkk