Missing You - KangTeuk

Blue World, A Super Junior One Shots Collection

AN: This chapter and few more upcoming chapter will be some kind of series... And will be totally random. Super random, full of nonsense... The timeline is when Kangin left for military service, forgive me if there's unnacurate things since I didn't really do any research. XD


Title: Missing You

Pairing: KangTeuk

Rating: G


Eeteuk was sitting in his room's desk, one hand on his chin, and another on his cellular phone that lied on the desk. His gaze was empty, indicating that his mind was wandering around somewhere. Slowly his eyes were filled with moist as he grabbed the phone unconsciously.


"Hyu—" Sungmin stopped abruptly when he noticed a single tear escaped from Eeteuk's eyes. The older didn't even make any sign that he knew Sungmin was there. Eeteuk was seriously bothered by something.


Sungmin retreated to the living room where he found Eunhyuk and Donghae were sitting side by side, Donghae fingers played with Eunhyuk's blonde hair. "Yah, Eeteuk-hyung… He…" Sungmin gestured to their leader's room and the boys exchanged look.


"He's been like that for while." Donghae told Sungmin. "Sometimes he cried in the middle of the night, too."


"He's been like that for while and you didn't even tell me?" Sungmin looked upset.


"I did tell Hyukjae." Donghae glanced at his lover who was leaning on him. "You didn't tell Sungmin?"


"I forgot." Eunhyuk admitted. "Beside even though we obviously know why he does act like that there's nothing we can do to help." And Donghae nodded in agreement.


Sungmin browsed furrowed as he stared at his friends bewilderedly. "You know why he cries?"


"All of us know." Donghae shrugged. "It's kinda easy to tell, you know."


Sungmin looked thoughtful for seconds. "Oh… Don't tell me… Is it because Kangin-hyung?"


"Is there anyone else we know can impact him that much?" Eunhyuk asked back. "It's definitely Kangin-hyung. I think he's missing him."


"I miss Kangin-hyung, too." Donghae sighed, started playing with Eunhyuk hair again. "Didn’t he call last night?"


"Right in the middle of Teukie-hyung's radio broadcast." Eunhyuk nodded sympathetically. "He missed it by seconds. Yah, stop playing with my hair, you know I don't like it." He brushed Donghae's hand away from him, who protested. "I let you lean on my arms, why don't you let me play with your hair???"


Something strange was flashing on Sungmin's eyes without his friends noticing. "Yah, don't you think we should do something about him?"

Annoyed to his lover, Eunyuk moved away to sit on the floor. "What should we do, then?"


"Let's call Kangin-hyung." Donghae suggested while trying to pull Eunhyuk closer to him. "Call and tell him to give Teukie-hyung a call."


"You two are so married." Sungmin crossed his hands on his chest, shook his head. "Hey, how long it's been since the last time Teukie-hyung told us to gather on his room?"




"Yeah, long."


"Let's do it again. Let's ask the member to come and gather on his room tonight, shall we?" the cute boy looked satisfied with his own idea. "Maybe… With Kangin-hyung absence, Teukie-hyung feels kinda lonely… and none of us notice this before…"


"No wonder. He never said anything to us." Eunhyuk now throw himself back to the sofa, beside Donghae, and Sungmin made a face. "He's always too kind-hearted, isn't he? Take everything by himself, doesn't let us worry about him, keep insisting everything is okay even though we know he has something to bother about… It's just so like him."


"Okay, I'll tell everyone." Sungmin made his way to the front door, then flipped to face his companions again. "Meanwhile, try refraining yourself to show too much intimacy in front off him. I think it's one of those things he missed about Kangin-hyung, and you both remind him a lot about them."


The EunHae couple blinked and watched Sungmin disappeared behind the closed door.




Eeteuk swayed on his chair. His heart was filled with so much feeling that he felt he was going to explode. It was hurt.


He never expected that he's going to be missing Kangin so badly like this. He thought he had cried enough that he would never cry over him again. He thought that one night before Kangin leaving was enough to comfort him until he came back to his arms again. He wanted to drive out the dorm to the army camp, he wanted to hug him, just one hug, heard him whispering his name, saw his silly smile. Eeteuk wanted to feel Kangin again, just this once. He wanted to call him, telling him that he missed him so much, that he wanted to meet him. But everytime he reached for his cell and started pressing the numbers, he could see Kangin on his mind, with the playful smile of his. "Hyung-ah, I'll call you when I miss you. I'll call a lot, then, because I'm going to miss you so often." And he stopped, unable to continue, and he started sobbing.


It had always been like that.

So rather than calling, Eeteuk faced his PC and wrote another e-mail for Kangin.


Kanginie, how are you doing?

It's been a while. I hope you're okay. I'm okay here. Still busy. But


He stopped halfway, and clicked the "save draft" button. It had always been like that.


He glanced at the clock on his wall and startled. It was almost midnight. He hadn't have dinner yet. He wasn't hungry, but he must have dinner. He didn't want s to worry about him, especially Ryeowook. That kid must be freaking out if he knew he had skipped dinner.


He pulled his room's door absent-mindedly.


"Ah!" a squeak made him backed up in surprised. He saw Heechul standing in his doorway, seemed like he was going to knock the door but he was one step ahead of him. Behind him, there were their members with astonished faces, they were all looking at him.


"What's this?" he looked around. "Are you okay? Why didn't you go to sleep? Is there something happening?"


"That's our question." Heechul poked him and pushed him inside the room. "Here, we're coming for your boring 'gather in my room' talk again."


"And we even bring foods!" Ryeowook smiled brightly, lifted a heavy looking tray full of food. "You skipped dinner Hyung, but I won't let you do that!"


"Why are we standing in the doorway? Let's move inside!" Yehsung shouted from behind.


Eeteuk watched crestfallenly as s invaded his room, talking loudly and took their comfortable place to sit in. Ryeowook put the tray on his dressing table and lifted the rice bowl with one hand. "You're going to eat it or you want me to feed you?"


"Don't be silly Ryeowook-ah." Smiling, Eeteuk took the bowl from his dongsaeng hand and began eating. There was something shining inside his cold heart, warmed him.


"Okay, tonight we're gathering here again, together, after what seems like forever, to begin our 'Eeteuk's Gather in My Room season two'!" Heechul, looked tired after all the things he did all day long, still tried to take his responsibility as their Hyung. He didn't smile, but his voice was sincere and warm. And all members cheered on his words.


Eeteuk looked around as they started some conversations. Even Shiwon was there, hugging a bolster. Sungmin and Kyuhyun sat beside each other, their fingers entwined. Eunhyuk, strangely, sat separately from Donghae, who sat beside Shindong, and kept throwing his annoyed look to Sungmin and Kyuhyun. Yehsung, with his glasses on, enthusiastically told the members about his bad day and Ryeowook sat beside him, sometimes giggled on the jokes Yehsung made.


"Hyung, are you full?" asked Sungmin once he put the bowl back to the tray. Ryeowook quickly dismissed the tray outside. They could hear him humming while washing the dishes.


"Yes, thank you." Eeteuk smiled. "What's this? Why did you decide to do this all of sudden? Shindong-ah, you're usually the one who will reluctantly join the gathering, but why now you look enjoying yourself so much?"


"Of course I enjoy making you smile!" Shindong said bluntly and Eeteuk startled. "We don't want to see our leader feeling lonely and sad, so we decided to come. Hyung," Shindong grinned. "Let's do pillow fight."


"Wha—" Eeteuk was not able to finish his sentence since a pillow Yehsung thrown hit him square on his face. "Yah Kim Jongwoon!!!" he shouted.


"Hyung stand up and face me like a man!" Shiwon, defended his leader, stepped forward and challenged Yehsung.


"How could this be one-on-one, that's no fun." Heechul complained. "Better if we do it like this…" he snatched Shiwon's bolster and throw it randomly, hitting Kyuhyun.


"Yah Hyung-ah!"


And everyone exploded. Shindong ran to Heechul's room to get more pillows to throw while Kyuhyun chased Heechul around the room but ended up throwing the pillow to Donghae. Donghae innocently 'missed' Eunhyuk, his original target and hit Eeteuk instead. Before he could lift his hand, the second pillow accurately hit him on the face, Shiwon's work.


Eeteuk laughed, and laughed more as everyone went wilder. They practically demolishing his room. He would have Donghae fix it later, he mentally noted. But the more he laughed, the more he felt hurt.


Every laughter he made felt like pricking his heart, every laughter everyone made ripped his heart into pieces. Because there was something that was not there, there was a laugh that he couldn't hear. Eeteuk suddenly burst into tears. Everyone gasped and silence fell abruptly as they froze on their spot, watching their leader buried his face on a pillow and sobbed uncontrollably.


"Eeteuk-hyung, Eeteuk-hyung…" Sungmin gently rubbed his back. "It's alright, it's okay, we're here…"


"Umma…" Eunhyuk crawled closer to him. "We're here for you. All of us. You can count on us."


"Yes Hyung"




"Yah, stop crying already, you're no fun…"


Eeteuk choked and giggled awkwardly. "Thanks." He said huskily. "Thank you everyone."


"You can save the thanks, there's someone who wanna speak to you." Kyuhyun grinned, handed him his phone.


Eeteuk stared at the magnae, could it be…?






Eeteuk heart stopped beating. It was him. It was the voice he always wanted to hear. It was Kangin.


"Teuk-hyung, I heard you cry. What's it? Why did you become a weakling after I left?"


All members grinned and smiled as Eeteuk burst into tears for the second time, and then with understanding and teasing look on their faces, made an excuse to get out from his room.


"The children are leaving?" Kangin voice was so clear on his ear.


"Yes…" Eeteuk answered huskily. "Youngwoon-ah…"


"I'm sorry for couldn't reach you earlier, Teuk." Eeteuk closed his eyes as Kangin's voice softened, the pain was starting to disappear slowly with every word he said. "It's been a long time, I've even forgot how beautiful your voice is."


Eeteuk snorted, but tears were still streaming down his face. "Cheesy."


"Indeed." Kangin agreed, laughed. "But wasn't I always being cheesy every time I'm with you?" and as Eeteuk chuckled, he went on. "I missed you, Teuk. So much 'til my heart feels hurt."


"That's weird, I feel it, too." Eeteuk smiled, more tears coming down.


"Of course you do." Kangin chuckled. "Teuk, are you still mine?"


"What are you talking about?" Eeteuk whined. "When was I not yours?"


"I'm glad to hear it." The raccoon said warmly. "But Teuk… What's with that Bonamana song?"


"Huh? What's with that?"


"You're way too y." Eeteuk suppressed a smile hearing these words. "I though it was my privilege to be able to see your body?"


"Yah, you should protest to the PD… Kangin-ah, how are you doing?"


"Bad. It's not about the army… I'm doing great here. Just… Because you're too far away… I lost half of myself." Eeteuk bit his lower lip as even more tears coming with this words. "I lost you, too. I wanna see you, Youngwoon-ah. I… I didn't feel alive… I need you… I…"


"Su-ah…" Kangin said lovingly. "I'll be back soon. Please hang in there… A little longer. For us… Could you do that?"


"Youngwoon-ah…" Eeteuk broke down and cried almost hysterically. Kangin let him cried, he knew too well that Eeteuk would feel much better after crying. He kept whispering "I know, I love you too", "I miss you too", "I'll be home soon" with the soothing voice of his while his lover, stuttering and choking, told him everything about his life after he left.


"Can I call you whenever I want to talk to you?" asked Eeteuk in a low voice. "There's so much I need to tell you, but I don't know how to contact you…"


"Yah, you can tell me via twitter!"


"Ng? You have twitter???"


"I have one! But none of you fellas following me. I even did mention you many times but you didn't reply! Really…" Kangin sounded annoyed and Eeteuk laughed. "Mianhae, it's just… So much mentions that I couldn't read it one by one…"


"Go follow me back."


"Okay." The eldest smiled lightly. Kangin was still the same, loved to give a direct order even though he was older than him. Kangin still loved him, he was still his, and would always be.



"Have they got there? The adult-talk session?" Yehsung asked Sungmin, who was eavesdropping on their leader's room door. Sungmin gave him a skeptic look and shook his head. "No, Teukie-hyung is pure as gold, not like you Hyung."


Yehsung patted him lightly on the head and turned to Kyuhyun. "Looks like they'll talk all night long, you'll need to leave your phone here, Kyuhyun-ah."


"No big deal." Kyuhyun grinned, and yawned. "I'm sleepy. I wanna go back to my room and sleep. Sungmin-hyung, are you staying?"


"Nope, I'm going with you." Sungmin quickly tangled his arm to Kyuhyun. "Kyu could you piggy back me to our room?" he asked sweetly. Everyone groaned and Heechul gruntled. "Aish… This kid…" but Kyuhyun smiled and got on his knees. Sungmin happily flung his arms around Kyuhyun's shoulder. "Goodnight all!"


"I'm going too…" Eunhyuk rubbed his eyes. "Goodnight all."


"I'm going to sleepover at Hyukjae's. Umma and Appa need time to talk about things." Donghae grinned and jumped, following Eunhyuk outside. "Hyuk-ah waaaait…"


"I'm going to bed, too." Heechul declared. "Shiwonnie you have the full right to use the sofa if you want to."





"Youngwoon-ah you should sleep, it's almost three…"


"No way, no way I'm hanging up. I still miss you."


"You'll never get enough of me."


"Aish… You're right."


Eeteuk chuckled. "You should have a nice sleep even though it's only an hour… We shall meet on your dream."


"Yah… Are you seducing me?"




"What's with that voice? Why did you whisper like that?" Kangin groaned and Eeteuk smiled mildly. "Hang up the call, Youngwoon-ah."


"Teuk…" Kangin said in a low tone. "I love you."


"I love you… Please come back soon."


"I know… I'll call you again, I promise. Take care of yourself, Teuk."


"You too."


As the phone was hung up, Eeteuk tears made its way to his cheeks again, but his smile kept lingering on his lips.




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Chapter 3: In direct kiss! Awww #Minnie is soo jealous and it's sooo cute
hebteuk #2
Chapter 17: Woow teukie's in a trouble now..explain!! Can't wait to read the second sequel:D
there's no yewook so far. :(
but its great story. ^^ thanks for it.
hebteuk #4
Chapter 16: It sounds totally wrong to compare between chul nd kangin on pretty boy! Chul's the pretty boy, but kangin is number 1 handsome man!
But y kangin didn't call?!
yellowcarnivore #5
Chapter 12: Oh my gosh im so relieved that sungmin and kyuhyun are alive and wellT.T
Chapter 3: ooooo I remember reading this in lj kkk