Small Wedding

Kai's Wife!?

At the wedding, I was in the room, getting ready. I was almosted ready, until Kai came in. He helped me clip on the flower. I went to the beach and my friends were the bridesmaids.

I was given the bouquet from my dog, he deserved a treat. So I threw a treat with a blueberry. It was a really small wedding, but we had so much fun with family and friends. My imo and ajeossi came. It was so much fun, I recorded everything with my camera. Kai and I cutted the cake and we shared a piece together.

I fed Kai a cookie, he also fed me a cookie. The wedding was fun, we went on a sailboat to look at the little sea turtles. I got to hold a baby turtle, I named the little seaturtle Yoonji. And Kai named one E.Co. Later, we let them go to their omma. I've known these little turtles when I was a little girl. Kai and I have so many gifts from the guests, I got two baby blankets, a pink one, and a blue one.

After the wedding, my omma and I said good-bye. I had to sing ''Good-Bye Days'' for my omma, but I knew that would be too sad.

Sorry if this chapter is short!

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