
Kai's Wife!?


Kim Jongin (Kai)

~A dancing machine he's embarrassed when he is crying around his best friends. Likes to tease you because he really likes you. Your ''husband''. Follows you around.

Jung Hana (OC) (You)

~Gets teased a lot by your ''husband'' you're his ''wife''. You like to play guitar and write your own songs. You wear glasses when you're doing homework, you like to sing when you're making your songs. Gets bullied by Min Jung.

Jung Eunji

Your best friend, treats you like a little sister, doesn't like Min Jung teasing you. Lives with you and Kai, good at playing piano and making music for you.

Son Naeun

Your best friend, also treats you like a little sister, hates it when Min Jung picks on you. Lives in the same house you and Kai are living. Good at dancing, writes music with you, and good at singing.


Also your best friend, very good at acting, does not like it when Min Jung picks on you.

Your best friend, likes to trick Min Jung and tease Min Jung. Buys ice cream for you and Kai.


Min Jung (OC)


~She's trying to break you and Kai apart, Kai's ex girlfriend. Gets bullied a lot by her stobborness, hates your songs that you play everyday. Your rival, bullies you when you're close to her.



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