Bouquet and Letter

Kai's Wife!?

I woked up, I also found a letter and a bouquet on the porch. My omma and appa were fishing on the boat. I took the bouquet and carefully took the letter off the wedding bouquet. The letter said:

Dear Hana,

We miss you a lot now. I hope we can come to the summer wedding.

Hana, who is your fiancee? We'd like to know.

Please visit us sometime. We bought the bouquet for your wedding.


Imo and Ajeossi

The wedding bouquet and the letter looked like this:

'Imo and Ajeossi,' I thought, 'How did they deliver the letter all the way over here?' I have a family dog, he's a super cute dog. He's grown big and sweet. He probaly delivered it on the porch. This is an adorable picture of my little dog:

Isn't he cute, he's my family dog. Kai's dog is cute too. This is the cute picture of Kai's family dog:

My family dog is smiling in that picture, I like it. I only hope that Imo and Ajeossi comes over to the beach and enjoys the summer air. I look out my window, my little dog is out there playing with Kai's dog. They tackle each other a lot, so I get my treats and throw it out the porch. They just go for it.

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