See you, Kyung soo ah

50 and a half wishes

A few days later during early-autumn, I accompanied soo jung to the hospital to get her regular eye check up. I wanted to check my condition as well, but Jong dae told me he wanted to see my health report. I didn’t intend on letting anyone know, so I didn’t go for it.

Strange, I thought, why would jong dae want to see my health report?

After her check up, we had lunch at the cafeteria. Whenever we walked together in public, I would notice many people would steal a glance at soo jung. Sometimes I could hear people talk behind our backs. "Look at her, she's blind." But me and soo jung didn’t care. We enjoyed hanging out together, and that’s all that matters.

Beside our table, there was a couple behaving affectionately. The girl would call the guy oppa, and I wished soo jung would call me that too.

“We’ve known each other long enough,” I said while nibbling on to my last piece of chicken, “how about you calling me oppa?”

 “How about a no?” she said laughing. “Ok, I will call you oppa if you give me your last piece of chicken.”


“I just ate it!” I exclaimed.

“So I guess I don’t have to call you oppa.” She says as she covers and laugh. I couldn’t resist smiling.

I guess I wasn’t that shy anymore. I was comfortable with her. We could talk about anything. I, who once had an armour up to fend myself away from fake friends, am slowly beginning to drop off my armour, piece by piece, revealing who I really was to Soo jung.

She could see right through me..

                                                                                                           * * * * *


Then I felt that someone was watching me, and I looked around.

Just a few feet away, a petite built guy wearing a suit was standing at that spot behind our table and looking at me.

I took a closer look ---------------------------- k—kyung soo??

I immediately stood up and soo jung was surprised by my sudden actions.

Kyungsoo walks towards our table.

“it’s been a long time, jong in.” he says calmly and looks at soo jung.

“Hi, I’m Kyung soo,” he says to soo jung.

Soo jung nodded gently.

“I need the bathroom. Excuse me for a while,” soo jung says as she stood up and head towards the bathroom using her walking stick. She was tyring not to disturb us old friends conversing.

Kyung soo sat down on soo jung’s seat and I sat down too.

“She had nice manners....ah wait..Do you feel like punching me?” he asked with his hands clutched together.

I shook my head and looked at him in silence. He was referring to the time when I found out he was betraying me.

He offered a weak smile.

“Anyway, I’m going to the States to further advance my medical career there. I saw you eating and I was so surprised. So I just wanted to talk with you for a bit, even if you feel like punching me.”

I shook my head and smiled.

I felt relieved seeing him, and I didn’t feel angry. It was a weird feeling.

“Good to hear you are doing well, “ I said as I put down my fork and spoon.

“You look like you are doing well too.” He said as he leans back.

I looked at him with a curious expression, probing him to explain more.

“You’ve changed. A lot.” He explains.

I nodded. I was aware of the changes as well.

“Did she changed you?” he asked, pointing to a certain direction. I turned and I saw soo jung slowly making her way back to the table.

I nodded again.

“I tried to change you, but I guess I failed. I had a motive. She seems really kind. Now I can saftely say she can take over my position as your tutor, right?” he asked as he slowly stood up.

“I believe she can, “ I replied.

Kyungsoo helped soo jung back to her seat.

“Why don’t you eat with us?” soo jung offered. “I’m sorry, I’m late for an appointment. Thank you.” Kyungsoo replied.

He turned to me and looked at me, smiling. I smiled back at him. All we need was our eyes to convey our feelings.

“See you next time. I’m sorry Jong in. And you were a great friend.”

He said the exact same thing 6 years ago when we parted after our elementary graduation.

I stared at his petite framed back as he dissapears into the crowd.

Our conversation was brief, but that was all it took to calm my unsettled nerves down.

I didn't need any long explainations, or long conversations.

Those nostalgic feelings of when I was spending time with him came flushing my minds.  I smiled as these sweet memories overwhelmed me.The bad things that happened between us dissapeared.

Glad to hear you are doing well.

Glad to see your same usual smile.

We will meet again soon, right?

See you, kyung soo.

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chap 20


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RoyalDream #1
Chapter 19: so that's the truth... I hope Kai will grant that half a wish and setle everything with Krystal :)
FlyXing #2
Chapter 18: oh my, please tell me if it's only Jongin's dream. He actually fell a sleep and had a nightmare ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
RoyalDream #3
Chapter 18: Oh no no no no :< Don't make JongDae die right now! E-eh, make it that the grave is being prapered, but he's alive, please :\ Let the brothers reconsile! And it wouldn't make sense if family died and Kai wouldn't be informed about it :/
kpop_asia #4
Chapter 18: Oh no he is dead
Jongin has a very dark moment
Chapter 18: Jongdae... is... dead...? B-b-but how come? ... oh my god I feel sad. Make him alive again author-nim kkkk.
Chapter 16: Great story! Please update soon ( hehe i know you just updated today opps)! :)
fxkrystal_kpop123 #7
krystal is going to operate I hope she can see well
I´m worried about kai I don´t want that him died
Chapter 15: Ohmygod. Nooooo I don't want jongin hate on soojung. This chapter is making me freak out gosh -_-. But yeah nice update author-nim /wriggle eyebrows/ hihi
fxkrystal_kpop123 #9
Chapter 8: more kaistal moments I´m glad that jongin is become a better man